
Draikyaan is the language of the Dragons, Dragonborn, Tortles, Kobolds and other draconic creatures. It is filled with the deep guttural noises due to the deep large throats in Dragons. Draikyaan has an abugida writing system.

Consonant Phonology
Alveolar Post-Alveolar Velar Uvular
Nasal N Ng
Stop T, D K, G Q
Fricative S, Z Zh Kh
Approximant R
Vowel Phonology
Front Center Back
Close Ie
High-Mid Ai
Mid Oe
Mid-Low Aa

Grammatical Rules

Subject-Verb-Object, Noun-Adjective, Postposition, Possessor-Possessed Writing System: Abugida

Suffix Rules

The onset of the suffix' syllable replaces the coda of the final syllable if there are any Possessive Suffix - daazh Possessed Suffix - qaizh (used by the object which is possessed by the subject)


Naakhaangaat = Bahumat, Platinum Father and Keeper of History
Tiekhaangaat = Tiamat, Justice’ Mother and Queen of Vengeance
Saardeekhoer = Sardior, Ruby Council and Wings of Nature
Khoet = Me
Khoedaazh = My
Zhaaz = You
Zhaadaazh = Your
Khaashaaq = Air
Khaagaazh = Creation energy
Draagain = Dragon
Zhaakhaan = Hoard


Khaashyaaq = Wind
Khoeshyaaq = Breath
Khaazhiez = Magic
Khaagaazhnaakh = Bahumat’s Creation Energy, the warm yellow, life-making pulse
Khaagaazhtiekh = Tiamat’s Creation Energy, the cold blue, power-infusing pulse
Kkhaagaazhsaar = Sardior’s Creation Energy, the subtle red, sentience-infusing pulse

Phonotactic Rules


Every syllable must have at 1-2 consonants at the start as the onset, then 1 vowel in the center, and then 0-2 consonants at the end The allowed Onsets are:

N, ng, t, d, k, g, q, s, z, zh, kh, r, Zr, Zn, Sn, Sr, St, Sk, Sg, Sq, Skh, Tr, Tkh, Dkh, Khq, Khn, Kkh, Qkh, Qn, Gr, Gkh, Nt, Nd, Kr, Zhr

The allowed Codas are:

N, ng, t, d, k, g, q, s, z, zh, kh, r, Nt, nd, nk, ng, ngq, rn, rng, rt, rd, rk, rg, rq, rz, rs, rzh, zt, zd, zk, zq, zg, zht, zhd, zhk, zhg, zhq, kht, Ts, Ds, ngs, ks, gs, qs