Project Istari

Project Istari (working title) is an in-work TTRPG project. This is an attempt to make a very effective, streamlined yet having a ton of options, fun, and versatile TTRPG.

Work-In Progress Mechanics


Certain Items would be called out and have explicit statistics and abilities, both in combat and out. Other, less important Items will either be assumed to be had by everyone, or grouped into Packs, such as a Camping Packs (Undecided on which).


Every creature will have six Stats.

  • Might. Might is a Creature's physical strength and endurance. A Hero has HP equal to 4 + their Might. HP is the number of Damage a creature can take before suffering a Wound.
  • Agility. Agility is a Creature's ability to finely manipulate objects and accuracy. You gain a number of Initiative Points equal to your Agility (minimum 1) at the start of each Round in Combat.
  • Speed. Speed is a Creature's alacrity, expeditiousness, and ability to move. At the start of your Turn, you gain Dash Points equal to your Speed. Dash Points act as Movement Points in most scenarios.
  • Lore. Lore is a Creature's learned knowledge of the world. You have a number of Knowledge Points, equal to your Lore, you can spend these Points to learn tidbits of information, and regain them over the course of a Rest.
  • Instinct. Instinct is a Creature's gained experience of the world. You have a number of Reactions every Round equal to your Instinct (minimum 1).
  • Resolve. Resolve is a Creature's force of personality and will-power. At the end of a Rest, a creature can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds who's Recovery Conditions are met equal to their Resolve.

Each Stat starts at 1, increasing or decreasing based on your Lineage choice. You also increase four different Stats by 1.

Finally, at the end of Character creation, you increase a single Stat by 2, and three Stats by 1. You cannot increase a Stat multiple times with the same source, for instance if your Might increases from being a Dwarf, you can't use your Free increase on Might, you have to use it on a different Stat.

Stat Increases

Whenever your Hero Levels up, you increase one of your Stats by 1.
Stats have a maximum that will be determined at some point in the future.


When a Creature Attacks, it rolls an Attack Die and adds a Stat determined by the Weapon/Spell/Attack. The Target rolls its Defense Die and adds a Stat determined by the Weapon/Spell/Attack either chosen by the Attacker or the Defender (determined by the Weapon/Spell/Attack). The Defender takes Damage equal to the excess of the Attack total over the Defense total.


Every Hero has a pool of 6 Energy, which recharges whenever they finish a Rest. A Hero's Energy maximum increases by 1 at Level 5, 10, 15, and 20.


When you make a Check, you roll a d10, add the appropriate Stat and other modifiers, and use the result to determine the outcome.

Weakness and Resistance

Some things give you a Weakness or Resistance to certain Traits, such as Fire Weakness or Fire Resistance. Weaknesses and Resistances are always accompanied by a value.
If you have Resistance, you add that value to all Defense Rolls you make against an Attack with the Trait you have Resistance for.
If you have Weakness, you subtract that value from all Defense Rolls you make against an Attack with the Trait you have Resistance for.


You can gain Skill Proficiencies, mainly from your History choices, and sometimes your Lineage. When you make a Check that would involve a Skill that you have Proficiency in, you double the Stat that you are adding to the Check (minimum +2 total). Each Stat apart from Lore has 3 Skills generally relating to it, however there are many scenarios where Stats can be used with other Stats, some examples of which will be shown in the description of each Skill.

  • Athletics (Might): Athletics represents the general physical abilities of a Creature, such as climbing, running, jumping, etc.
  • Endurance (Might): Endurance represents the physical endurance of a Creature, such as enduring a storm, traveling a long distance, or staying on the ball without rest.
  • Intimidation (Might): Intimidation represents the ability to coerce others. This is one of the most common Skills to use other Stats for. Might would represent being physically imposing or maybe breaking a chair over your head to startle your target. If you use Resolve, you might try to break your target's will by your own iron resilience.
  • Acrobatics (Agility): Acrobatics represents the general whole-body dexterity and motor-function of a Creature, used for acts such as swinging from branch to branch or doing backflips. Using Might for Acrobatics might be used for parkour.
  • Dexterity (Agility): Dexterity represents a Creature's fine motor skills, used for acts like picking a lock, or pickpocketing someone. Using Resolve for this Skill might represent performing mental gymnastics to try and prove a point that isn't obviously true.
  • Stealth (Agility): Stealth represents a Creature's ability to silence their movements.
  • Chase (Speed): Chase represents a Creature's ability to move quicker than normally possible and serves often as a Contested Check, allowing Creature's to see who moves quicker, such as when trying to race to an artifact.
  • Escape (Speed):
  • Reflex (Speed):
  • Insight (Instinct):
  • Search (Instinct):
  • Tracking (Instinct):
  • Deception (Resolve):
  • Diplomacy (Resolve):
  • Grit (Resolve):

Lore Skills are often gained from either Feats or Histories. They are far more specific, such as Nobility Lore, Smithing Lore, or a Lore about a specific city. These allow your Character to recall information about the specific information you have a Lore for much more easily.


