Project Istari: Difference between revisions

3,903 bytes added ,  22:49, 16 February 2023
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feline, vulpine, Ursan

==== Natural Armaments ====
==== Natural Armaments ====
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==== Forgeborne ====
==== Forgeborne ====
''Dwarven Kin''<br>
''Dwarven Kin''<br>
''Your ancestors worked as smiths in powerful volcanoes and the fires within entangle with your beard.'' You gain Resistance 2 to Fire Damage.
''Your ancestors worked as smiths in powerful volcanoes and the fires within entangle with your beard.'' You gain Fire Resistance 2.

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| Dwarf, Level 1 || N/A || Auditory, Dwarf, Musical || 1
| Dwarf, Level 1 || N/A || Auditory, Dwarf, Musical || 1
''You have memorized and practiced the ancient songs to sing with your brethren.'' You can spend 1 Energy for you and all willing Allies can sing a hearty song. After 1 Hour of this singing, all those who participated in this can try to recover from a Creeping Fear who's Recovery Conditions are met. When making this Recovery Check, a Creature can make a Check, adding the number of Creatures that participated in the song instead of using a Recovery Stat.
''You have memorized and practiced the ancient songs to sing with your brethren.'' You can spend 1 Energy for you and all willing Allies can sing a hearty song. After 1 Hour of this singing, all those who participated in this can try to Recover from a Creeping Fear who's Recovery Conditions are met. When making this Recovery Check, a Creature can make a Check, adding the number of Creatures that participated in the song instead of using a Recovery Stat.

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''You've learned techniques first devised by your ancestors during their ancient wars, allowing you to comfortably wear massive suits of armor.'' You ignore the Movement reduction from any Armor you wear, and you reduce your Movement by 1 less whenever your Movement is reduced.
''You've learned techniques first devised by your ancestors during their ancient wars, allowing you to comfortably wear massive suits of armor.'' You ignore the Movement reduction from any Armor you wear, and you reduce your Movement by 1 less whenever your Movement is reduced.
==== Blazing Hands ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Forgeborne, Dwarf, Level 1 || 2 || Dwarf || 1
''You have learnt to tame some of the flames from your blazing home.'' You can spend 2 Actions and 1 Energy to invest flaming energy into an Item you are holding. The chosen Item gains the Fire Trait, it produces Light out to 10 Meters, and if it is a Weapon, you add a d6 to the Damage Roll.
==== Ancient Power ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Longbeard, Dwarf, Level 1 || 2 || Dwarf, Rune || 1
''You can tap into the ancient power of your ancient bloodline.'' You can spend 2 Actions and 1 Energy, to inscribe a protective rune on an Ally within Reach. That Ally increases their Defense Die by 1 Step for the next Hour.
==== Alter Intentions ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Psychic, Dwarf, Level 1 || 2 || Dwarf || 1
''Your innate psychic abilities, now honed, allow you to subtely alter the emotions of your enemies.'' You can spend 2 Actions and 1 Energy and target a Foe within 10 Meters, you both make Contested Spirit Checks. If you succeed, choose one of your Allies, you choose if the Foe either must, or cannot target that Ally with harmful single-target effects.
==== Gravekeeper's Compassion ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Undertaker, Dwarf, Level 1 || N/A || Dwarf || N/A
''Your familiarity with death and suffering allows you to shoulder the burdens of your allies more effectively.'' When an Ally attempts to Recover from a Grievous Wound or a Haunting Fear, you can allow them to either choose which Recovery Stat to use, or have them Roll the Check twice and use the higher result. Afterwards, you gain two Fears and two Wounds.

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''You are extremely long-lived, thus you have experienced significantly more of the world, whether that be through adventure or travel.'' You gain 1 additional [Past Point], you learn 1 Langauge, gain 1 Skill Proficiency, and 1 Tool Proficiency.
''You are extremely long-lived, thus you have experienced significantly more of the world, whether that be through adventure or travel.'' You gain 1 additional [Past Point], you learn 1 Langauge, gain 1 Skill Proficiency, and 1 Tool Proficiency.
== Goliath ==

== Hobbit ==
== Hobbit ==
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''You have learnt how to specifcially harness your luck.'' Your Hobbit Luck feature can apply two more times per Check, Attack, and Defense Roll. You can take this feat multiple times.
''You have learnt how to specifcially harness your luck.'' Your Hobbit Luck feature can apply two more times per Check, Attack, and Defense Roll. You can take this feat multiple times.
==== Piercing Shriek ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Brightvoice, Hobbit, Level 1 || 2 || Hobbit, Sonic || 1
''You have practiced a shrill, ear-piercing screach to get yourself out of danger.'' You can spend 2 Actions and 1 Energy, causing all Creatures within 5 Meters to make an Endurance Check with a DC of [3] + your Spirit. On a failure, a Creature takes 1d6 Damage and gains the Transient Deafness Glancing Wound.
==== Modest Desires ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Humblefoot, Hobbit, Level 1 || N/A || Hobbit || N/A
''Your emotions are not easily manipulated, as you only have desires for the simple pleasures of life.'' You can spend 1 Reaction when you would gain a Fear with the Emotion Trait to ignore that Fear instead, when you do so, you gain 1 Fate.
==== Weaponized Feet ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Nimbleknee, Hobbit, Level 1 || N/A || Hobbit || N/A
''To best act as spies and operatives, many Nimbleknees learn to use their large hairy feet to fight.'' You gain a Feet Attack with traits and dice and stuff.
==== Poison Familiarity ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Prerequisites !! Actions !! Traits !! Energy
| Strongstomach, Hobbit, Level 1 || N/A || Hobbit || N/A
''Some Strongstomachs learn how to not only resist poison, but use it.'' You gain Poisoner's Kit Proficiency, and you can use your Spirit when using the Poisoner's Kit instead of Might or Wit.

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==== Orc ====
''Orcs are Orcs, deal with it, there isn't fluff yet.''
{| class="wikitable"
! Ability Boosts !! Ability Flaw !! Languages
| Might, Wit/Spirit/Speed, Free || Lore || Creole, Orcish
core fantasy of orc:
force of nature
raw Ferocity
big angy
physical prowess
==== Orc Power ====
''Orc Feature''<br>
''fluff.'' At
==== Orcish Ferocity ====
''Orc Feature''<br>
''fluff.'' You gain Endurance Proficiency,

== Saurian ==
== Saurian ==