In tides of sea that lie west of land
Run green and blue where the waters lie
There Turtle swims and the steam runs grand
We sail for fish and the wealth of tide

We sail through sea as we cut through moat
The rudder runs and guides our course true
Yet under hull of our mighty boat
The Beast now glides through the deep dark Blue

It’s maw the size of ten thousand folk
It’s fins, ney wings, we’re as vast as tow’r
It’s massive shell was as strong as oak
It’s deep ice eyes were as rich as pow’r

The Beast shot steam at the Sea Serpent
The creature burned in the scalding cloud
The Beast’s large maw crunched on monsters bent
The serpent sank under thunder cloud

The Beast had won, it had slain the throng
The Beast then, ney, not a beast nor plight
He was a Turtle Dragon most strong
They rule the seas and Aquatias bright
The Turtles fair, glide through blue sea right
They rule their realm and bring peace to tide
Aquatius bright, the haven of light
The Turtle Dragons forever guide.