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== Stats ==
== Stats ==
Every creature will have six Stats.
Every creature will have six Stats.
*'''Might.''' Might is a creature's physical strength and endurance. A Hero has HP equal to 4 + their Might. HP is the number of Damage a creature can take before suffering a Wound.
*'''Might.''' Might is a Creature's physical strength and endurance. A Hero has HP equal to 4 + their Might. HP is the number of Damage a creature can take before suffering a Wound.
*'''Agility.''' Agility is a creature's ability to finely manipulate objects and accuracy. You gain a number of Initiative Points (IP) equal to your Agility + 1 at the start of each Round in Combat. (There will be better written rules for how Initiative works, but basically you spend your IP, whoever spends the most goes first, and any leftover roll over to the next round.)
*'''Agility.''' Agility is a Creature's ability to finely manipulate objects and accuracy. You gain a number of Initiative Points equal to your Agility (minimum 1) at the start of each Round in Combat.
*'''Speed.''' Speed is a creature's alacrity, expeditiousness, and ability to move. At the start of your turn, you gain an amount of Movement equal to your Speed.
*'''Speed.''' Speed is a Creature's alacrity, expeditiousness, and ability to move. At the start of your Turn, you gain Dash Points equal to your Speed. Dash Points act as Movement Points in most scenarios.
*'''Lore.''' Lore is a creature's learned knowledge of the world. You have a number of Knowledge Points, equal to your Lore, you can spend these Points to learn tidbits of information, and regain them over the course of a Rest.
*'''Lore.''' Lore is a Creature's learned knowledge of the world. You have a number of Knowledge Points, equal to your Lore, you can spend these Points to learn tidbits of information, and regain them over the course of a Rest.
*'''Instinct.''' Instinct is a creature's gained experience of the world and out of the box thinking. You have a number of Reactions every Round equal to 1 + your Instinct, with a minimum of 1.
*'''Instinct.''' Instinct is a Creature's gained experience of the world. You have a number of Reactions every Round equal to your Instinct (minimum 1).
*'''Resolve.''' Resolve is a creature's force of personality and will-power. At the end of a Rest, a creature can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds who's Recovery Conditions it meets equal to their Resolve.
*'''Resolve.''' Resolve is a Creature's force of personality and will-power. At the end of a Rest, a creature can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds who's Recovery Conditions are met equal to their Resolve.

Each Stat starts at 1, you increase and decrease certain Stats based on your Lineage choice, you might also increase certain Stats from your choice of Past. Finally, at the end of Character creation, you increase a single Stat by 2, and three Stats by 1. You cannot increase a Stat multiple times with the same source, for instance if your Might increases from being a Dwarf, you can't use your Free increase on Might, you have to use it on a different Stat.
Each Stat starts at 1, increasing or decreasing based on your Lineage choice. You also increase four different Stats by 1.
Finally, at the end of Character creation, you increase a single Stat by 2, and three Stats by 1. You cannot increase a Stat multiple times with the same source, for instance if your Might increases from being a Dwarf, you can't use your Free increase on Might, you have to use it on a different Stat.

== Stat Increases ==
== Stat Increases ==
Whenever your Hero Levels up, you increase one of your Stats by 1.<br>
Whenever your Hero Levels up, you increase one of your Stats by 1.<br>
Stats have a maximum of 5 at 1st Level, 6 from 2nd to 6th Level, a maximum of 8 from 7th Level to 12th Level, a maximum of 10 from 13th Level to 18th Level, and a maximum of 12 from 19th Level to 20th Level.
Stats have a maximum that will be determined at some point in the future.

== Attacking ==
== Attacking ==
When a creature Attacks, it targets one of the Stats determined by the Weapon its using, it then rolls a die determined by its Weapon and adds a Stat (usually Might or Agility) to the Roll, the target then rolls its Defense Die (determined by its class, armor, etc.) and adds the Stat you targeted. Something happens with the excess the Attacker gets from the target's defense, most likely building up to getting a wound.
When a Creature Attacks, it rolls an Attack Die and adds a Stat determined by the Weapon/Spell/Attack. The Target rolls its Defense Die and adds a Stat determined by the Weapon/Spell/Attack either chosen by the Attacker or the Defender (determined by the Weapon/Spell/Attack). The Defender takes Damage equal to the excess of the Attack total over the Defense total.

== Energy ==
== Energy ==
Every creature has a pool of 6 Energy, which recharges whenever it finishes a Rest or maybe some other time. A creature's Energy pool gains a maximum increase whenever it reaches Level 5, 10, 15, and 20.
Every Hero has a pool of 6 Energy, which recharges whenever they finish a Rest. A Hero's Energy maximum increases by 1 at Level 5, 10, 15, and 20.
== Spells ==
Spells will scale, so that signature spells you get at 1st Level are just about as viable as the new Spells you get at max Level. Spells have 5 Levels, and all spells are raised to the highest Level.

== Checks ==
== Checks ==
When you make a Check, you roll a d10, add the appropriate Stat and other modifiers, and use the result to determine the outcome. Checks are used for things such as jumping over a chasm, sneaking around, or resisting magical effects.
When you make a Check, you roll a d10, add the appropriate Stat and other modifiers, and use the result to determine the outcome.
== Resistance ==
When you have Resistance, such as Fire Resistance, you gain a bonus equal to the value of that Resistance with Checks made to resist effects with that Trait and to Defense Rolls against that Damage Type.

== Die Steps ==
== Weakness and Resistance ==
Certain mechanics increase dice by certain Steps. This uses the following pattern.<br>
Some things give you a Weakness or Resistance to certain Traits, such as ''Fire'' Weakness or ''Fire'' Resistance. Weaknesses and Resistances are always accompanied by a value.<br>
If you have Resistance, you add that value to all Defense Rolls you make against an Attack with the Trait you have Resistance for.<br>
If you have Weakness, you subtract that value from all Defense Rolls you make against an Attack with the Trait you have Resistance for.