Monk: Difference between revisions

3,300 bytes added ,  17:18, 31 December 2022
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! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
| [[Monk#Touch of Death|Touch of Death]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Touch of Death|Touch of Death]] || 3rd || When you kill a creature, you get Temporary Hit Points
| [[Monk#Hour of Reaping|Hour of Reaping]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Hour of Reaping|Hour of Reaping]] || 6th || You can [[Conditions#Frightened|Frighten]] enemies
| [[Monk#Mastery of Death|Mastery of Death]] || 11th || Example
| [[Monk#Mastery of Death|Mastery of Death]] || 11th || When you would die, you can spend Ki Points to not die instead
| [[Monk#Touch of the Long Death|Touch of the Long Death]] || 17th || Example
| [[Monk#Touch of the Long Death|Touch of the Long Death]] || 17th || You can spend Ki Points to deal a bunch of Necrotic Damage
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! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
| [[Monk#Implements of Mercy|Implements of Mercy]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Implements of Mercy|Implements of Mercy]] || 3rd || You get Proficiency with Insight, Medicine, and [[Adventuring Gear#Alchemical Tools|Herbalism Kits]]
| [[Monk#Hand of Healing|Hand of Healing]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Hand of Healing|Hand of Healing]] || 3rd || You can spend Ki Points to replace your Attacks with healing allies, and can do so for free once per turn when you use Flurry of Blows
| [[Monk#Hand of Harm|Hand of Harm]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Hand of Harm|Hand of Harm]] || 3rd || You can spend Ki Points to deal extra Necrotic Damage to the target
| [[Monk#Physician's Touch|Physician's Touch]] || 6th || Example
| [[Monk#Physician's Touch|Physician's Touch]] || 6th || When you use your Hand of Healing feature you can end a bunch a [[Conditions|Condition]] or Disease affecting the target, you can also [[Conditions#Poisoned|Poison]] with your Hand of Harm feature
| [[Monk#Flurry of Healing and Harm|Flurry of Healing and Harm]] || 11th || Example
| [[Monk#Flurry of Healing and Harm|Flurry of Healing and Harm]] || 11th || When you use your Flurry of Blows feature, you can use your Hand of Healing and Hand of Harm features for free
| [[Monk#Heroes Never Die|Heroes Never Die]] || 17th || Example
| [[Monk#Heroes Never Die|Heroes Never Die]] || 17th || You can revive a recently dead ally
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==== Heroes Never Die ====
==== Heroes Never Die ====
''17th Level Way of the Merciful Grasp Feature''<br>
''17th Level Way of the Merciful Grasp Feature''<br>
Your mastery of life energy opens the door to the ultimate mercy. As an Action, you can touch the corpse of a creature that died within the past 24 hours and spend 5 Ki Points. The creature then returns to life, regaining a number of Hit Points equal to 4d10 + your Wisdom Modifier. If the creature died while subject to any of the following conditions, it revives with them removed: Blinded, Dazed, Deafened, Paralyzed, Poisoned, and Stunned. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Long Rest.
Your mastery of life energy opens the door to the ultimate mercy. As an Action, you can touch the corpse of a creature that died within the past 24 hours and spend 5 Ki Points. The creature then returns to life, regaining a number of Hit Points equal to 4d10 + your Wisdom Modifier. If the creature died while subject to any of the following Conditions, it revives with them removed: Blinded, Dazed, Deafened, Paralyzed, Poisoned, and Stunned. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Long Rest.

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! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
| [[Monk#Open Hand Technique|Open Hand Technique]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Open Hand Technique|Open Hand Technique]] || 3rd || You can harry an enemy you hit with your Flurry of Blows feature in a variety of ways
| [[Monk#Wholeness of Body|Wholeness of Body]] || 6th || Example
| [[Monk#Wholeness of Body|Wholeness of Body]] || 6th || You can heal yourself as an Action
| [[Monk#Tranquility|Tranquility]] || 11th || Example
| [[Monk#Tranquility|Tranquility]] || 11th || Your permanently under the effects of the [[Level 1#Sanctuary|Sanctuary]]
| [[Monk#Quivering Palm|Quivering Palm]] || 17th || Example
| [[Monk#Quivering Palm|Quivering Palm]] || 17th || You can start waves in a creature when you hit it with an Attack, and then use an Action either kill or deal a ton of Damage to the target
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==== Quivering Palm ====
==== Quivering Palm ====
''17th Level Way of the Open Hand Feature''<br>
''17th Level Way of the Open Hand Feature''<br>
You gain the ability to set up lethal vibrations in someone’s body. When you hit a creature with an Attack made with a Monk Weapon, you can spend 3 Ki Points to start these imperceptible vibrations, which last for a number of days equal to your Monk Level. The vibrations are harmless. You can only have these vibrations affecting one creature at a time. You can end the vibrations early and harmlessly as a Free Action, or you can end the vibrations as an Action, to end the vibrations in either of these ways you and the target must be on the same plane of existence. If you end the vibrations as an Action, the creature must make a Constitution Saving throw. On a failed Save, the creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points. On a successful Save, the creature takes 10d10 Necrotic Damage.
