
A Kethie woman strides calmly through a forest glade, smirking as she subtly grips her sheathed blade. She closes her eyes as brigands leap from the surrounding brush. Before they can even shout their demands, the woman's blade makes a wide arc at the group. Each brigand manages to barely dodge her preemptive strike, but their movements suddenly stop as they start to draw their blades. A large wound appears across each of their torsos where her blade had grazed them, and then they slump to the ground.
Atop a grassy plateau, a lone human figure stands in total focus amidst a swarm of hovering spectral blades. Like a masterful conductor, the figure directs the blades to fluidly strike the targets painted on the stones around. With a quiet whisper of pride, the figure recalls the blades before willing them to fall to dust and blow away with the wind.
A battle rages upon a blood-soaked field overlooked by a regal keep. In its center, stands a lone battle-worn minotaur fighting for his life. A pair of hulking spectral arms sprout from his back, allowing the tiefling to wield four axes at once. He charges into a group of soldiers, wreathing himself in flames as the lone figure carves into the enemy line. Each step taken could be his last, yet the tiefling fights with the widest of grins.
Although these warriors fight using a diverse range of extraordinary methods, they are all disciples. Disciples are defined by their mystical fighting styles and the introspective focus that gives purpose to their training. For a disciple, combat is a conduit of self-improvement, and battlefields exist to test the strength of ideals.
The key to a disciple's magic prowess is awareness and focus. Every movement a creature makes causes a small, nearly imperceptible ripple across elements of the weave of magic. Using their ideals as an anchor for their focus, disciples enter a state of utter clarity where they can perceive and read these ripples, ultimately utilizing the power within these ripples—called tempo—to fuel their mystical techniques. As a disciple grows and solidifies their grasp on their ideals, their ability to maintain this focus increases drastically, improving their martial abilities.
A disciple's ideals are represented in their fighting style by the sublime disciplines they follow. While some disciples discover these paths themselves, others learn them from masters of the art. Each sublime discipline holds one ideal above all others, and it serves as the anchor for the tempo techniques of that discipline. As a result, combat using these disciplines is a form of self expression and an opportunity to refine one's philosophy. The danger and rigor of the battlefield provides the perfect situation to test the disciple's focus, their understanding of themselves, and their values.
Because of this predisposition towards experience and conflict, it is rare you'll find a disciple that stays in one place for too long, or subsisting under the yoke of military regulation. They are natural wanderers, and tend to flock towards interesting people that may lead them to greater challenges and adventures. Such people often prove to be worthy rivals and life-long friends for the wandering disciple: the perfect sparks to ignite the flames of inspiration.
To a disciple, survival is often secondary to growth. To that end, you may yet find disciples working as sellswords or mercenaries in an attempt to find new conflicts to test themselves. Each and every fight is an opportunity to push past one's limits, and test not only ability, but also their willpower and determination. The path of the disciple is one filled with decision. Each must decide which disciplines to pursue and which to discard, as the path to perfection is littered with broken philosophies and weak hearts.

Class Table
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Tempo Points Disciplines Known Experience Points
1st +2 Sublime Discipline, Martial Intuition - 1 0
2nd +2 Tempo, Fighting Style, Sublime Discipline Technique 2 1 300
3rd +2 Sublime Journey 3 1 1,000
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 2 3,000
5th +3 Extra Attack, Fast Movement, Alacrity, Sublime Discipline Technique 4 2 6,000
6th +3 Rhythm In Th Air 4 2 10,000
7th +3 Sublime Journey Feature 5 3 20,000
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 5 3 40,000
9th +4 Sublime Journey Feature, Sublime Discipline Technique 6 3 60,000
10th +4 Blind Sense 6 4 80,000
11th +4 Sublime Journey Feature, Sublime Discipline Technique 7 4 100,000
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 4 120,000
13th +5 Imprinted Growth 8 4 140,000
14th +5 Sublime Journey Feature 8 4 160,000
15th +5 Timeless Body, Quick Rest 9 4 180,000
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 4 200,000
17th +6 Sublime Discipline Technique 10 4 225,000
18th +6 Tempo Mastery, Sublime Journey Feature 10 4 250,000
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 300,000
20th +6 Great Mastery 10 4 350,000

Class Information

Hit Dice. 1d10 per Disciple Level
1st Level Hitpoints. 10 + your Constitution Modifier
Higher Level Hitpoints. 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Modifier per Disciple Level after 1st
Armor Proficiencies. Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Shields
Weapon Proficiencies. Simple Weapons and Martial Weapons
Tool Proficiencies. One set of Artisan’s Tools or a Musical Instrument
Saving Throw Proficiencies. Strength and Wisdom
Skill Proficiencies. Choose two from Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Performance, Religion, and Sleight of Hand
Equipment. Leather Armor or Scale Mail or Chain Mail, a Martial Weapon, a Martial Weapon or a Shield, two Javelins, three Daggers, and an Equipment Pack

Sublime Discipline

1st Level Disciple Feature
A disciple's path begins with learning Sublime Disciplines. A Sublime Discipline is a kind of mystical martial art. Each Discipline is centered on an ideal for the disciple to understand and internalize. Choose one Sublime Discipline to learn, detailed at the end of the class description. When you gain certain Levels in this class, you learn new Sublime Disciplines, as shown on the Disciplines Known column of the Disciple table.
Each Sublime Discipline gives you a Signature Art, the foundational technique of the Discipline. You can invoke the Signature Art of a Sublime Discipline you know a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier, regaining expended uses at the end of a Long Rest.
Every Discipline also has a list of Discipline Techniques that require you to reach certain Levels in this class to use, you must meet the Level listed in the italics under the name of the Discipline Technique to be able to use it. These Techniques require you to spend Tempo Points described in your Tempo feature.
Finally, if a Discipline Technique or Signature Art granted by a Discipline, it uses your Tempo Save DC, which has a DC of 8 + your Wisdom Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus.

