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At the end of every Session, every Hero gains 1 Experience Point. An Experience Point (XP) may also be awarded for the completion of character specific goals or backstory development, or furthering the plot.<br>
At the end of every Session, every Hero gains 1 Experience Point. An Experience Point (XP) may also be awarded for the completion of character specific goals or backstory development, or furthering the plot.<br>
Once a Hero gains 3XP, they Level Up.
Once a Hero gains 3XP, they Level Up.
== Magic ==
Eventide will allow for the use of magic systems, with stock rules for a basic hard magic system, called Resonance, and a basic soft magic system. In addition to these, standard TTRPG magic without a system behind will also be provided.
=== Resonance ===
Magic is broken down into three Melodies, each of which is broken up into three Harmonies (nine total), each of which is broken up into three Tones (twenty-seven total). These provide the building blocks and fundamentals of Spells.<br>
The three Melodies are Arcane, Divine, and Primal. Wizards have access to the full power of the Arcane, Clerics have access to the full power of the Divine, and Druids have access to the full power of the Primal.<br><br>
The Arcane is broken up into Evocation, which Sorcerers specialize in, Manipulation, which Bards specialize in, and Abjuration, which Magi specialize in.<br>
The Divine is broken up into Regeneration, which Thaumaturgists specialize in, Divination which Seekers specialize in, and Degeneration, which Warlocks specialize in.<br>
The Primal is broken up into Transmutation, which Artificers specialize in, Conjuration, which Shamans specialize in, and Dynamancy, which Psions specialize in.<br>
Evocation has the Tones of<bR>
*'''Infusion.''' The fundamental and ideal of elemental power.<br>
*'''Kineticism.''' The process of converting energy from one form to another.<br>
*'''Animation.''' The act of granting agency to inanimate objects, ranging from basic movement to full sentience.<br>
Manipulation has the Tones of
*'''Illusion.''' The act of altering one's perception.<br>
*'''Enchantment.''' The act of altering one's thoughts.<br>
*'''Domination.''' The act of altering one's actions.<br>
Abjuration has the Tones of<br>
*'''Negation.''' Defense against the magical.<br>
*'''Protection.''' Defense against the physical.<br>
*'''Contradynation.''' Defense against the natural forces of the world.<br>
Regeneration has the Tones of<br>
*'''Mending.''' Repairing biological tissue and helping injuries.<br>
*'''Vitalising.''' Imbuing vitality and life into someone.<br>
*'''Curing.''' Healing and removal of sickness, poison, and parasites.<br>
Divination has the Tones of<br>
*'''Scrying.''' Seeing another place.<br>
*'''Augury.''' Seeing another time.<br>
*'''Clairvoyance.''' Seeing another's thoughts and intentions.<br>
Degeneration has the Tones of<br>
*'''Decay.''' The addition of wounds and injuries to person.<br>
*'''Wither.''' The removal of vitality and life.<br>
*'''Plague.''' The addition of sickness, poison, and parasites.<br>
Transmutation has the Tones of<br>
*'''Alchemy.''' Transformation of one substance into another, such as yarn into gold.<br>
*'''Fabrication.''' Transformation of one substance into another form, such as a stack of logs into a chair, cabin, or door.<br>
*'''Empowerment.''' The imbuing of additional power and functionality into a person.<br>
Conjuration has the Tones of<br>
*'''Transportation.''' Alteration of something's place in space.<br>
*'''Farcrying.''' Alteration of something's place in cosmology (Summoning creatures or items from other worlds).<br>
*'''Chronomancy.''' Alteration of something's place in time.<br>
Dynamncy has the Tones of<br>
*'''Graviturgy.''' Manipulation of the natural force of gravity.<br>
*'''Magneturgy.''' Manipulation of the natural force of magnetism.<br>
*'''Electroturgy.''' Manipulation of the natural force of electricity.

= Project Istari (Outdated) =
= Project Istari (Outdated) =