Your Lineage is the type of creature you are, such as a Human, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin, etc.


Beastian are humanoids that look similar to certain types of mammal carnivores.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Instinct, Free, Free Lore Creole, Beastian

Natural Armaments

Beastian Feature
You have vicious and natural armaments, namely, a toothy maw. You gain a Bite Attack:

  • Attack Die: d6
  • Used Stats: Might, Agility, Instinct
  • Target Stats: Might, Agility (Target's Choice)
  • Traits: Natural, Piercing
  • Keywords: Concealable, Hands (0), Melee, Natural

Hunter's Instincts

Beastian Feature
You have biologically tuned senses. You gain Tracking Proficiency and Chase Proficiency, as well as Duskvision.


Beastian Kins represent what animal's traits you have for your anthropamorphic form.


Beastian Kin
You take on the form of a wolf or dog. Your Bite Attack's Attack Die becomes a d8. You also gain Searching Proficiency.


Beastian Kin
You take on the form of a feline, such as a lion, cheetah, or leopard. Your Bite Attack gains the Skilled Stealth (You choose the Target Stat) Keyword. You also gain Nightvision, and you can Climb.


Beastian Kin
you take on the form of a hulking bear Your HP increases by 2, your Defense Die increases by 1 Step, and your Size increases by 1 Step.


Beastian Kin
You take on the form of a sly fox. Your Bite Attack gains Skilled Thievery (When Attacking a Foe who's Size is smaller than yours, your Attack Die increase by 1 Step) Keyword. You gain Stealth Proficiency, and you can use Instinct for your Stealth Checks.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Beastian Trait
Choose one of the Beastian Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Pack Tacics

Prerequisites Traits
Beastian, Level 1 Beastian

You have trained to fight with your allies effectively. While Attacking, if an Ally is adjacent to the Target, the Target's Defense Die decreases by 1 Step.

Recovering Maw

Prerequisites Traits
Beastian, Level 1 Beastian

You have mastered the art of cronching mid-combat for a snack. When you deal Damage with your Bite Attack, you can spend 1 Reaction to recover 1d4 HP. You can also spend 1 Energy when you do this to attempt to Recover from one of your Wounds instead.

Discordant Howl

Prerequisites Traits
Auditory, Beastian, Canine, Level 1 Beastian

You have trained and learnt how to use your natural howl or bark to intimidate your foes You can spend 2 Actions to howl, making a Contested Intimidation Check against the Endurance (Resolve) of all Foes within 4 Meters, dealing Mental Damage equal to your Resolve to all Foe's you succeed against.

Cat Claws

Prerequisites Traits
Beastian, Feline, Level 1 Beastian

You have trained with and sharpened your claws You gain a Claw Attack:

  • Attack Die: d6
  • Used Stats: Agility, Instinct, Resolve
  • Target Stats: Agility, Speed (Your Choice)
  • Traits: Natural, Slashing
  • Keywords: Concealable, Hands (0), Melee, Natural, Retractable


Prerequisites Traits
Beastian, Ursine, Level 1 Beastian

You can enter into a deep slumber to better recover. When you Rest, you can choose to hibernate. When you do, you can add a d6 to one Recovery Check you make during that Rest.

Thieving Paws

Prerequisites Traits
Beastian, Vulpine, Level 1 Beastian

You have learnt to distract with your bite to steal your enemies items. When you deal Damage with your Bite Attack, you can spend 1 Reaction to make a Contested Thievery Check against the Target's Endurance or Thievery, taking your choice of one Item the Target is holding and grabbing it in one of your free Hands or dropping it at your feet.


You are a hulking goliath.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Instinct, Free Agility Creole, Behemon

Behemon Resilience

Behemon Feature
You have both thick skin and are naturally reslient to blows. When you suffer a Wound, you can spend 1 Reaction and 1 Energy if it is a Glancing Wound, 2 Reactions and 2 Energy if it is a Lingering Wound, or 3 Reactions and 3 Energy if it is a Grievous Wound, to instantly Recover from that Wound and ignore its effects.

Unyielding Endurance

Behemon Feature
The extreme environments you reside in have given you a natural resilience. You gain Endurance Proficiency and Environmental Resistance 2.


Behemon Kins represent which tribe you hail from.


Behemon Kin
You hail from a tribe in the caves. You gain Nightvision and Stealth Proficiency. You also only see shades of black and white, and have Echolocation with a Range equal to your Level + your Might.


Behemon Kin
You hail from a tribe on the coast, oddly, with a blowhole. You can Swim and you can hold your breath for a number of Hours equal to your Might. You also gain Water Resistance 2.