Martial Intuition

1st Level Disciple Feature
Your opponents' blows radiate a certain rhythm that your body has learned to read. When a creature Attacks you or forces you to make a Saving Throw, you can use your Reaction to learn one of its following capabilities of your choice:

  • You learn if one of its Ability Scores of your choice is higher, lower, or equal to yours.
  • You learn if any of Speeds are higher, lower, or equal to one of your Speeds of your choice.
  • You learn if the target is under the effects a Spell or magical effect.
  • You learn if the target has Proficiency with at least one Martial Weapon.

You can use this Reaction a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a Long Rest.


2nd Level Disciple Feature
You gain the ability to perceive and utilize the power in ambient ripples of the world, called Tempo. Your access to this mystical energy is represented by a pool of Tempo Points. Your Disciple Level determines the number of Tempo Points the pool can hold, which is shown in the Tempo Points column of the Disciple table.
You can spend these Tempo Points to fuel various Discipline Techniques granted by your Sublime Disciplines.
When you take the Dodge Action, you regain all spent Tempo Points.

Fighting Style

2nd Level Disciple Feature
You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options you do not already have:

  • Archery. You gain a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls you make with Ranged Weapons.
  • Blind Fighting. You have Blindsight out to 10ft. If you already have Blindsight it increases the range of your Blindsight by 10ft.
  • Defense. While you are wearing Armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Dueling. When you are wielding a Melee Weapon in one hand and no other Weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to Damage Rolls with that Weapon.
  • Melee Marksman. You do not have Disadvantage while making Ranged Attacks while you are within 5ft of a hostile creature. Additionally, you can make Opportunity Attacks with a Ranged Weapon when creatures within 5ft of you move away from you.
  • Mounted Warrior. Once per turn while mounted, when you hit on an Attack against a Large or smaller creature, you can force it to make a Strength Saving Throw with a DC of 8 + your Strength Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus, on a failed Save, the target is knocked Prone.
  • Shield Warrior. You can use a Shield as a Martial Melee Weapon, dealing 2d4 Bludgeoning Damage. Additionally, if you are wielding a Shield and no other Weapons, you gain a +1 Bonus to your Attack Rolls and Armor Class.
  • Thrown-Weapon Fighting. You can draw a Weapon as part of an Attack made with a Thrown Weapon. In addition, when you hit with a Ranged Attack using a Thrown Weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the Damage Roll.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting. When you use Two-Weapon Fighting, you can add your Ability Modifier to the Damage of the second Attack.
  • Unarmed Fighting. You become Proficient in Unarmed Strikes, and your Unarmed Strikes now deal 1d6 Damage. While you aren't wielding any Weapons or Shields, your Unarmed Strikes instead deal 1d8 Damage. At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage to one creature Grappled by you.
  • Versatile Fighting. While wielding a Versatile Weapon with two hands, you gain a +2 bonus to your Damage Rolls, additionally, while wielding a Versatile Weapon with one hand, and nothing in your other hand, you gain a +2 bonus to your Attack Rolls. Additionally, you can take the Shove or Grapple Actions as a Bonus Action.

Sublime Journey

3rd, 7th, 11th, 14th, and 18th Level Disciple Feature
You choose one of the following Sublime Journeys to represent the personal journey you have embarked upon that shapes your skills and draws you towards certain innate magical talents.

Ability Score Improvements

4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th, and 18th Level Disciple Feature
Your skill and strength expands, choose one of the following:

  • Increase one Ability Score of your choice by 3.
  • Increase one Ability Score of your choice by 2 and one Ability Score of your choice by 1
  • Increases three Ability Scores of your choice by 1.
  • Gain one Feat of your choice.

No Ability Score increases or Feat gained from this feature can increase one of your Ability Scores beyond 20 unless stated otherwise.

Extra Attack

5th Level Disciple Feature
You can make an additional Attack whenever you take the Attack Action.


5th Level Disciple Feature
Your Speed increases by 10ft.

Rhythm in the Air

6th Level Disciple Feature
Your body's familiarity with Tempo allows it to react to conflict even when your mind lags behind. you add your Wisdom Modifier to your Initiative Rolls and you can't be Surprised while you are conscious.


9th Level Disciple Feature
You are able to detect the thin ripples of magic caused by the subtle movements of hidden creatures. You gain Blindsight out to a range of 30ft.

Imprinted Growth

13th Level Disciple Feature
You gain Proficiency in either Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throws (your choice).

Timeless Body

15th Level Disciple Feature
Your Tempo sustains you. You do not age and you cannot be aged magically. You also no longer need food and water.

Quick Rest

15th Level Disciple Feature
Your improved vitality allows you to rest at an accelerated rate. You need half as much time to finish a Long Rest.

Tempo Mastery

17th Level Disciple Feature
When you take the Dodge Action, you can take the Attack Action as a Bonus Action.

Great Mastery

20th Level Disciple Feature
Your growth culminates with you becoming the master of a Discipline. Choose one Sublime Discipline. Whenever you use a Discipline Technique granted by that Sublime Discipline, you regain all Tempo Points you spent at the end of the turn.

Sublime Disciplines

Ardent Lion

No true warrior fights in isolation; their friends, family, and all their allies follow them into every fight. Ardent Lion disciples fight using rallying cries and by utilizing the strength of their bonds to perform superhuman feats in combat.


Ardent Lion Ideal
Your allies are your family, and those bonds are more precious than anything the world can muster. Cherish them and look out for them, for they will make you your best self.


Ardent Lion Signature Art
As an Action, you let out a riveting war cry that sends jolts through the bodies of your allies. All creatures of your choice within 30ft of you can use their Reaction to move up to their Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks. This feature's Range as you gain Levels in this class: You can select creatures within 60ft of you at 5th Level, 90ft at 11th Level, and 120ft at 17th Level.

Warding Strike

2nd Level Ardent Lion Discipline Technique
When you hit a creature with a Melee Weapon Attack, you can use your Bonus Action and spend 1 Tempo Point to instill hesitation within your target. The target has Disadvantage on the next Attack it makes that does not target you before the end of your next turn.

