
Under the cover of darkness, her picks dance through the lock in the blink of an eye with fingers deft from a prior enchantment. 'Only your light can snuff out the dark' were the words that brought her here, guided by her dreams. Recognizing and avoiding the pressure plate immediately behind the door was easier than she thought, infiltrating the manor was the hard part, but she did her best work in the shadows. Sorcery bars the last door between the woman and her prey; a quick word and a gesture and the heretic's barrier spell is ravaged. The burnt bones and stars had shown her his home. The words that guided her blade ringed clearly in her head as she crept towards the heretic's sleeping form. Her knife pulsed with energy, poised high above the false prophet, the spell of silence would handle her next problem.
A dream stirs the elf to waken, "a storm is coming and our quarry’s tracks will be lost" they announce as the hint of clouds begin to form in the east. The group grumbles as they begin to break camp, but know better than to question the visions of their elf companion.
Having built a barricade, the bloodied warrior catches their breath while the harried priest tends to the unconscious mage, the fourth adventurer, as battered as he is, pulls out his teapot. "Is this really the time for that?" the warrior says, a slight tremble to their voice. Lighting a fire, the seeker doesn't look up as he continues to rummage in his bag, "if you prefer to get out of this in one piece, then just keep them at bay, this brew will fix everything." The tea leaves glow with a brilliant green light as the water comes to a boil. A smirk comes across the seeker’s face "I just wish we could see the look on their faces"
To be a seeker is to be on a mission given out by a higher being. Maybe a highling appears in visions or the seeker is able to hear the whispers of a dar aberration, seekers follow a divine path. Although a seeker's mission varies, most commonly they are looking for someone, a person of importance to their cause such as a prophet, or muse. Unlike a paladin or cleric who may follow the tenets of a way of life and lead others in that region, a seeker is given guidance by the world. Through study of subtle signs and interpretation of omens and symbols that most would miss, a seeker's path is laid before them. The tasks that seekers are given may be devoid of how to complete them, thus a seeker must be adept at gathering intelligence. Seekers care not where their information comes from, whether guidance gifted by the divine, the knowledge still held by the dead, or simply by charming those that would otherwise hoard secrets; by any means will they uncover the path laid before them.
A seeker moves through the world with ease, adept at traveling quickly over the roughest of terrain. As such, a seeker needs to be an expert at infiltrating the toughest to reach places; they spring locks, recognize traps, and can work with the tools around them to get past the clockwork mechanisms common to this world. Not nearly to the level of an artificer's mastery over all things mechanical and crafted, but similar to their other skills, seekers use magic to make up for their lack in certain areas.
The skills a seeker possesses are minor compared to what they have trained for. A seeker uses their body as a vessel for empowering magics, allowing their spells to change how their own form functions. Because of this training, they more often rely not on talent, but instead on the use of magic to make up what is lacking. Continuing this line of thinking, seekers often rely on others to get through difficult situations, a wise seeker is aware that they cannot handle every situation thrown their way. Seekers should be able to work well with their fellow companions to accomplish the goals set before them by their patron, as such a seeker's spells lean towards improving their gifts and the group rather than blatantly destructive magics.

Class Table
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Experience Points
1st +2 Spellcasting, Rites, Mavenhood 0
2nd +2 Premonition, Sixth Sense 300
3rd +2 Good Omen, Mavenhood Feature 1,000
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3,000
5th +3 - 6,000
6th +3 Destined Strike, Maven Expertise 10,000
7th +3 Ill Omen 20,000
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 40,000
9th +4 - 60,000
10th +4 Holdfast, Mavenhood Feature 80,000
11th +4 - 100,000
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 120,000
13th +5 - 140,000
14th +5 Mavenhood Feature 160,000
15th +5 - 180,000
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 200,000
17th +6 - 225,000
18th +6 Endless Pursuit 250,000
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 300,000
20th +6 Divine Vision 350,000

Class Information

Hit Dice. 1d8 per Seeker Level
1st Level Hitpoints. 8 + your Constitution Modifier
Higher Level Hitpoints. 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Modifier per Seeker Level after 1st
Armor Proficiencies. Light Armor and Shields
Weapon Proficiencies. Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longbows, Longswords, Rapiers, and Sabers
Tool Proficiencies. Thieve's Tools
Saving Throw Proficiencies. Wisdom and Charisma.
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion
Equipment. A Simple or Martial Melee Weapon with which you are Proficient with, a Simple or Martial Weapon with which you are Proficient with, a set of Leather Armor, Thieve's Tools, an Equipment Pack, and a Trinket


1st Level Seeker Feature
Spellcasting Ability. Intelligence
Spell Save DC. 8 + your Intelligence Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus
Spell Attack Bonus. Your Intelligence Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus
Ritual Casting. You can cast any Prepared Spell as a Ritual if it has the Ritual tag.
Spellcasting Focus. A Holy Symbol or a Trinket
Spell Learning Method. Whenever you finish a Long Rest, you prepare a number of Spells equal to half your Seeker Level + your Intelligence Modifier from the Seeker Spell List. You can cast these Spells using your Spell Slots until the end of your next Long Rest.