You gain the ability to set up lethal vibrations in someone's body. When you hit a creature with an Attack made with a Monk Weapon, you can spend 3 Ki Points to start these imperceptible vibrations, which last for a number of days equal to your Monk Level. The vibrations are harmless. You can only have these vibrations affecting one creature at a time. You can end the vibrations early and harmlessly as a Free Action, or you can end the vibrations as an Action, to end the vibrations in either of these ways you and the target must be on the same plane of existence. If you end the vibrations as an Action, the creature must make a Constitution Saving throw. On a failed Save, the creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points. On a successful Save, the creature takes 10d10 Necrotic Damage.

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! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
| [[Monk#Radiant Sun Bolt|Radiant Sun Bolt]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Radiant Sun Bolt|Radiant Sun Bolt]] || 3rd || You can shoot bolts of light out of your hands that Attack and deal Radiant Damage
| [[Monk#Searing Arc Strike|Searing Arc Strike]] || 6th || Example
| [[Monk#Searing Arc Strike|Searing Arc Strike]] || 6th || You use a Bonus Action and spend Ki Points to cast the [[Level 1#Burning Hands|Burning Hands]] Spellcasting after you take Attack Action
| [[Monk#Searing Sunburst|Searing Sunburst]] || 11th || Example
| [[Monk#Searing Sunburst|Searing Sunburst]] || 11th || You can throw a radiant sphere of light that deals Radiant Damage to all nearby creatures
| [[Monk#Sun Shield|Sun Shield]] || 17th || Example
| [[Monk#Sun Shield|Sun Shield]] || 17th || You emit Light, when creatures in this Light hits you with an Attack, you can use your Reaction to deal Damage to it
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''11th Level Way of the Radiant Soul Feature''<br>
''11th Level Way of the Radiant Soul Feature''<br>
You gain the ability to create an orb of light that erupts into a devastating explosion. As an Action, you magically create an orb and hurl it at a point you choose within 150ft of you, where it erupts into a sphere of radiant light for a brief but deadly instant.
You gain the ability to create an orb of light that erupts into a devastating explosion. As an Action, you magically create an orb and hurl it at a point you choose within 150ft of you, where it erupts into a sphere of radiant light for a brief but deadly instant.
Each creature within 20ft of the point you hurled the orb at makes a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ki Save DC. Pn a failed Save, a creature takes 2d6 Radiant Damage.<br>
Each creature within 20ft of the point you hurled the orb at makes a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ki Save DC. On a failed Save, a creature takes 2d6 Radiant Damage.<br>
This feature ignores Cover from material that is not completely opaque.<br>
This feature ignores Cover from material that is not completely opaque.<br>
You can increase the Damage of the sphere by spending up to 3 Ki Points. You increase the Damage of the sphere by 2d6 for every Ki Point you spent.
You can increase the Damage of the sphere by spending up to 3 Ki Points. You increase the Damage of the sphere by 2d6 for every Ki Point you spent.