Bolstering Bond

5th Level Ardent Lion Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend up to 5 Tempo Points to bolster yourself and an ally. You and a creature of your choice within 30ft of you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to 1d8 per Tempo Point spent. These Temporary Hit Points last for 1 minute or until you use this Technique again.

Unified Assault

11th Level Ardent Lion Discipline Technique
Whenever you hit a creature with a Melee Weapon Attack, you can use your Bonus Action and spend 3 Tempo Points to call in an assault. Choose one creature within 30ft of you, that creature can use its Reaction to make an Attack against the creature you hit with your Attack.

Fury of the Fallen

17th Level Ardent Lion Discipline Technique
Whenever you see a creature reduce another creature to 0 Hit Points, you can use your Reaction and spend 4 Tempo Points to move up to your Speed and make a single Weapon Attack against the creature that reduced the other creature to 0 Hit Points. If you hit on the Attack, the creature reduced to 0 Hit Points regains a number of Hit Points equal to your Disciple Level.

Coursing Ember

To live life on the sidelines, bored and discontent, is to not really live life at all. Disciples of the Coursing Ember discipline are fiery individuals who follow their whims and passions to the ends of the earth. Coursing Ember techniques involve spreading radiant flames and gliding through the battlefield.


Coursing Ember Ideal
Your heart must burn like the desert sun. Do not live idly and let opportunities pass you by. Be invested in every action you choose to take, and use the fire in your eyes to guide you into the future.

Salamander Charge

Coursing Ember Signature Art
As an Action, you can move up to your Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks. During this movement you can more through a creature's space as if it were Difficult Terrain but you cannot end your turn there. After this movement, you leave behind a wall of fire that is 10ft high and 1ft thick in the spaces you occupied. This wall lasts for 1 minute or until you lose Concentration on the effect. This wall Lightly Obscures vision. Any creature in the wall when it appears, enters the wall for the first time on a turn, or ends its turn there must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a creature takes 1d8 Fire Damage. As you gain Levels in this class, this wall deal additional Damage: It deals 2d8 Fire Damage at 5th Level, 3d8 at 11th Level, and 4d8 at 17th Level.

Searing Lashes

2nd Level Coursing Ember Discipline Technique
You coat your Weapons in searing flames. When you take the Attack Action, you can spend 1 Tempo Point to increase your Reach by 10ft until the end of your turn. Your Attacks deal Fire Damage instead of their normal Damage Type for the duration, and deal an additional 1d4 Fire Damage.

Leaping Flame

5th Level Coursing Ember Discipline Technique
When a creature within 60ft of you deals Damage to you, you can use your Reaction to spend 2 Tempo Points to briefly turn into a wisp of flame and fly to an unoccupied space within 5ft of the creature that dealt Damage to you.

Flaming Stance

11th Level Coursing Ember Discipline Technique
At the start of your turn, you can spend 2 Tempo Points to engulf yourself in beautiful flames. Until the start of your next turn, you are Immune to Fire Damage, and whenever a creature makes a Melee Attack against you, it takes 1d8 Fire Damage.

Bursting Sunspot

17th Level Coursing Ember Discipline Technique
When you hit a creature with a Melee Weapon Attack, you can use your Bonus Action and spend 3, 4, or 5 Tempo Points to cause the target of your Attack to explode in a blaze of glory. All creatures other than you in a 10ft Radius of the target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save a creature takes 6d6 Fire Damage, or half as much Damage on a successful Save. This Radius is increased by 10ft for every Tempo Point you spent above 3.

Diamond Mind

Students of the Diamond Mind discipline are renowned for their ability to remain calm in even the most dire of situations. Combat is an equation to be solved, and it is the practice of the Diamond Mind to understand all of its elements. This view lends itself to a prescient combat style, where the practitioner appears able to act in impossibly short spans of time.


Diamond Mind Ideal
Everything has a cause and an effect. The world may appear chaotic, but a clean layer of order underlies it all. The more you discover and understand this order, the greater a warrior and the more fulfilled an individual you will become.

Quick Draw

Diamond Mind Signature Art
When you roll Initiative at the start of combat, if you aren't Surprised, you can use a Free Action to move up to half your Speed and make a single Weapon Attack which deals double Damage to objects and structures.
When you roll Initiative at the start of combat, if you are Surprised, you can use a Free Action to not be Surprised.

Prescient Counter

2nd Level Diamond Mind Discipline Technique
When you are hit with an Attack, you cause your Reaction and spend 2 Tempo Points to gain a Bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom Modifier against that Attack.

Flicker Step

5th Level Diamond Mind Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 3 Tempo Points to choose a creature within 20ft of you. You teleport to an unoccupied space within 5ft of that creature and make a single Melee Weapon Attack targeting all creatures in a 5ft wide Line from the space you occupied before using this Technique to the location you now occupy. After a creature takes Damage from the Attack, if it has a number of Hit Points equal to or less than your Discipline Level at the end of the current turn, it drops to 0 Hit Points.

Ruby Storm Stance

11th Level Diamond Mind Discipline Technique
When you take the Dodge Action, you can immediately use your Bonus Action and spend 1 Tempo Point to enter a time-slowing stance. Until the start of your next turn, you can't be knocked Prone, or move in any way. While in this stance, when a creature within 5ft of you make an Attack against you, you can make a single Weapon Attack targeting that creature.


17th Level Diamond Mind Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 4 Tempo Points to teleport up to 60ft to an unoccupied space and then make a single Melee Weapon Attack against a creature within Reach. This Attack deals an additional 2d8 Force Damage.
You can teleport and Attack again up to 5 additional times as part of the same Action, but each Attack must target a different creature.

Hero's Charge

The world is full of monsters and those that would exploit the weak. Hero's Charge disciples take it upon themselves to become symbols of hope by bringing down great threats for all to see. The techniques of this discipline focus on refining an indomitable will and bringing the mighty down.