Behemon Kin
You hail from a tribe of desert mystics that nomad all over the place. You gain Mental Resistance 2 and a Mind Blast Attack:

  • Attack Die: d8
  • Used Stats: Resolve
  • Target Stats: Agility, Speed (Your Choice)
  • Traits: Natural, Versatile (Mental or Emotional)
  • Keywords: Hands (0), Ranged (8 Meters), Natural


Behemon Kin
You hail from a tribe in the frozen wastes of the north. You gain Cold Resistance 1, and Tracking Proficiency.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Behemon Trait
Choose one of the Behemon Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Behemon Teachings

Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Level 1 Behemon

You have been educated in the basic teachings of your tribe. You gain Behemon Lore as well as two of either Athletics, Intimidation, or Insight Proficiency.


Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Level 1 Behemon

You have endured significantly more than most Behemons, as such, you are naturally more resistant. Your Defense Die increases by 1 Step.

Weighted Charge

Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Level 1 Behemon

You have endured significantly more than most Behemons, as such, you are naturally more resistant. You can spend 1 Action to move a number of Spaces in a Straight Line up to your Might. You make a Contested Bullying Check against the Endurance of all Creatures that you would move through. If you succeed, you deal Damage equal to your Might to that Creature and push them one Space away from you that is not in your path.

Sonic Burst

Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Cavern, Level 1 Auditory, Behemon, Sonic

With time spent practicing in resonant caves, you can create an ear piercing shriek of noise. You can spend 1 Actions to shriek, dealing 1d8 + Might Damage (Defended by Might) to all Creatures in that Area. You can also spend 2 Energy to cause any Creature you dealt Damage to, to gain the Lingering Deafness Lingering Wound.

Blow-Hole Burst

Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Coastal, Level 1 Behemon, Bludgeoning, Water

You have learnt how to create a burst of compressed air from your blow-hole. You can spend 2 Actions to blow air in a 3 Meter Cone, dealing 2d4 + Might Damage (Defended by Might) to all Creatures in that Area. You can also spend Energy up to your Might, increasing the area of the cone by 1 Meter and pushing any Creature that takes Damage 1 Space for each Energy spent.

Heritage Shell

Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Coastal, Level 1 Behemon, Item

You have been given one of your tribe's traditional shells. You gain the Behemon Shell Armor:

  • Traits: Armor, Behemon, Composite, and Water
  • Defense Die: +2
  • Keywords: Resistant (Piercing 2)

Psionic Disciplines

Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Desert, Level 1 Behemon

You have dabbled in your tribes cultural trainings. Gain 1 of the Psionic Disciplines available to a 1st Level Psion.

Frozen Stasis

Prerequisites Traits
Behemon, Tundra, Level 1 Behemon

You have dabbled in your tribes cultural trainings. At the start of your Turn, you can choose to enter a state of suspended animation until the start of your next Turn. While in this state, your Defense Die increases by 2 Steps, and you gain Resistance 1 to everything. While in this state, you are Incapacitated


Centaurs are creatures made of the lower half of an animal, and the upper half of a human.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Speed, Free Agility Creole, Evysiun

Equine Build

Centaur Feature
Your lower half can cause you both some difficulty and some help. Your Movement increases by 2, You must spend twice as much Movement when you Climb.

Evysiun Build

Centaur Feature
Due to your nature and lineage from the Great Centaur, your stature is heightened. Your Size is Large, meaning you occupy a 2x2 Meter Square in Combat instead of a 1x1. Your HP also increases by 2.


Centaur Kins represent the animalistic lower halves, or other traits you take on from them.


Centaur Kin
You have the lower half of a bulky and powerful bear. You gain a Claw Attack (traits). You also gain Bullying Proficiency.


Centaur Kin
You have the lower half of an sturdy and bounding deer. Your Movement increases by 1. When you Jump, somehting extra happens based on the mechanics for jumping.


Centaur Kin
You have the lower of a something and something horse. You gain a Hoof Attack (traits). You can also spend 1 Energy and 2 Actions to kick a creature with mechanics that use your Hoof and maybe knock prone or smt.


Centaur Kin
You have the lower half of a slithering and sturdy snake. You gain Slashing Resistance 1. You also can spend 1 Reaction whem you gain a Glancing Wound with the Prone Trait to Recover from it.


Dwarves are a hardy, stout folk, with a strong heart and affinity for the mines.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Resolve, Free Speed Creole, Dwarven

Immovable Rock

Dwarf Feature
As a Dwarf, you are hardier at resisting effects that would harm your body or weaken you. When you would gain a Glancing Wound with the Falling Trait, or if you are moved against your will, you can spend 1 Reaction to ignore that effect, and immediately Recovering from the Wound if that is the trigger.

Unbreakable Stone

Dwarf Feature
Your body and will is unbreakable as the earth itself. When you use your Might or Resolve to Defend, you reroll your Defense Die if the result is a 1.


Dwarven Kins represent the long lineages and clans that Dwarves have formed, each one with a very unique culture, and resulting biology from the tasks they often perform for the whole of Dwarven-kind.


Dwarven Kin
Your ancestors worked as smiths in powerful volcanoes and the fires within entangle with your beard. You gain Fire Resistance 2.