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! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
| [[Monk#Spellcasting|Spellcasting]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Spellcasting|Spellcasting]] || 3rd || You gain Quarter Spellcasting that uses Wisdom and Learning Spells, usually from the [[Abjuration]] or [[Evocation]] Schools from the [[Shaman Spells|Shaman Spell List]], you also cast these Spells using Ki Points, but get extra Ki Points you can only use to cast these Spells
| [[Monk#Shamanic Magic|Shamanic Magic]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Shamanic Magic|Shamanic Magic]] || 3rd || You learn [[Languages#Elemental|Elemental]] and can use a Monk Weapon as a Spellcasting Focus
| [[Monk#Elemental Attunement|Elemental Attunement]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Elemental Attunement|Elemental Attunement]] || 3rd || You choose a Damage Type that you're really good at using, you chose more as you gain Levels in this class
| [[Monk#Elemental Flurries|Elemental Flurries]] || 6th || Example
| [[Monk#Elemental Flurries|Elemental Flurries]] || 6th || You can use your Flurry of Blows feature when you cast a Spell, and you ignore Resistance to the Damage Type you chose with your Elemental Attunement feature
| [[Monk#Furious Elements|Furious Elements]] || 11th || Example
| [[Monk#Furious Elements|Furious Elements]] || 11th || When you Attack with Monk Weapons, you can change the Damage Type to the Damage Type you chose with your Elemental Attunement feature, and you deal more Damage with that Damage Type
| [[Monk#Elemental Conditioning|Elemental Conditioning]] || 17th || Example
| [[Monk#Elemental Conditioning|Elemental Conditioning]] || 17th || When you deal a Damage Type you chose your Elemental Attunement feature, the target makes a Constitution Saving Throw, suffering a [[Conditions|Condition]] on a failed Save
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! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
| [[Monk#Shadow Arts|Shadow Arts]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Shadow Arts|Shadow Arts]] || 3rd || You can Spend Ki Points to cast a couple Spells, you also learn the [[Cantrips#Minor Illusion|Minor Illusion]] Cantrip
| [[Monk#Shadow Step|Shadow Step]] || 6th || Example
| [[Monk#Shadow Step|Shadow Step]] || 6th || While in Dim Light or Darkness, you can teleport to other Dim Light or Darkness, if you do then your next Attack has Advantage
| [[Monk#Cloak of Shadows|Cloak of Shadows]] || 11th || Example
| [[Monk#Cloak of Shadows|Cloak of Shadows]] || 11th || You can use an Action to become [[Conditions#Invisible|Invisible]] while in Dim Light or Darkness
| [[Monk#Opportunist|Opportunist]] || 17th || Example
| [[Monk#Opportunist|Opportunist]] || 17th || When nearby foes are hit by Attacks from other creatures you can Attack that enemy
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==== Opportunist ====
==== Opportunist ====
''17th Level Way of the Shadowed Heart Feature''
''17th Level Way of the Shadowed Heart Feature''
You can exploit a creature’s momentary distraction when it is hit by an Attack. Whenever a creature within 5ft of you is hit by an Attack made by a creature other than you, you can use your Reaction to make a Melee Attack against that creature.
You can exploit a creature's momentary distraction when it is hit by an Attack. Whenever a creature within 5ft of you is hit by an Attack made by a creature other than you, you can use your Reaction to make a Melee Attack against that creature.

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! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
! Feature !! Level !! Quick Explanation
| [[Monk#Entropic Touch|Entropic Touch]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Entropic Touch|Entropic Touch]] || 3rd || You deal Force Damage to objects and structures, and deal double Damage to objects and structures
| [[Monk#Void Wielder|Void Wielder]] || 3rd || Example
| [[Monk#Void Wielder|Void Wielder]] || 3rd || You can spend Ki Points to deal extra Force Damage on a hit with an Attack, and Concentration Saving Throws made by the target are worse
| [[Monk#Vorpal Step|Vorpal Step]] || 6th || Example
| [[Monk#Vorpal Step|Vorpal Step]] || 6th || When you use your Step of the Wind feature, you can move through objects and creatures
| [[Monk#Degraded Form|Degraded Form]] || 11th || Example
| [[Monk#Degraded Form|Degraded Form]] || 11th || You can spend Ki Points to cast the [[Level 3#Dispel Magic|Dispel Magic]] Spell, you also deal Force Damage to creatures you move through with your Vorpal Step feature
| [[Monk#Avatar of Entropy|Avatar of Entropy]] || 17th || Example
| [[Monk#Avatar of Entropy|Avatar of Entropy]] || 17th || Example
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==== Entropic Touch ====
==== Entropic Touch ====
''3rd Level Way of the Silent Void Feature''<br>
''3rd Level Way of the Silent Void Feature''<br>
You learn to draw upon the power of the void to destroy. When make an Attack using a Monk Weapon against an object, you deal Force Damage instead of your normal Damage Type. Additionally, you deal twice as much Damage to objects and structures.
You learn to draw upon the power of the void to destroy. When make an Attack using a Monk Weapon against an object or a structure, you deal Force Damage instead of your normal Damage Type. Additionally, you deal twice as much Damage to objects and structures.