Hero's Charge Ideal
People deserve peace and happiness, and so you take it upon yourself to be a tool for their delivery. Overwhelming odds are a welcome challenge, for you must be a beacon of inspiration for as long as there is a soul left to be saved.

Symbol of Hope

Hero's Charge Signature Art
When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points and at least one creature can see you, you can choose to be reduced to 1 Hit Point instead.


2nd Level Hero's Charge Discipline Technique
When you make an Attack, you can spent at least 1 Tempo Point to instead attempt to topple a creature within Reach. The target must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failed Save, the target falls Prone and takes 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage for each Tempo Point spent. If the target is Large or larger, it has Disadvantage on the Saving Throw and instead takes 1d10 Bludgeoning Damage for each Tempo Point spent.

Blinding Courage

5th Level Hero's Charge Discipline Technique
When a creature attempts to Frighten a creature within 10ft of you, you can use your Reaction and spend 3 Tempo Points to give all creatures within 10ft of you Immunity to the Frightened Condition until the start of your next turn.


11th Level Hero's Charge Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 3 Tempo Points to make a Melee Weapon Attack against all creatures of your choice within 5ft of you. A creature that is Large or larger takes gains Vulnerability to the Attack.

Tyrant's Downfall

17th Level Hero's Charge Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 5 Tempo Points to cause a giant glowing Weapon to appear. This Weapon crashes down in a 60x10ft Cylinder centered on a point you can see within 60ft of you. All creatures of your choice in the Cylinder's area must make a Charisma Saving Throw. On a failed Save a creature takes 5d12 Radiant Damage, taking half as much Damage on a successful Save. A creature that is Large or larger takes an additional 2d12 Damage for each Size step it is above Medium.

Howling Gaze

It is too often that people chain themselves to the earth and become prisoners of a life they never really enjoyed. Disciples of the Howling Gale put above all else the ability to decide for themselves their next path. Techniques of this discipline focus on being hard to reach and pushing back oppressive advances.


Howling Gaze Ideal
Life is but a small breeze, fleeting upon the chaotic winds of the universe. Do not waste it carrying undue burdens that leave you crushed. Lift these burdens from yourself and those around you, and reflect on how much more joyous it is to live free.

Gale Surge

Howling Gaze Signature Art
As a Bonus Action, you whip a wild gust around your body and briefly become as the wind. This effect lasts 1 minute, or until you lose Concentration on it. For the Duration, you have Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws, and when a creature misses you with an Attack, you can move 5ft without provoking Opportunity Attacks.

Driving Wind

2nd Level Howling Gaze Discipline Technique
You can use your Action and spend up to 5 Tempo Points to unleash an Emanated Cone of rushing air. The size of the Cone is a number of feet equal to 10 x the number of Tempo Points spent. Creatures of your choice in the Cone must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failed Save a creature is pushed away from you until they reach an unoccupied space at the end of the Cone.

Wind Scare

5th Level Howling Gaze Discipline Technique
You can use your Action and spend at least 1 Tempo Point to unleash a blade of air forward. Choose up to 3 creatures within 5ft of each other that you can see within 60ft of you, those creatures must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a creature takes 1d8 Magical Slashing Damage equal to 1d8 for each Tempo Point spent, or half as much Damage on a successful Save.

The Wind That Talks

11th Level Howling Gaze Discipline Technique
As a Bonus Action, you can spend 3 Tempo Point to become Invisible. While you are Invisible in this way you are able to move through the space of any creature, as well as through spaces as small as 1 inch gaps without expending additional Speed. You remain Invisible until the start of your next turn, you Attack a creature, or you force a creature to make a Saving Throw.

Tranquil Windstorm

17th Level Howling Gaze Discipline Technique
As a Bonus Action, you can spend 3 Tempo Points to create a 10ft Moving Emanation of whirling air which lasts until the end of your next turn. Creatures of your choice in ignore Difficult Terrain while in the Emanation, and you can impose Disadvantage on any Ranged Attacks that target a creature within the Emanation. If a creature starts its turn within the Emanation, you can increase its Speed by 10ft until the end of its turn.

Mercurial Wolf

How can one truly claim to be living when they adhere to the constraining lines of conventional thought? Disciples of the Mercurial Wolf discipline value spontaneity and change, and as such their techniques involve creating complicated and chaotic situations on the battlefield through illusions and trickery.


Mercurial Wolf Ideal
Stagnation is the enemy of growth, so it is up to you to make sure that the world is constantly changing. Adapt to the situations you bring about, and through that act you will find completeness.

Quicksilver Pack

Mercurial Wolf Signature Art
As a Bonus Action, you create an illusory Duplicate of yourself. This Duplicate lasts 1 minute or until you lose Concentration on the effect. The Duplicate appears in an unoccupied space of your choice within 10ft of you that you can see. A Duplicate has the same AC as you and disappears if it takes any Damage. As a Bonus Action, you can move any one Duplicate created with this art up to 30ft to an unoccupied space you can see. Alternatively, you can use your Bonus Action to destroy a Duplicate and teleport to its space. The amount of Duplicates you creature with this art increases when you reach certain Levels in this class: you create 2 Duplicates at 5th Level, 3 at 11th Level, and 4 at 17th Level.

Mirror Step

2nd Level Mercurial Wolf Discipline Technique
You twirl the world about a creature, disorienting its perception of your position. When a creature moves to a space within 5ft of you or one of the Duplicates created by your Quicksilver Pack feature, you can use your Reaction and spend 1 Tempo Point to force that creature to make an Intelligence Saving Throw. On a failed Save, you can teleport to an unoccupied space within 5ft of that creature, and the next Attack the target makes against you or one of your Duplicates is made at Disadvantage.


5th Level Mercurial Wolf Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 3 Tempo Points to force a creature that you can see within 30ft of you or one of your Duplicates created by your Quicksilver Pack feature to make a Charisma Saving Throw. On a failed Save, you or one of your Duplicates teleports to a space that creature occupies and that creature teleports into the space of either you or the Duplicate that just teleported. You can only use this Technique if there is enough space of either of these teleportations.

