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= Past =
= History =
Your Past is the history of your character, such as being touched by magic, defending your home from bandits, working as a blacksmith, a soldier, or being imprisoned.<br>
Your History is the legacy of your character, such as being touched by magic, defending your home from bandits, working as a blacksmith, a soldier, or being imprisoned.<br>
The GM determines how many History Points each Hero in the campaign has at Level 1 (usually 5).<br>
The GM determines how many History Points each Hero in the campaign has at Level 1 (usually 5).<br>
[If a Past costs 1 Point, it generally gives a Lore and a Skill. If a Past costs 2 Points, it generally gives a Lore, Skill, and Stat increase. If a Past costs 3 Points, it generally gives a Lore, Skill, Stat increase, and ability. These can be adjusted to give abilities instead of the numerical increases, though one should never give two stat increases, and the ability should encapsulate all of the stuff it gives, it should not give more. A Skill or Lore can be swapped out with a Language. They might also give a drawback]]
[If a Past costs 1 Point, it generally gives a Lore and a Skill. If a Past costs 2 Points, it generally gives a Lore, Skill, and Stat increase. If a Past costs 3 Points, it generally gives a Lore, Skill, Stat increase, and ability. These can be adjusted to give abilities instead of the numerical increases, though one should never give two stat increases, and the ability should encapsulate all of the stuff it gives, it should not give more. A Skill or Lore can be swapped out with a Language. They might also give a drawback]]
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[Ideas: Stood up to Bully, Fought a Ghost, Found Missing Person, Discover Lost Library, Tragic Loss, Mysterious Murder, Invention, Inspire Crowd, Hunter, Farmer, Apprentice, Beggar, Outlander, Conscript, Acolyte, Pickpocket, Sailor, Merchant, Settler, Squire, Student, Wrongful Imprisonment, Conscription, Student, Acolyte, Scholar, Enslaved, City Guard]
[Ideas: Stood up to Bully, Fought a Ghost, Found Missing Person, Discover Lost Library, Tragic Loss, Mysterious Murder, Invention, Inspire Crowd, Hunter, Farmer, Apprentice, Beggar, Outlander, Conscript, Acolyte, Pickpocket, Sailor, Merchant, Settler, Squire, Student, Wrongful Imprisonment, Conscription, Student, Acolyte, Scholar, Enslaved, City Guard]
= Destiny =
==== Primal Paragon ====
''2 Points''<br>
''You have always had an affinity for the natural, and you are destined to become one with it.'' Yor Wit increases by 1. When you make a succesful Check in relation to animals or plants, whether it be recalling the type of plant, calming a ravenous beast, or something of the sort, you gain 1 Fate.
[Ideas: People's Champion, Intrepid Explorer, Draconic Heritage/Heir, Famous Performer, One With Nature, Famed Scholar, Force of Darkness, Master of Whispers, Hand of Vengeance, Paragon of Light, Archmage, Warlord, Hand of Fate, Heir to the Throne, Glorious Hero, Cunning Villain, Wise Master, Regicide]

= Wounds =
= Wounds =
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''2nd Level Rogue Feature''<br>
''2nd Level Rogue Feature''<br>
''Every Rogue uses their own set of tools, making no two Rogues the same.'' Choose 2 Rogue Knacks to gain.
''Every Rogue uses their own set of tools, making no two Rogues the same.'' Choose 2 Rogue Knacks to gain.
=== Rogue Knacks ===
''Fluff'' [Ideas: Uncanny Dodge, Steady Aim, Thieve's Cant]
==== Steady Aim ====
'' Rogue Knack''<br>
''You can steady your breath and body to shoot a shot true.'' You can spend 1 Action to increase the Die Size of all Ranged Attacks you make until the start of your next Turn.

= Savant =
= Savant =
You smart.

= Seeker =
= Seeker =
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==== Divine Spells ====
==== Divine Spells ====
''1st Level Divine Bloodline Feature''<br>
''1st Level Divine Bloodline Feature''<br>
You gain the following Spell.
You gain one of the following Spells.
*'''Mend Wounds.''' ''Magic. Spell. Single-target. Positive. Healing.'' You can spend 1 Action and choose an Ally within your Reach, it then regains 1d6 HP. You can also spend 1 Energy to allow that creature to attempt to Recover from one of its Wounds.
*'''Mend Wounds.''' ''Magic. Spell. Single-target. Positive. Healing.'' You can spend 1 Action and choose an Ally within your Reach, it then regains 1d6 HP. You can also spend 1 Energy to allow that creature to attempt to Recover from one of its Wounds.
==== Storming Bloodline ====
==== Soul of the Winds ====
''1st Level Storming Bloodline Feature''<br>
''Fluff.'' You gain Environment Resistance 2, you learn Elemental, and you when you take Lightning Damage, your Defense Die increases by 2 Steps until the end of your next Turn.
==== Storming Spells ====
''1st Level Storming Bloodline Feature''<br>
You gain 1 of the following Spells:
*'''Conjure Tempest.''' ''Magic. Spell. Single-target. Environment.'' You can spend 2 Actions to create a raging tempest that surrounds you, emanating out to a Range of 3 Meters and lasts for 1 Hour. This area is Difficult Terrain, and all Creature's in the area have their Defense Die increased by 1 Step. You can also spend 1 Action while the tempest is active to call a lightning bolt, targeting a Space in the tempest, all Creatures within 1 Meter of that Space takes 1 Damage, and a Creature in the Space takes 1d8 Damage (Defended by Might or Wit, Target's choice). You can also spend Energy up to your Resolve to increase the Range of this tempest by 1 Space for each Energy spent.

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! Summoner Bone !! Complexity Level !! Bond Description
! Summoner Bond !! Complexity Level !! Bond Description
| Bond of Beasts || Example || Example
| Bond of Beasts || Example || Example
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== Summoner Bonds ==
=== Bond of Undeath ===
You summon zombies.
==== Summon Undead ====
''1st Level Bond of Undeath Feature.''
''Death answers your call and you can manipulate it.'' You can spend 3 Actions while adjacent to a corpse to animate it as either a Zombie or a Skeleton which you command. You can have a number of these under your control at any given time equal to your Resolve. As a Free Action, you can release any Zombie or Skeleton under your control from this feature, causing it to act as a standard zombie.
==== Body Block ====
''1st Level Bond of Undeath Feature.''
''You can literally have your zombies body-block for you.'' When a Creature is targeted by an Attack or Feature, if that Creature is adjacent to one of the Zombies or Skeletons under your control from your Summon Undead feature, you can spend 1 Reaction to cause that Attack or Feature to target that Zombie or Skeleton instead.

= Swashbuckler =
= Swashbuckler =
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''1st Level Wizard Feature''<br>
''1st Level Wizard Feature''<br>
''SPELL.'' Choose 4 of the following Spells.<br>
''SPELL.'' Choose 4 of the following Spells.<br>

==== Wizard School ====
==== Wizard School ====