Dwarven Kin
You come from the longest lineage of Dwarves, thus the determination of your ancestors is woven into your earthen bones. When you Roll a 1 on any Die, you can spend 1 Energy to Reroll the Die.


Dwarven Kin
Your ancestors have survived a harsh wasteland filled with psionic monsters. When you make a Check against an effect with the Mental trait, you roll the Check twice, and use the higher result for the Check.


Dwarven Kin
You are part of a long line of gravekeepers, who keep the ancient Dwarven burial caverns. You gain Death Resistance 1.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Dwarf Trait
Choose one of the Dwarf Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Dwarven Teachings

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf, Lore N/A

You have been educated in the basic teachings of your Dwarven brethren. You gain Dwarven Lore as well as well as two of either Athletics, Intimidation, or Endurance Proficiency.

Dwarven Tune

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Auditory, Dwarf, Musical 1

You have memorized and practiced the ancient songs to sing with your brethren. You can spend 1 Energy for you and all willing Allies can sing a hearty song. After 1 Hour of this singing, all those who participated in this can try to Recover from a Creeping Fear who's Recovery Conditions are met. When making this Recovery Check, a Creature can make a Check, adding the number of Creatures that participated in the song instead of using a Recovery Stat.

Skilled Hands

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf N/A

You have studied the great crafts of the Dwarves. You gain three Tool Proficiencies of your choice and add a d4 to any Checks you make to craft.


Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 1 Dwarf N/A

You have trained to learn information about about the rock around you merely by looking at it and feeling its strength. You can spend 1 Action to learn about the history about a piece of stonework that you would normally need a successful Check (such as a Stonework Lore Check) to learn.

Unburdened Iron

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf N/A

You've learned techniques first devised by your ancestors during their ancient wars, allowing you to comfortably wear massive suits of armor. You ignore the Movement reduction from any Armor you wear, and you reduce your Movement by 1 less whenever your Movement is reduced.

Dwarf-Forged Flame

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Forgeborne, Dwarf, Level 1 1 Dwarf 1

You invest fire into you're tools. You can spend 1 Actions and 1 Energy to give an Item you're holding the Fire Trait until your next Rest. This Item also sheds Light out to 10 Meters, which you can turn on and off by spending 1 Action, and adds a d4 to its Attack if it's a Weapon.

Ancient Power

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Longbeard, Dwarf, Level 1 1 Dwarf, Rune 1

You can tap into the ancient power of your ancient bloodline. You can spend 1 Actions and 1 Energy, to inscribe a protective rune on an Ally within Reach. That Ally increases their Defense Die by 1 Step for the next Hour.

Alter Intentions

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Psychic, Dwarf, Level 1 2 Dwarf 1

Your innate psychic abilities, now honed, allow you to subtely alter the emotions of your enemies. You can spend 2 Actions and 1 Energy and target a Foe within 10 Meters, you both make Contested Resolve Checks. If you succeed, choose one of your Allies, you choose if the Foe either must, or cannot target that Ally with harmful single-target effects.

Gravekeeper's Compassion

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Undertaker, Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf N/A

Your familiarity with death and suffering allows you to shoulder the burdens of your allies more effectively. When an Ally attempts to Recover from a Grievous Wound or a Haunting Fear, you can allow them to either choose which Recovery Stat to use, or have them Roll the Check twice and use the higher result. Afterwards, you gain two Fears and two Wounds.


Elves are long-lived, and you know their tropes, deal with it, I'm working on actual mechanics ok?

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Agility, Lore, Free Might Creole, Elven

Elven Grace

Elf Feature
You are extremely graceful, as most Elves are. You gain Acrobatics Proficincy, and when you take the Brace Action, you can use Agility instead of Might.

Elven Senses

Elf Feature
You have keen eyesight and sensitive hearing. You gain Preception and Tracking Proficiency. You also gain Resistance 1 to effects that would hamper your senses.


Elven Kins represent the different splinter-factions of the Elves, using magic to attune to their current location.


Elf Kin
You hail from the dark lands below. You gain Nightvision and other stuff.


Elf Kin
You hail from the Fae lands, whether they be forests, enchanted streams, or the like. You gain Mental Resistance 2 and Emotion Resistance 2. (would have feat tree of channeling different seasons/emotions)


Elf Kin
You hail from the great vaults of knowledge and magic that the Elves guard. You gain (has feats about learning some basic elven spells)


Elf Kin
You hail from the woodlands where you brethren skillfully and silently hunt. You gain Stealth Proficiency, you can Climb, and your Movement increases by 1. (maybe some feats about setting traps)

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Elf Feature
Choose one of the Elf Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.


Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Elf, Level 1 N/A Elf N/A

You are extremely long-lived, thus you have experienced significantly more of the world, whether that be through adventure or travel. You gain 1 additional [Past Point], you learn 1 Langauge, gain 1 Skill Proficiency, and 1 Tool Proficiency.