Altered Perspective

11th Level Mercurial Wolf Discipline Technique
When a Melee Attack targeting you or one of your Duplicates created by your Quicksilver Pack feature misses, you can use your Reaction and spend 3 Tempo Points to force that creature to repeat that Attack against a creature of your choice within Range of the Attack.

Shifting Sides

17th Level Mercurial Wolf Discipline Technique
As a Bonus Action, you can spend 4 Tempo Points and attempt to alter a creature's perception of the battlefield. A creature of your choice within 30ft of you must make an Intelligence Saving Throw to see through the illusion you foist on it. On a failed Save, the target Dazed until the start of its next turn, and it immediately makes a Melee Weapon Attack targeting a creature of your choice within its Reach.

Radiant Dove

Disciples who learn the techniques of the Radiant Dove have often seen for themselves that the world is one of pain and suffering. However, they are also ones who have chosen to believe in a better world and act in accordance with that hope. Choosing to succor instead of scorn, to forgive instead of fear, these are the martial peacemakers who fight not because they want to, but because they have to. The Radiant Dove teaches disciples to wield the flow of tempo to influence combats toward reconciliation and protect their allies.


Radiant Dove Ideal
Maybe you were wronged. Maybe you wronged another. No matter how the tit for tat of hate and harm first ensnared you, you've discovered that the only real escape is to move beyond and let go. When pain mounts and wrongs fail to cease, you find refuge through giving up all rancor and ire. They can hurt you no longer.

Swords to Plowshares

Radiant Dove Signature Art
As an Action, you blunt a foe's weapons of war. One creature you can see within 30ft of you makes a Charisma Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a creature has a penalty to its Attack and Damage Rolls equal to your Wisdom Modifier for 1 minute or until your Concentration on the effect ends. A creature under this effect repeats the Save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a successful Save.

Olive Branch

2nd Level Radiant Dove Discipline Technique
You can spend 2 Tempo Points as a Bonus Action to offer an exchange of mercy and reprieve. Until the beginning of your next turn, you gain the benefits of the Sanctuary Spell. This effect doesn't end if you make an Attack, cast a Spell that affects an enemy, or deal Damage to another creature.

Forbearance Over Fear

5th Level Radiant Dove Discipline Technique
As a Reaction when a creature within 30ft of you that can hear you fails a Saving throw, you can spend 3 Tempo Points to speak peace to it. The creature adds your Wisdom Modifier to the Save.

The Other Cheek

11th Level Radiant Dove Discipline Technique
You can spend 1 or more Tempo Points as a Reaction when a creature deals Damage to you. When you do so, you gain 10 Temporary Hit points for each Tempo Point spent before you take the Damage. These Temporary Hit Points last until the end of your next turn.

The High Road

17th Level Radiant Dove Discipline Technique
Forgetting the past gives you the freedom to fly. You can spend 4 Tempo Points as an Action to jump into the air. Each creature of your choice within 15ft of you when you do so make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a creature falls Prone and takes 3d12 Radiant Damage. On a successful Save, a creature takes half as much Damage and does not fall Prone. Additionally, until the start of your next turn, you gain a Flying Speed of 60ft and you do not provoke Opportunity Attacks. If you are airborne when you lose this flying speed, you gently descend to the nearest safe terrain below you.

Raven's Gaze

An eye for an eye leaves the world blind, but no wrong ever truly escapes the raven's gaze. Disciples of the Raven's Gaze allow no slight against them or their compatriots to go unpunished. Techniques of the Raven's Gaze revolve around instilling fear in your assailants before bringing them down.


Raven's Gaze Ideal
You have been wronged. If you haven't been, you will be. It is your charge to turn your ire upon those who sought to bring you down, and take from them that which you are owed. They tried to bring you to your knees, but now you are hoisted up by the black wings of vengeance.

Will of the Conspiracy

Raven's Gaze Signature Art
As a Bonus Action, you can force a creature you can see to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed Save, the target's vision and hearing is overtaken by a swarm of ravens. Until the end of your next turn, it is Deafened and perceives the area beyond a 10ft Radius around it to be magical Darkness. If you start your turn outside of this Radius, you can use your Bonus Action to teleport into an unoccupied space inside of it.

Gaze of the Flock

2nd Level Raven's Gaze Discipline Technique
When a creature you can see within 30ft of you deals Damage to you or forces you to make a Saving Throw, you can use your Reaction and spend 2 Tempo Points to force it to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed Save, it is Frightened of you until the end of your next turn. At the end of each of your turns while a creature is Frightened of you in this way, you can spend 1 Tempo Point to force the creature to make another Wisdom Saving Throw. On failed Save, the creature remains Frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Unkindness in Turn

5th Level Raven's Gaze Discipline Technique
You can use a Bonus Action and spend 2 Tempo Points to teleport to an unoccupied space within 5ft of a creature that is within 30ft of you and is Frightened of you. The creature then makes a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed Save, it is Paralyzed form its fear until the end of its next turn.


11th Level Raven's Gaze Discipline Technique
Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with a Melee Weapon Attack, you can spend 1 Tempo Point to force the target of the Attack to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed Save, the target is Slowed and has Disadvantage on Saving Throws against being Frightened until the end of its next turn.

Vengeance of the Swarm

17th Level Raven's Gaze Discipline Technique
A black mist of ethereal ravens surges from you to enact your revenge. When a creature deals Damage to you, you can use your Reaction and spend 4 Tempo Points to cause that creature to lose a number of Hit Points equal to the amount of Damage it dealt to you this turn.

Stone Dragon

Like the plates that shift about the world's surface, you leave a lasting impact on every person you encounter. Followers of the Stone Dragon discipline put great thought that each spoken word and each action belonging to them is not glib. Techniques of the Stone Dragon disciple focus on using the earth to keep you centered, and landing decisive blows.


