The Kalashtari, similarly to the Grung, initially broke into Drakomere as refugees, however, as all who break through the barriers, they were picked up by the Agents of the Citadel, and they needed to fight through it, growing more accustomed to Drakomere over time, and eventually fighting through succeeding. They went to live in the Archipelago and Wild-Plains as they felt unwelcome in Drakion. The Kalasthari had to navigate being in a world without their connection to their Quori spirits, so they took advantage of their large expansive minds. Kalashtari initially broke through en masse during the 14th Age.
Ability Score Increases. Your Wisdom Score increases by 2 and your Charisma Score increases by 1.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Kalashtari, and either Archipelagan or Primal.
Adaptable Skill. The Kalashtari needed to adapt to a wholly new world, as such, the time it takes you to learn a new language or tool takes 125 days and costs 1GP a day, as opposed to the standard 250 days, costing 1GP a day.
Expansive Mind. Your inner world allows you to steel yourself against threats invading your mind. You have advantage on all Wisdom Saving Throws and resistance to Psychic Damage as you spread the strain over your entire mental-scape.
Mind Link. You can speak telepathically to any creature you can see by reaching your inner world to its mind, provided the creature is within a number of feet of you equal to 10 times your level. You don’t need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language. When you’re using this trait to speak telepathically to a creature, while you do, it sees visions of scenes from your inner world, if you are in distress or have been heavily injured by psychic damage recently, these might be scenes of destruction and pain, but if you are at peace, they may be scenes of a family of farmers settling down for dinner. You can use your action to give that creature the ability to speak telepathically with you for 1 hour or until you end this effect as an action. To use this ability, the creature must be able to see you and must be within this trait’s range. You can give this ability to only one creature at a time; giving it to a creature takes it away from another creature who has it.
Natural Understanding. The time you spend cultivating your inner world gives you a greater grasp of the real world, you gain expertise in History or Survival, additionally you gain proficiency with Cartographer’s Tools.
Psychic Retribution. When a creature forces you to make a Wisdom Saving Throw or deals Psychic Damage to you, you can use your reaction to deal psychic damage to the creature equal to a number of d4s equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a long rest.
Severed From The Second Ward. In other worlds the Kalashtari would connect to the Plane of Dreams, but Drakomere is separated from this Plane. In Drakomere, during sleep, its denizens connect to the Ward of Bahumat where he vaguely guides dreams for them. The Kalashtari have learned to rest without dreaming, as such they do not connect to the Ward of Bahumat, instead they create worlds in their minds as they enter a trance. You don’t need to sleep, and magic can’t put you to sleep. You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those hours in a trancelike meditation, during which you retain consciousness.