You're a green little rat person, except you don't look like a rat, that's just what the society is

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Speed, Resolve, Free Lore Creole, Goblin


Hobbits are naturally lucky... yea yea, we'll add more fluff later, you know what a hobbit is, we've all watched the Lord of the Rings, and if you haven't, go watch the extended editions right now or else, I have magic, I will cast brand-safe fireball on your face

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Instinct, Resolve, Free Might Creole, Hobbitan

Hobbit Luck

Hobbit Feature
You have a natural well of luck that makes failure rarely horrible. When you roll a 1 on a Die, you add a d4 to the Roll. This only applies twice per Check, Attack, or Defense.

Unnoticed Stride

Hobbit Feature
Most in the world don't assume much from Hobbit, thinking they are nothing more than peaceful farmers. You gain Stealth Proficiency and you can use your Resolve or Instinct instead of your Agility when you make a Stealth Check.


Hobbit Kins very much represent the various large families a Hobbit can come from.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Brightvoice family, who often journey through the world performing songs and poems for the masses. When you make a Check with the Auditory or Sonic Trait, you add a d4 to that Check.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Humblefoot family, well known for their peaceful outlook on life and love of exorbatant amounts of food. Whenever you attempt to Recover from a Lingering Wound after a Rest, if you eat a large amount of food during the Rest, you can spend 1 Energy to add your Resolve to the Check.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Nimbleknee family, one of the more adventurous families, often becoming spies due to their lithe and naturally silent nature. When you roll a 1 on an Agility Check, you reroll the Check.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Strongstomach family, well known for their iron digestion, often working as food taster or cupbearer. You gain Ingested Resistance 4 and Inhaled Resistance 4.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Hobbit Feature
Choose one of the Hobbit Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Bedtime Story

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Auditory, Hobbit N/A

You have been told numerous bedtime stories throughout your life, which you have internalized and now repeat back to yourself for comfort, or your friends for inspiration. After you Rest, you and all Allies that Rested with you add a d8 to the next Check they make before their next Rest. At GM discretion, this may mnot apply if you don't have an opportunity to share such a story that would give this benefit.

Face Stuffing

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 1-3 Hobbit 1

You have mastered the art of eating as much as possible in as short an amount of time, giving you a burst of energy when you need it. You can spend 1-3 Actions and 1 Energy to eat a large amount of food. If you spend 1 Actions, you regain 1d4 HP, if you spent 2 Actions, you regain 1d6+2, and if you spent 3 Action, you regain 1d8+4.

Hobbit Teachings

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit, Lore N/A

You have been educated in the basic teachings of your Hobbit brethren. You gain Hobbit Lore as well as two of either Escape, Diplomacy, or Insight.

Natural Sneakery

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit, Lore N/A

You have practiced the techniques of stealth that Hobbit seem to master quickly. You gain Thievery Proficiency. You also add a d4 to any Stealth or Thievery Check you make

Well of Luck

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit N/A

You have learnt how to specifcially harness your luck. Your Hobbit Luck feature can apply two more times per Check, Attack, and Defense Roll. You can take this feat multiple times.

Piercing Shriek

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Brightvoice, Hobbit, Level 1 2 Hobbit, Sonic 1

You have practiced a shrill, ear-piercing screach to get yourself out of danger. You can spend 2 Actions and 1 Energy, causing all Creatures within 5 Meters to make an Endurance Check with a DC of [3] + your Resolve. On a failure, a Creature takes 1d6 Damage and gains the Transient Deafness Glancing Wound.

Modest Desires

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Humblefoot, Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit N/A

Your emotions are not easily manipulated, as you only have desires for the simple pleasures of life. You can spend 1 Reaction when you would gain a Fear with the Emotion Trait to ignore that Fear instead, when you do so, you gain 1 Fate.

Weaponized Feet

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Nimbleknee, Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit N/A

To best act as spies and operatives, many Nimbleknees learn to use their large hairy feet to fight. You gain a Feet Attack with traits and dice and stuff.

Poison Familiarity

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Strongstomach, Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit N/A

Some Strongstomachs learn how to not only resist poison, but use it. You gain Poisoner's Kit Proficiency, and you can use your Resolve when using the Poisoner's Kit instead of Might or Instinct.


I've told you so many times already, I'll add more fluff text later, there are only like, 3 playable classes right now, do you want me to write nice flowy descriptive fluff text, or work out actal mechanics idiot? anyway, you should know what a HUMAN is, you are one!

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Free, Free, Free Free Creole, Mannish


Human Feature
Between inborn skill and natural physiology, Humans are easily able to adapt to any environment. You gain Environment Resistance 2.

Gift of Man

Human Feature. Destiny.
The true fate of men is yet to be revealed; a destiny which shall overshadow even the elder races. You gain +1 Fate.


Human Kins represent the different physiological forms that Humans can take.


Human Kin. Desire.
Men of simple desires, the men of Bree and the surrounding areas are almost Hobbitish, after a fashion. You can spend 1 Reaction when you would gain a Fear with the Emotion Trait to ignore that Fear instead. When you do so, you gain 1 Fate.