Stone Dragon Ideal
Expression is a powerful thing that is best not used frivolously. Speak and act when your words and actions further your path, and make sure each word strikes with the impact of a falling boulder.

Dragon Sentinel

Stone Dragon Signature Art
As a Bonus Action, you create a Dragon Statue in an unoccupied space within 30ft of you. This Dragon Statue is a Medium object, and lasts for 1 minute or until you lose Concentration on the effect. This Dragon Statue has an AC of 13 + your Wisdom Modifier, and has a number of Hit Points equal to twice your Disciple Level. It has Immunity to Poison and Psychic Damage, and Immunity to all Conditions. If the Dragon Statue is forced to make an Ability Check or Saving Throw, it treats all of its Ability Scores as 10.
The area within 10ft of the Dragon Statue is considered Difficult Terrain to creatures of your choice. When you create the Dragon Statue, and as a Bonus Action on subsequent turns, you can move the Dragon Statue up to 15ft.
If you summon the Dragon Statue within 5ft of a creature, and as a Reaction whenever a creature moves within 5ft of it, you can cause the Dragon to make a Melee Spell Attack targeting that creature using Wisdom for the Attack Bonus. On a hit, the Attack deals Magical Piercing Damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier to the target, additionally, the target is Slowed until the end of your next turn.

Roots of Earth

2nd Level Stone Dragon Discipline Technique
When you would be knocked Prone, you can spend 1 Tempo Point to hook into the earth. When you do, you can't be knocked Prone or moved against your will until the end of your next turn.

Mountain Hammer

5th Level Stone Dragon Discipline Technique
When you hit a creature with a Melee Weapon Attack, you can spend 2 Tempo Points to embed it into a fissure below it. The target must make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failed Save, the target is knocked Prone. If the target is already Prone, it is Restrained until the end of its next turn.


11th Level Stone Dragon Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 3 Tempo Points to Petrify yourself until the start of your next turn. While Petrified in this way, all Damage you take is halved, and your form can't be changed by any means. Additionally, the earth around your feet attempts to encase those around you. Each creature within 15ft of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a creature is Restrained until the end of your next turn.

Breath of Ages

17th Level Stone Dragon Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 5 Tempo Points to exhale an eroding mist that originates from either you or your Dragon Sentinel. All creatures in a 60ft Emanated Cone, which spreads around corners, must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a creature's body becomes heavy and sluggish until the end of your next turn, causing it to become Slowed and Dazed. When you hit a creature either Slowed or Dazed in this way, you can cause it to become Petrified until the end of your next turn.

Titan Fury

The path of the warrior is full of rivals and obstacles. Followers of the Titan Fury discipline make it their goal to shatter the competition and make it clear that their power is absolute. Techniques of the Titan Fury discipline focus on demolishing the weak and cowardly and ripping through attempts at stopping your advance.


Titan Fury Ideal
It is not enough to merely defeat your enemies; you must overcome them and demonstrate the gap in your abilities. You must prove to yourself and to the world that your might is unrivaled.

Blood of the Ancients

Titan Fury Signature Art
As a Bonus Action, you can bolster your form. When you do, you gain Temporary Hit Points equal to your Wisdom Modifier + half your Disciple Level, which last for 1 minute. While you have these Temporary Hit Points, you add half your Wisdom Score (rounded up) to any Strength Check you make.
When you reach 5th Level in this class, while you have these Temporary Hit Points, your Size gores to Large if you are not already Large or larger. Your equipment grows to match your new size. If there isn't enough room to grow to Large, you grow to the maximum Size possible with the space available.

Power Overwhelming

2nd Level Titan Fury Discipline Technique
When you hit on a Melee Weapon Attack, you can use your Bonus Action and spend up to 5 Tempo Points. the target of the Attack is pushed 5ft away from you for each Tempo Point spent.
If this movement would force the target to impact a creature, object, or structure, both the creature and the creature, object, or structure it impacted with takes 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage for every 5ft of movement remaining to be pushed.

Cull the Meek

5th Level Titan Fury Discipline Technique
Those who seek to mar you without facing you deserve a swift punishment. When a creature you cannot see hits you with a Melee Attack, or a creature hits you with a Ranged Attack, you can use your Reaction and spend 3 Tempo Points to reduce the Damage dealt by 1d10 + your Wisdom Modifier, the creature then makes a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed Save, the target takes Psychic Damage equal to the amount you reduced the Damage by.

Titan's Will

11th Level Titan Fury Discipline Technique
At the start of your turn, you can spend 4 Tempo Points to remove one of the following Conditions: Blinded, Charmed, Dazed, Deafened, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Poisoned, Slowed, or Stunned.

Arduos Wrath

17th Level Titan Fury Discipline Technique
As an Action, you can spend 4 Tempo Points to slam into the earth. Every creature of your choice in a 30ft Emanation Cone must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a creature is Stunned for 1 minute.

Sublime Journeys

Journey of the Blade Dancer

A single swing of the blade is often more than it appears, and this is especially true for a disciple that follows the Journey of the Blade Dancer. Blade Dancers are disciples whose bodies have all but merged with the ripples around them. Their newfound magical senses drive them to seek out flexibility in the execution of their steps and techniques. Their precise, sweeping motions cut into the fabric of magic itself, infusing them with supernatural acrobatic ability and elegance in battle.

Blade Dance

3rd Level Journey of the Blade Dancer Feature
Your strikes are followed by magical ripples that echo your intent. Whenever you miss on a Melee Weapon Attack you can deal Force Damage to the target of the Attack equal to your Wisdom Modifier.
Additionally, if you make a Melee Attack against a creature, that creature can’t make Opportunity Attacks against you until the start of your next turn.


3rd Level Journey of the Blade Dancer Feature
You gain Proficiency in Performance and you add your Wisdom Modifier to your Performance Checks.