Seeker Spell List
Level Cantrips Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st 3 2 - - - - - - - -
2nd 3 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd 3 4 2 - - - - - - -
4th 4 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th 4 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th 4 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th 4 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
8th 4 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th 4 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th 5 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
12th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th 5 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
16th 5 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 -
17th 5 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
18th 5 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
19th 5 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
20th 5 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1


1st Level Seeker Feature
You know how to manipulate magic methodically and carefully. You have a number of Rites equal to your Seeker Level. You can use these Rites to cast Seeker Spells as a Ritual, but only adding 1 minute to the Casting Time instead of 10 minutes. You can cast the following Spells in this way:

  • A Prepared Seeker Spell of 5th Level or lower.
  • An Unprepared Seeker Spell of 5th Level or lower with the Ritual Tag.
  • An Unprepared Seeker Spell of 5th Level or lower with a Casting Time of at least 1 Minute.

When you cast a Spell using Rites, you can cast the Spell at higher Levels, and you spend 1 Rite if the Spell is cast at 1st or 2nd Level, 2 Rites if the Spell is cast at 3rd or 4th Level, and 3 Rites if the Spell is cast at 5th Level. At the end of a Long Rest, you regain all expended Rites.
While casting a Spell using Rites, you can continue the casting of the Spell as a Bonus Action rather than as an Action.


1st, 3rd, 10th, and 14th Level Seeker Feature
You choose one of the Mavenhoods in the table below that relates to the way you best serve the Three and the skills you use to do so.


2nd Level Seeker Feature
Your connection with the divine allows you brief clarity to evade detection or find what others might miss. You can take the Hide, Search, or Recall Action as a Bonus Action.

Sixth Sense

2nd Level Seeker Feature
As a Bonus Action, you can spend a Rite and enter a state of heightened awareness. while in this state, you add a d6 to all Ability Checks and Saving Throws you make.

Good Omen

3rd Level Seeker Feature
You may guide others by studying subtle signs in the Weave. when a creature that can see or hear you fails an Ability Check or Saving Throw, you can use your Reaction to speak a special fortune of Good Omen to that creature, causing it to reroll the Check or Save.
Once you use this Reaction, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest or spend a Rite.

Ability Score Improvements

4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level Seeker Feature
Your skill and strength expands, choose one of the following:

  • Increase one Ability Score of your choice by 3.
  • Increase one Ability Score of your choice by 2 and one Ability Score of your choice by 1
  • Increases three Ability Scores of your choice by 1.
  • Gain one Feat of your choice.

No Ability Score increases or Feat gained from this feature can increase one of your Ability Scores beyond 20 unless stated otherwise.

Destined Strike

6th Level Seeker Feature
When using your seeker powers, you feel as if your hand is guided to better defeat your foes. After you cast a Cantrip, if you have spent a Rite within the last minute, you can either roll one of the Cantrips Damage Dice adding it to the Damage of the Cantrip, or make a single Weapon Attack as a Free Action.

Ill Omen

7th Level Seeker Feature
Your foretelling of harm lets you reduce your injuries. When an Attacker that you can see hits you with an Attack, you can use your Reaction to spend one Rite to halve the Attack's damage against you.

Hold Fast

10th Level Seeker Feature
You've trained your body to withstand certain effects. When an effect would force you to make a Constitution Saving Throw that would have you take Damage on a failed Save or half as much Damage on a successful Save, you instead take no Damage if you succeed on the Saving Throw, and only half Damage if you fail.

Endless Pursuit

18th Level Seeker Feature
Magic suffuses your every step. You cannot be Slowed. By spending 5ft of movement, you can automatically escape being Grappled.
Additionally, if you pass beyond this mortal veil and die, you are brought back from death with 1 Hit Point. Once this happens, you must finish 1d8 Long Rests before you can do so again.