Human Kin.
"… The Dúnedain were lords of long life, great power, and wisdom …". When you make a Recovery Check, make the Check twice and use the higher result. You gain a Lore Skill of your choice.


Human Kin. Speech.
"They are proud and willful, but they are true-hearted, generous in both thought and deed; bold but not cruel; wise but unlearned, writing no books but singing many songs, after the manner of the children of Men before the Dark Years …" - Aragorn, the Two Towers. You can communicate with horses and similar creatures as if you shared a common language.


Human Kin. Training.
Citizens of the White Tower and its lands, the Men of the South are known for their call to arms. After you perform an Attack, you gain one Martial Opportunity stack, which lasts until the start of your next turn. When a Foe within your Reach makes a Ranged Attack or willingly leaves their space, you can use a Reaction and spend a Martial Opportunity stack to Attack that Foe.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Human Feature
Choose one of the Human Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Man's Resolve

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Human, Level 1 N/A Human, Will N/A

Through training, you have learnt how to better control your feelings. You gain Emotion Resistance 3 and Mental Resistance 1.

Will of the West

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Human, Level 1 N/A Auditory, Human, Will N/A

"If Gondor has such men still in these days of fading, great must have been its glory in the days of its rising." - Legolas, The Return of the King. You, and any allies who can see or hear you, can use Resolve instead of Instinct or Lore when defending or when resisting Fear or Wounds.


Orcs are Orcs, deal with it, there isn't fluff yet.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Instinct/Resolve/Speed, Free Lore Creole, Orcish

core fantasy of orc: force of nature raw Ferocity big angy endurance physical prowess

Orc Power

Orc Feature
fluff. At

Orcish Ferocity

Orc Feature
fluff. You gain Endurance Proficiency,


You are a lizard or dino-like humanoid.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Instinct, Free Lore Creole, Saurian

Amphibious Nature

Saurian Trait
Your body is coverd in resistant scales. You Defense Die increases by 1 Step.

Ravenous Jaws

Saurian Trait
You have a large, toothy maw. You gain a Jaws Attack. It uses your Might or Agility, target's Speed, uses a d6, has the Piercing Trait, and the Melee, Natural, and Hands (0) Keywords.


Saurian Kins represent the different physiological forms that Saurians can take.


Saurian Kin
Your toothy maw is larger, and you have a greater level of amphibiousness. Your Jaw now uses a d8 and gains one of the following Keywords: [add list when there are more keywords]. Also, you gain Swimming and can hold your breath for 1 Hour.


Saurian Kin
Primeval Saurians have tougher scales, are larger, and are akin to dinosaurs. Your Size increases by 1, and your Defense Die increases by 1 Step.

Lineage Feats

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Saurian Feature
Choose one of the Skinchanger Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Acidic Glands

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Saurian, Level 1 2 Acid N/A

You have acidic glands in your mouth which you can use in combat. You can spend 2 Actions to spray Acid in a 3 Meter Cone, dealing 2d4 + Might Damage defended by Might or Instinct (Target's Choice).


You can turn into an animl form, your a Beorning ok? except you might be a rhino or someting. Skinchangers usually take the form of a Human while they are not in their beast form, but a Half-Breed takes on the form of the other Lineage while not in beast form.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Instinct, Free Resolve Creole, Skinchanger

Bestial Speech

Skinchanger Feature
You innately know how to communicate with the beasts of the world. Animals can understand your speach, and you can understand simple ideas they express.

Thickened Hide

Skinchanger Feature
Even in your normal form your have a leathery and tough skin that makes you more resistent to blows. Your Defense Die increases by 1 Step.


Skinchanger Kins represent the different animals they shift into.
Table Talk: It might be a good idea to discuss how much control or will you have while in your animal form. For example, are you completely sentient, able to speak normally and reason as you would in your normal form, are you more anamilistic with a little bit of your common sense retained, or do you play as if you were a bear, with the intelligence and tactics to fit?


Skinchanger Kin
You can transform into great and powerful bears. Your HP increases by 1. You also gain a Bear Form, whle in this Form, you use the Statistics of a Black Bear, including the HP, but instead of gaining a Wound, you revert to your previous Form when you are reduced to 0HP.


Skinchanger Kin
Fluff. Feature.


Skinchanger Kin
Fluff. Feature.


Skinchanger Kin
You can transform into cunning and quick wolves. Your Movement increases by 1. You gain a Wolf Form, whle in this Form, you use the Statistics of a Gray Wolf, including the HP, but instead of gaining a Wound, you revert to your previous Form when you are reduced to 0HP.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Skinchanger Feature
Choose one of the Skinchanger Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Hunter's Instincts

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Skinchanger, Level 1 N/A Skinchanger, Instinct N/A

Your natural instincts to hunt manifest themselves both in your bestial form and your mannish shape. While in Humanoid Form, you gain Trap Lore Proficiency.
Once per round when you take the Move or Hide action while in Animal Form, you can take the Search action for free.


Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Skinchanger, Level 1 N/A Skinchanger, Tactic, Leadership N/A

You are a born leader of those whom you deem your packmates. While you are in Humanoid Form, you and allies who can hear you gain +1 to any Stealth checks you make.
At the start of each Round in combat while you are in Beast Form, you and all adjacent allies can move a number of spaces up to your Instinct.

Drakomere Lineages


Verdan are natives of the Chaos, embodying its defining feature, chaos. Many Verdan traveled to the Wastes to be a nomadic tribe there, but they’re found all over Drakomere. Verdan have existed since the 1st Age in the Chaos.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Free, Free, Free Free Adventurer, Free

Chaotic Physicality

Verdan Feature
The exact size, shape, and color of any Verdan can truly seem random at times. At the end of a Rest, choose one of the following until your next Rest:

  • Your Size is Tiny (you take up a 0.5x0.5 Space).
  • Your Size is Medium (you take up a 1x1 Space).
  • Your Size is Large (you take up a 2x2 Space).

At the end of a Rest, choose one of the following until your next Rest:

  • Your Defense Die increases by 1 Step.
  • Your Movement increases by 2.
  • Your HP increases by 2.

Shifting Skills

Verdan Feature
Verdan's have a strangely and chaotically changing skillset. At the end of a Rest, choose 1 Skill, 1 Language, and 1 Lore to gain until your next Rest.


Verdan Kins represent the different abilities they have gained from the ambient magical energy in their environment.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Archipelago. You can Swim, breathe underwater, gain the Amphibious Trait, Sailing Lore, and Water Resistance 2.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Chaos. When you deal Damage, you can spend 1 Reaction to add one of the following Traits to that Damage: Acid, Air, Cold, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Sonic, Water. You also gain Environment Resistance 1.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from Drakion. At the end of a Rest, choose one of the following Traits to gain Resistance 2 for until the end of your next Rest: Acid, Air, Cold, Earth, Emotion, Faerie, Fire, Lightning, Mental, Negative, Poison, Positive, Radiant, Shadow, Sonic, Water.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Mecha Mountains. Feature.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Mutated Moors. Feature.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Necropolis. You gain Negative Resistance 2 and you do not need to breathe. You also gain Respiratory Immunity.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Starstruck Shore. You gain Radiant Resistance 2, and you shed Light a number up to a number of Meters equal to your Level. The exact brightness of this Light can be altered by spending 1 Action.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Twisted-Lands. You can speak Telepathically to nearby Creatures. You also gain Mental Resistance 1.


Verdan Kin
Your family comes from the Wild Plains. Feature.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Verdan Feature
Choose one of the Verdan Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Verdan Stuffs

Prerequisites Traits
Verdan, Level 1 Verdan

Fluff. Feature.


Your Class is the skills your character has, categorized into groups, such as Fighter, Wizard, or Rogue. Classes are divided into several groups based on both play style and magical potential.
Class Ideas: Inquisitor, Warlord, Runesmith
Culturally Specific Class Ideas: Samurai, Spartan, Shinobi, Einherjar

Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Berserker Example Example Path (Level 1)
Cursed Example Example Curse (Level 1)
Disciple Example Example Journey (Level 3)
Executioner Example Example Hood (Level 3)
Monk Example Example Way (Level 3)
Vanguard Example Example Mandate (Level 2)
Warrior Example Example League (Level 3) [maybe rename]
Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Artisan Example Example Mastery (Level 1)
Mentor Example Example Curriculum (Level 3)
Ranger Example Example Conclave (Level 3)
Rogue Example Example Profession (Level 3)
Savant Example Example Expert (Level 3)
Swashbuckler Example Example Flair (Level 3)
Traveler Example Example Style (Level 2)
Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Mageborn Example Example Technique (Level 3)
Magus Example Example Medium (Level 2)
Paladin Example Example Oath (Level 1)
Istari Example Example [Color] (Level [X])
Shaman Example Example Attunement (Level 2)
Summoner Example Example Bond (Level 1)
Warden Example Example Realm (Level 3)
Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Bard Example Example College (Level 2)
Cleric Example Example Domain (Level 1)
Druid Example Example Circle (Level 2)
Psion Example Example Order (Level 3)
Sorcerer Example Example Bloodline (Level 1)
Warlock Example Example Patron (Level 1)
Wizard Example Example School (Level 2)


Your History is the legacy of your character, such as being touched by magic, defending your home from bandits, working as a blacksmith, a soldier, or being imprisoned.
The GM determines how many History Points each Hero in the campaign has at Level 1 (usually 3). At Level 3, 11, and 19, a Character gains 2 more History Points.


1 History Point
You were an acolyte. You gain a Lore Skill in relation to the religion you were an acolyte for.
Blessing. -Auditory You can spend 1 Action to bestow a blessing on an adjacent Ally until the end of your next Turn. During this time, when that Ally would roll a d4 or a d6, they can expend the blessing and instead roll a d8.