7th Level Journey of the Blade Dancer Feature
You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area effects. When an effect would force you to make a Dexterity Saving Thrown that would have you take Damage on a failed Save or half as much Damage on a successful Save, you instead take no Damage if you succeed on the Saving Throw, and only half Damage if you fail.
Additionally, if you take no Damage due to a successful Save and the effect has an area, you can move out of that area without expending movement or provoking Opportunity Attacks.


11th Level Journey of the Blade Dancer Feature
You add your Wisdom Modifier to the Damage Rolls of your Melee Weapon Attacks.
Additionally, you can take the Dash Action as a Bonus Action.

Rushing Agility

14th Level Journey of the Blade Dancer Feature
Your mastery of the weight of your body allows you to defy natural limitations. When you Jump, you can use your remaining Speed to determine the maximum distance, you can also Jump your full distance without needing a running start.
Additionally, You gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during your move.
You can also take the Dodge Action as a bonus Action. You can take this Bonus Action a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Free Stride

18th Level Journey of the Blade Dancer Feature
You are permanently under the effects of the Freedom of Movement Spell. You use Wisdom as your Spellcasting Ability for the Spell.

Journey of the Collector

Most often the Journey of the Collector begins with a recurrent dream of an infinite field littered with weaponry from across the ages. Within this space you are free to use and manipulate, form and reform the weaponry and landscape as you see fit, perpetually in pursuit of the perfect arsenal. This dream repeats, becoming more and more lucid until you awaken amidst a cloud of flying armaments that flow along to your whims, and from that day each weapon you touch, and each alteration you make in your dreams, will reflect in your control over your magical arsenal.

Bound Arsenal

3rd Level Journey of the Collector Feature
You learn to call upon an Arsenal of Weapons you store within your mind. You must bind Weapons to yourself in order to call upon them. If you hold a Weapon and meditate for 1 hour, which can be done during a Short or Long Rest, you can bind the Weapon to your Arsenal, causing it to disappear into an extradimensional space.
When you summon your Arsenal with your Conjure Weapons feature, this Weapon is summoned within it while it is bound to you.
You can have a number of Weapons bound in this way equal to your Wisdom Modifier + your Disciple Level. A weapon becomes unbound 24 hours after you die or you unbind it as an Action, causing it to appear at your feet. Sentient Weapons must agree to be bound, and can choose to unbind themselves at any point.

Conjure Weapons

3rd Level Journey of the Collector Feature
You can conjure or dismiss your Arsenal of bound Weapons, which hover in your space and can easily be reached, as a Bonus Action. The Weapons that are part of this Arsenal deal Force Damage instead of their normal Damage Type, and gain the Thrown (20/60). Whenever you throw an Arsenal Weapon it immediately returns to your space after the attack.
Whenever you make a Weapon Attack and are not wielding any Weapons or Shields, you can mentally direct a single Weapon in your Arsenal to Attack if you were wielding with one or two hands (your choice).
When you conjure your Arsenal, and as a Bonus Action on subsequent turns while the Arsenal is summoned, you can choose one of the following formations for the Weapons to take:

  • Assault. Your Arsenal poises to Attack. Ranged Attacks made with your Arsenal do not suffer Disadvantage due to attacking at Long Range or from being within 5ft of a hostile creature. Your Attacks made with your Arsenal ignore 1/2 and 3/4 Cover.
  • Storm. Your Arsenal becomes a chaotic flurry. The area within 5ft of you becomes Difficult Terrain to all creatures of your choice.
  • Ward. Your Arsenal forms a protective barrier. The first time you take Damage on a turn, it is reduced by an amount equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

Blade Affinity

7th Level Journey of the Collector Feature
You can read into a Weapon's history through mere touch. Over the course of 1 minute, you can analyze a Weapon you are holding. At the end of the minute, you glean one of the following pieces of information (DM's choice):

  • A clear picture of the Weapon's last wielder as it drew the Weapon for combat.
  • A glimpse of a magical ability the last wielder of the Weapon used while wielding the Weapon.
  • Whether the last wielder used the Weapon with malicious, honorable, protective, or some other form of intent.
  • A glimpse of the last creature felled by this Weapon.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a Long Rest. Once you use this feature to analyze a Weapon, you can't use it again until it has been used to make an Attack in combat targeting a hostile creature that can retaliate.

Ultimate Arsenal

11th Level Journey of the Collector Feature
At 11th level, both your control and the quality of your arsenal have heightened, causing your formations to improve: Assault. Any attack made with weapons from your arsenal deals an additional 1d8 damage. Storm. The weapons expand into the area within 15 feet of you instead of 5 feet. Ward. The damage is reduced by twice your Wisdom modifier instead (minimum of 2).

Conjured Body

14th Level Journey of the Collector Feature
You have learned how to merge your body with your Arsenal, embedding within you its fluid movement. While you have your Arsenal conjured, you gain a Flying Speed equal to your Walking Speed.

Dream Gate

18th Level Journey of the Collector Feature
You can bring out the full force of your arsenal in an instant. As an Action, you create a visage of your field behind you and conjure 100 Weapons all around you. Choose any number of creatures within 120ft of you, and dedicate 100 Projectiles among them, a creature can only be dedicated to 10 Projectiles. All chosen creatures must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save a creature takes 1d8 Force Damage for each Projectile dedicated to it, or half as much Damage on a successful Save. These Weapons disappear at the end of your turn.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a Long Rest.

Journey of the Rider

Some Disciples feel a strong connection to the Tempo of certain animals, often used as mounts, like horses, camels, llamas, donkeys, or the occasional dragon. Through the connection of this Tempo, these Disciples bond with a mount which they attune to and become one with.


3rd Level Journey of the Rider Feature
You begin to learn to tie yourself to the mounts of the world. At the end of a Long Rest, you can non-magically replicate the effects of the Find Steed Spell.
Additionally, when you replicate the Spell in this way, you can also summon one of the following creatures: Axe-Beak, Cow, Crocodile, Giant Goat, Giant Lizard, Giant Snail, Hadrosaurus, Hippocamp, Jaculi, Riding Horse, Walrus, Warhorse Skeleton, Worg.