Divine Vision

20th Level Seeker Feature
You are able to forsee how best to serve your deity by choosing a blessing. Choose from one of the following blessings to benefit from:

  • Dragon's Brawn. You have Advantage on any Strength Checks and Saving Throws you make. You also cannot be knocked Prone ness you choose to be, you cannot be disarmed and deal an additional 1d4 Damage on any Attack you make.
  • Fey's Grace. You have Advantage on any Dexterity Checks and Saving Throws you make. Your Speed also increases by 10ft and you take no Damage from falling.
  • Elder One's Endurance. You have Advantage on all Constitution Checks and Saving Throws you make. You also gain 30 Temporary Hit Points.
  • Lich's Cunning. You have Advantage on all Intelligence Checks and Saving Throws you make. You also gain Immunity to Psychic and Force Damage.
  • Angel's Insight. You have Advantage on all Wisdom Checks and Saving Throw you make. You also gain Truesight out to a Range of 60ft.
  • Devil's Charm. You have Advantage on all Charisma Checks or Saving Throws you make. Also you ignore the Verbal and Somatic Components of your Seeker Spells.

Whenever you spend a Rite or finish a Long Rest, you can choose to begin benefiting from a different blessing. When you do so, you stop gaining the benefits from the previous blessing.


Maven of the All Seeing Eye

All Seeing Eye seekers see the world for how it truly is, beyond what most can visualize. Common among this Mavenhood are strange, discomforting eyes which they use to visualize auras, look into crystal balls, and see patterns in burned incense to tell fortunes and read omens.

Maven Spells

1st Level Maven of the All Seeing Eye Feature
You gain Maven Spells at the Seeker Levels listed in the Maven Spells table, as well as a Cantrip. You Know these Spells, always have them Prepared, they count as Maven Spells for you, and they don't count against your number of Prepared Spells.

Maven Spells
Seeker Level Spells
Cantrip Guidance
1st Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Guiding Bolt
3rd Augury, Darkvision, See Invisibility
5th Blink, Clairvoyance, Remove Curse
7th Arcane Eye, Divination, Locate Creature
9th Commune, Scrying, Legend Lore

Third Eye

1st Level Maven of the All Seeing Eye Feature
You have Advantage on Ability Checks made to find hidden traps and doors.
Additionally, you gain Proficiency in Perception and Investigation. When you reach 6th Level in this class, you gain Expertise in Perception and Investigation.

Sight For Sore Eyes

3rd Level Maven of the All Seeing Eye Feature
As an Action, you can touch a willing creature that is Blinded, and end that Condition.

Wandering Eye

3rd Level Maven of the All Seeing Eye Feature
By either spending 1 minute focusing or as an Action while casting a Spell using Rites, you place a hand on an object or surface and create a single eye on the other side of the object or surface. When you create this eye, and as an Action on subsequent turns, you can see through the eye, but while you do this you are Blinded and Deafened to your own senses. The eye can only see creatures and objects within 30ft of it.
Certain materials are more difficult to create an through than others, this eye is blocked by 1ft of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3ft of wood or dirt.

Second Sight

10th Level Maven of the All Seeing Eye Feature
You have Advantage on all Ability Checks you make that rely on sight.
Additionally, at the end of a Long Rest, you can heighten your powers of perception. When you do, choose one of the following benefits, which lasts until you finish your next Long Rest:

  • Tremorsense. You gain Tremorsense out to a Range of 60ft.
  • Truesight. You gain Truesight out to a Range of 15ft.
  • Devil's Sight. You can see normally in mundane and magical Darkness and Dim Light out to a Range of 30ft.

Sight Beyond Sight

14th Level Maven of the All Seeing Eye Feature
You gain Truesight out to 60ft. When you cast Divination Spells that allow you to see other places, or other similar effects, such as the Scrying or Clairvoyance Spells, or your Wandering Eye feature, your sensor has this Truesight, as well.

Cold Reading

14th Level Maven of the All Seeing Eye Feature
As a Bonus Actin, you can visualize a creature's aura, determining its general state of health: Healthy (at Maximum Hit Points), Harmed (below Maximum Hit Points), Bloodied (below 1/2 Maximum Hit Points), Critical (below 1/10 Maximum Hit Points) At Death's Door (at 1 Hit Point). When you visualize a creature's aura in this way, you also learn one piece of information that the DM chooses, some examples of which are:

  • If the target is cursed and the nature of that curse.
  • Which of the target's Ability Scores and Saving Throw Bonus is higher and which is lowest.
  • The highest Level Spell Slot available to the target.
  • A fear, secret, or major motivation that creature has.
  • If the target would be friendly, hostile, or neutral to you if you greeted them in a common fashion.

You can visualize a creature's aura in this way a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier, regaining expended uses at the end of a Long Rest, and you can only target a creature with this feature once, before needing to take a Long Rest to target it again.

Maven of the Bitter Heart

Most often mistaken for witches, due to their penchant for curses and animal companions. Seekers within this Mavenhood use their summoned companions to predict the future such as by staring into their eyes or listening to the chirps and chittering.

