
The KongQue are a peacock-like race that is defined by their elegance and beauty, and also their proud, highborn warrior culture. They are typically found amongst the upper elite in YiShan, but their race can be found in many other high societies as well.

Ability Score Increase

KongQue Racial Trait
Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.


KongQue Racial Trait
KongQue typically live about the length of time as a ZhongRen might, if a bit shorter.


KongQue Racial Trait
KongQue are typically lawful, adhering to a very strict warrior code in their culture, with their entire society being based on a complex system of social ins and outs. There is great pressure to act in accordance with their culture.


KongQue Racial Trait
KongQue are typically Small, though some of the larger specimens can be Medium.


KongQue Racial Trait
Your base walking speed is 25 feet.

Wing-Assisted Movement

KongQue Racial Trait
Thanks to their wings, these flightless birds can still muster some degree of aerial advantage. They can extend their wings while in the air and for every 1 foot they move vertically, they can move 10 feet horizontally. In addition, they can add their dexterity modifier to any checks they make to jump or determine jump distance/height.

Stunning Plumage

KongQue Racial Trait
KongQue have beautiful, polychromatic feathers and they can use these to their advantage. They have proficiency in Charisma (Performance) and Charisma (Intimidation).

Swift Claws

KongQue Racial Trait
When you make an unarmed strike with your claws, you can add your Dexterity modifier to the attack and damage rolls, rather than Strength. In addition, your attacks now use a d4 for their damage rolls, and do slashing damage rather than bludgeoning.


KongQue Racial Trait
You speak Common and KongYu, the elegant language of the KongQue.

Albino KongQue

The Albino KongQue is an optional subrace choice that can be opted into if desired. Albino KongQue are famous for their beyond stunning visages and unearthly appearance. They typically occupy some of the highest positions of royalty in their society. If you choose this subrace you gain the following Ablino KongQue Racial Traits in addition to the previous KongQue Racial Traits:

Ability Score Increase

Albino KongQue Racial Trait
Your Charisma score increases by 1.

Charismatic Superiority

Albino KongQue Racial Trait
Albino KongQue are exceptionally beautiful and charming, even amongst KongQue. You have advantage on all Charisma checks.

Bodily Weakness

Albino KongQue Racial Trait
You have disadvantage on Constitution checks and saving throws.