Abjuration Spells



Level: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Reaction (when a creature that you can see within Range fails on a Saving Throw) Abjuration Artificer, Psion, Cleric, Druid, Seeker, Soul-Binder
Range: 30ft Duration: Instant Components: VSM (a miniature cloak) Arcane, Divine, Primal

You shout words of wisdom to the creature that failed the Saving Throw that triggered the casting of this Spell. You roll a d4 and add the result to the Saving Throw.
When you reach certain Levels this Spell Improves. When you reach 5th Level, you roll 2d4 and add the highest result to the failed Saving Throw. When reach 11th Level you roll 2d4 and add the result of both dice to the failed Saving Throw. Finally when you reach 17th Level you roll 4d4 and add the two highest results to the failed Saving Throw.