Maven Spells

1st Level Maven of the Bitter Heart Feature
You gain Maven Spells at the Seeker Levels listed in the Maven Spells table, as well as a Cantrip. You Know these Spells, always have them Prepared, they count as Maven Spells for you, and they don't count against your number of Prepared Spells.

Maven Spells
Seeker Level Spells
Cantrip Sapping Sting
1st Animal Friendship, Find Familiar, Hex
3rd Beast Sense, Blindness/Deafness, Locate Animals or Plants
5th Alone, Bestow Curse, Speak with Animals
7th Charm Monster, Phantasmal Killer, Shadow of Moil
9th Commune with Nature, Contagion, Insect Plague


1st Level Maven of the Bitter Heart Feature
You gain Proficiency in Animal Handling and one of the following Skills of your choice: Arcana, Medicine, or Nature. When you reach 6th Level in this class, you gain Expertise in Animal Handling and the Skill you chose.


3rd Level Maven of the Bitter Heart Feature
Woe to those that harm you or yours. When a creature that you can see deals Damage to another creature, you can use your Reaction to place a curse on the creature that dealt the Damage.
For the next minute, you know that creature's exact location and the rolls from your Sixth Sense feature are doubled when you are making a contested Ability Check against the cursed creature, or an Ability Check or Saving Throw imposed by the cursed creature.
Once you use this Reaction, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest, unless you spend a Rite to use it again.
Additionally, choose one of the following curses to impart on the target of this feature while the duration of the curse is active:

  • Bewilder. The first Attack the target makes on a turn has Disadvantage.
  • Bleed. The next time the target takes Damage, it takes additional Necrotic Damage equal to twice your Intelligence Modifier.
  • Rust. The target loses all of its Damage Immunities, treating them instead as Damage Resistances.

Wild Hatred

3rd Level Maven of the Bitter Heart Feature
Nature hears your call when you have been wrongs. While a creature is cursed by your Spite feature, you can cast the Summon Beast Spell as an Action without expending a Spell Slot or Material Components. When you cast the Spell in this way, the Spell does not require Concentration, and the Beast is summoned in an unoccupied space within 30ft of the cursed target.
Additionally, when you cast the Spell in this way, you can choose to cast it at a higher Level. If you do, you must expend a Spell Slot of the Level the Spell was cast at.


10th Level Maven of the Bitter Heart Feature
Trust is built through actions, there is great power in being bound to others. As an Action, you can choose a willing creature and bond to it. this bond lasts until that creature finishes a Long Rest. Whenever you cast a Spell, you can choose a creature that you have bonded to. When you do, that creature can use its Reaction to cast the Spell instead. When the creature does this, you expend the Spell Slot required to cast the Spell, but the Spell is cast from that creatures space as if that creature had cast the Spell. If the Spell requires Concentration, that creature Concentrates on the Spell. Additionally, that creature uses your Spellcasting Ability, Spell Attack Bonus, Spellcasting Ability Modifier, and Spell Save Dc for this Spell.
Additionally, You can spend At the end of this ritual, you spend 10 Rites, 10 Hit Dice, and 10 hours performing a ritual. At the end of this Ritual, you immediately cast the Awaken Spell without requiring Components or expending a Spell Slot.

Hag's Hold

14th Level Maven of the Bitter Heart Feature
You may call upon more unusual friends. You can cast any Spell with the word "Summon" in its name at 6th Level as an Action. Once you do so, you can't do so again until you finish a Long Rest.
Additionally, when you would make an Attack against a creature under the effects of a curse you have placed on it, such as the Hex Spell or your Spite feature, you can spend 2 Rites to gain Advantage on that Attack. You can also spend 2 Rites to deal double the Damage of the Attack.

Maven of the Brightened Spirit

Bringers of hope and renewal, the Mavens of the Brightened Spirit help lighten the darkest of times. Although all seekers tend towards darkness to hide their movements, Seekers that follow this Mavenhood focus on supporting the group. In this Mavenhood, many seekers gain their power and divine the future through seeing visions in a burning fire or by attaining a meditative state through energetic activities such as repetitive dances or deep breathing.

Maven Spells

1st Level Maven of the Brightened Spirit Feature
You gain Maven Spells at the Seeker Levels listed in the Maven Spells table, as well as a Cantrip. You Know these Spells, always have them Prepared, they count as Maven Spells for you, and they don't count against your number of Prepared Spells.

Maven Spells
Seeker Level Spells
Cantrip Guidance
1st Detect Magic, Faerie Fire, Guiding Bolt
3rd Augury, Darkvision, See Invisibility
5th Blink, Clairvoyance, Remove Curse
7th Arcane Eye, Divination, Locate Creature
9th Commune, Scrying, Legend Lore