One with the Steed

3rd Level Journey of the Rider Feature
You boom win tune with the creatures you are riding. You gain the following benefits while riding a mount:

  • You have Advantage on Saving Throws made to avoid falling off your mount. If you fall off your mount and descend no more than 10ft, you do not fall Prone if you aren't Incapacitated.
  • Mounting or dismounting a creature costs you only 5ft of movement, rather than half your Speed.
  • Whenever you begin riding a mount, you can cause it to gain a number of Maximum Hit Points equal to twice your Disciple Level for the next 8 hours or until you give these Maximum Hit Points to a different mount.
  • You can communicate telepathically with the mount for the next 24 hours. It can respond to you telepathically as if it had an Intelligence Score of 8 for the same Duration unless its Intelligence is higher.

Defensive Rhythm

7th Level Journey of the Rider Feature
While you are riding a mount, you gain the following benefits:

  • The mount gains a bonus to its AC equal to your Wisdom Modifier.
  • You gain a bonus to your AC equal to the mount's Wisdom Modifier
  • When you are hit by a Melee Attack, the mount can use its Reaction to make an Attack against the creature that hit you with the Attack.
  • When the mount is hit by a Melee Attack, you can use you Reaction to make an Attack against the creature that hit the mount with the Attack.

From the Horseback to the Sky

14th Level Journey of the Rider Feature
When you finish a Long Rest, you can instead replicate the effects of the Find Greater Steed Spell. When you do you gain the following list of creatures that you can also summon: Allosaurus, Ankheg, Auroch, Axe-Beak, Brown Bear, Camel, Carrion Crawler, Cave Bear, Cow, Crag Cat, Crocodile, Dinosaur Skeleton, Dragonnel, Elk, Female Steeder, Gelatinous Cube, Giant Boar, Giant Constrictor Snake, Giant Crayfish, Giant Eagle, Giant Elk, Giant Goat, Giant Hyena, Giant Lizard, Giant Octopus, Giant Snail, Giant Spider, Giant Strider, Giant White Moray Eel, Hadrosaurus, Hippocamp, Hunter Shark, Ice Spider Queen, Jaculi, Lion, Mastiff, Moorbounder, Plesiosaurus, Pony, Quetzalcoatl, Riding Horse, Sabre-Tooth Tiger, Skyjek Roc, Star Lancer, Tiger, Two-Headed CrocodileWalrus, Warhorse, Warhorse Skeleton, Worg.

When you summon a Steed with the Find Steed or Find Greater Steed Spells, or similar effects, you can give the mount gains a Flying, Swimming, or Climbing Speed (your choice) equal to its Walking Speed. Additionally, mounts you summon in this way can breathe both air and water.

Unrivaled Haste

18th Level Journey of the Rider Feature
Your connection to your mounts has expanded to a great intensity. While you are riding a mount, you and the mount gain the benefits of the Haste Spell.

Journey of the War God

A disciple who follows the Journey of the War God is unmistakable on the battlefield by the manifestation of their soul fighting alongside them, often taking the form of spectral arms or a looming figure at their back. The influence of tempo can reach further than most would think; after all, everything moves, even your own spirit.
Disciples that define themselves by intense emotions, or a need to prove their own self worth, can develop a sensitivity to the movements of their soul. After enough time, the disciple gains the ability to summon and wield this element of their soul in combat. Legends speak of disciples that attain definite control, and ultimately learn to harness the divine spark that resides within them.

Spirit of the War God

3rd Level Journey of the War God Feature
Your passion can call forth the part of your soul that revels in the glory of battle. As a Bonus Action or when you roll Initiative, you can manifest or dismiss two spectral arms that are connected to your upper body. When summoned, and as a Free Action on subsequent turns, each arm can perform an Object Interaction. You can control these arms easily, and they act just like your other arms.
As an Action, you can make a single Attack with each Melee Weapon you and your spectral arms are wielding. You don't add your Ability Modifier to the Damage of these Attacks.
When you reach 5th Level in this class, you add your Ability Modifier to up to two of the Damage Rolls of the Attacks made with this feature. When you reach 11th Level in this class, you add your Ability Modifier to all of the Damage Rolls of the Attacks made with this feature.

Cosmic Presence

7th Level Journey of the War God Feature
Your connection to your inner self has granted you greater presence. You can make a Wisdom (Intimidation) Check in place of a Strength or Charisma (Intimidation) Check, and you can make a Wisdom (Persuasion) Check in place of a Charisma (Persuasion) Check.
Additionally, as an Action, you can amplify your presence a hundred fold. Creatures of your choice within 60ft of you must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Tempo Save DC. On a failed Save, a creature becomes aware of your presence, and you have Advantage on all Wisdom and Charisma Checks made against those creatures.
You can use this Action a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expending uses at the end of a Long Rest.

Encroaching Omniscience

11th Level Journey of the War God Feature
Your soul becomes your vigil, as the shapes of faces can be traced around your head. Whenever you make an Attack as a part of a Reaction, you can make an additional Attack with one of your spectral arms created by your Spirit of the War God feature.
Additionally, once per turn when you miss on a Weapon Attack, you can make an additional Weapon Attack with a Weapon being wielded by your spectral arms as a Free Action.

Lens of Truth

14th Level Journey of the War God Feature
Your sight ascends towards the sight of the Three, giving you Truesight out to a Range of 120ft.

Shard of Divinity

18th Level Journey of the War God Feature
You have fully reconnected with your soul, unlocking the divine power within it. You gain Resistance to Damage dealt by Weapon Attacks. Additionally, Damage you deal with Weapon Attacks or Discipline Techniques ignore Resistance and Immunity.
You no longer suffer the frailties of old age, your soul cannot be stolen, trapped, or destroyed, and you cannot be raised as an undead if you are not willing apart from divine intervention.