Sorcerer Spells


Acid Splash

Level: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Action Conjuration Artificer, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock
Range: 60ft Duration: Instant Components: VS Arcane

You hurl a bubble of acid. Choose one or two creatures you can see within Range that are within 5ft of each other. A target must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save, a target takes 1d6 Acid Damage.
This Spell's Damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th Level (2d6), 11th Level (3d6), and 17th Level (4d6).


Level: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Action Conjuration Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Range: Touch Duration: Instant Components: VS Arcane

You touch a work with writing, such as a book, scroll, or parchment, and you touch a medium that could contain writing, such as a book, scroll or parchment. The work is copied into the medium at a rate of 250 words per minute, creating a perfect duplicate of the original. This Spell only copies non-magical text, if the work contains non-magical writing in addition to illustrations and/or magical writing, only the non-magical writing is copied to the medium. If the medium runs out of space, then the Spell ends. The Spell does not translate the copied writing, it remains in the language it was copied from.
This rate this Spell copies words increases by 250 when you reach 5th Level (500 words per minute), 11th Level (750 words per minute), and 17th Level (1,000 words per minute).

Control Flames

Level: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Action Transmutation Druid, Psion, Seeker, Shaman, Sorcerer, Soul-Binder, Wizard
Range: 60ft Duration: Instant Components: S Primal

You choose nonmagical flame that you can see within Range and that fits within a 5ft Cube. You affect it in one of the following ways:

  • You instantaneously expand the flame 5ft in one direction, provided that wood or other fuel is present in the new location.
  • You instantaneously extinguish the flames within the Cube.
  • You double or halve the area of Bright Light and Dim Light cast by the flame, change its color, or both. The change lasts for 1 hour.
  • You cause simple shapes—such as the vague form of a creature, an inanimate object, or a location—to appear within the flames and animate as you like. The shapes last for 1 hour.

If you cast this Spell multiple times, you can have up to 3 of its non-instant effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as a Free Action.
You can have one more of the Spell's non-instant effects active at a time when your reach 5th Level (4 effects), 11th Level (5 effects), and 17th Level (6 effects).

Create Bonfire

Level: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Action Conjuration Artificer, Druid, Shaman, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Range: 60ft Duration: 1 Minute (Concentration) Components: VS Arcane, Primal

You create a bonfire on the ground at a point that you can see within Range. Until the Spell ends, the magic bonfire fills a 5ft Cube. Any creature in the bonfire's space when you cast the Spell, that moves into the bonfire's space for the first time on a turn, or ends its turn there must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failed Save, the creature takes 1d8 Fire Damage.
The Bonfire ignites flammable objects in its area that aren't being worn or carried.
The Spell's Damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th Level (2d8), 11th Level (3d8), and 17th Level (4d8).

Dancing Lights

Level: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Action Illusion Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Soul-Binder, Wizard
Range: 120ft Still Emanation Duration: 1 Minute (Concentration) Components: VSM (a bit of phosphorus or wychwood, or a glowworm) Arcane

You create up to 4 torch-sized lights within Range, making them appear as torches, lanterns, or glowing orbs that hover in the air for the duration. You can also combine the four lights into one glowing vaguely Humanoid shape up to Medium Size. The lights each shed Dim Light out to a Range of 10ft no matter what form they take.
As a Bonus Action you can move the lights up to 60ft each to a new space within the Range of the Spell. If a light is ever outside the Range of the Spell or farther than 20ft from any other light created by this Spell, that light vanishes.
The Spell creates 2 additional lights when you reach 5th Level (6 lights), 11th Level (8 lights), and 17th Level (10 lights).


Level: Cantrip Casting Time: 1 Action Illusion Artificer, Bard, Druid, Psion, Seeker, Shaman, Sorcerer, Soul-Binder, Warlock, Wizard
Range: 30ft Duration: 1 Round Components: VS Arcane, Primal

You create a burst of colored smoke, sparkling lights, or other fanciful imagery in a 15ft Cube centered on a point of your choice within Range. The area of the Cube is Heavily Obscured and dissipates when the Spell ends.
The size of the Cube increases by 5ft when you reach 5th Level (20ft), 11th Level (25ft), and 17th Level (30ft).