Harsh Summer

1 History Point
You, and potentially your whole home town, fought through and survived an especially harsh summer, which you contributed to in some way. You get Endurance Proficiency. You gain Fire Resistance 1.

Harsh Winter

1 History Point
You, and potentially your whole home town, fought through and survived an especially harsh winter, which you contributed to in some way. You get Endurance Proficiency. You gain Cold Resistance 1.

Scaled Mountain

1 History Point
You have achieved a great feat, climbing either a mountain, cliff, or some other large surface. You gain Athletics and Endurance Proficiency.


2 History Points
You have spent much of your life studying. You gain 2 Lore Skills of your choice and you have +2 max knowledge points.

Escaped Capture

1 History Points
You escaped some form of captivity, whether it be slavery, prison, or something else. You gain Chase and Escape Proficiency.

Home Scorched

1 History Points
Your home, either the actual house, a large part of, or the entire city, was burned, and you helped in fighting the fire in some way. You gain Athletics and Endurance Proficiency.

Bandit Attack

2 History Points
You, your family, or your village was attacked by bandits, and you helped to defend in some way. You get Athletics, Bullying, or Intimidation Proficiency.
Watch Out! (Reaction) When an Ally adjacent to you makes a Defense Roll, you can spend 1 Reaction to give them a +2 Bonus to the Roll.


1 History Points
You have lived in comfort for most of your life as you and your immediate family is part of the nobility. You gain Nobility Lore and Diplomacy Proficiency.


1 History Points
You have worked to entertain people, whether that be reciting tales and playing a lute in a tavern, by acting on the front stage of a theater, by singing in the streets, or some other means. You gain Performance Lore and Diplomacy Proficiency.

[Ideas: Stood up to Bully, Fought a Ghost, Found Missing Person, Discover Lost Library, Tragic Loss, Mysterious Murder, Invention, Inspire Crowd, Hunter, Farmer, Apprentice, Beggar, Outlander, Conscript, Acolyte, Pickpocket, Sailor, Merchant, Settler, Squire, Student, Wrongful Imprisonment, Conscription, Student, Acolyte, Enslaved, City Guard]


Destinies represent what your Hero is destined to become and give a way to both gain and spend Fate. The GM determines how many Destiny Points Hero's have at Level 1 (usually 1). At Levels 7, 15, and 20, a Hero gains 1 additional Destiny Point.

Almighty Archmage

1 Destiny Point
Magic power flows through you.
Gaining Fate: Whenever your party first gains a Magic Item (through a manner other than spending Fate), or you gain a Spell for the first time, you gain 1 Fate.
Spending Fate: You can spend 1 Fate to cast any Spell another Hero of your Level could.
Table-Talk. There are a lot of Spells in the game, it could make sense to choose a few signature Spells for your Hero to not be overwhelmed with choice every time you use this Destiny's Spending Fate feature.

Vengeful Vindicator

1 Destiny Point
If you are crossed, you will fight back, and you aim to end betrayal in the world, by any means necessary.
Gaining Fate: When you claim retribution and claim justice against someone who has wronged you, you gain 1 Fate. Spending Fate: When you gain a Wound or Fear, you can spend 1 Fate to cause the Creature that dealt it to you to gain a Wound or Fear respectively.

Legendary Collector

1 Destiny Point
You've always had a profundity for picking up random yet useful knick-knacks, and you are destined to have a vast treasure vault one day.
Gaining Fate: Whenever your party first gains a Treasure Item (through a manner other than spending Fate), you gain 1 Fate.
Spending Fate: You can spend 1 Fate to gain a random Item.

People's Champion

1 Destiny Point
The people look up to you as their champion.
Gaining Fate: When you directly help members of the populace at significant expense to yourself, you gain 1 Fate.
Spending Fate: You can spend 1 Fate to inspire a portion of the populace to follow a course of action which benefits the populace (such as overthrowing a corrupt tyrant or aiding in defense against an evil).

Primal Paragon

1 Destiny Point
You have always had an affinity for the natural, and you are destined to become one with it.
Gaining Fate: When you perform a great feat of preserving or commanding nature, you gain 1 Fate.
Spending Fate: You can spend 1 Fate to direct a Beast, Plant, or Nature creature to take a course of action you choose.

Relentless Regicide

1 Destiny Point
You will eventually kill a king, queen, regent, or ruler.
Gaining Fate: XXXXXX
Spending Fate: XXXXXX

Seabound Scoundrel

1 Destiny Point
"I'll never stoop to your level." - Croc Ashstrike Gaining Fate: When you acquire your first of a kind of Nautical Item, you gain 1 Fate. Spending Fate: You can spend 2 Fate to gain a Treasure Item.

[Ideas: Intrepid Explorer, Draconic Heritage/Heir, Famous Performer, Famed Scholar, Force of Darkness, Master of Whispers, Hand of Vengeance, Paragon of Light, Warlord, Hand of Fate, Heir to the Throne, Glorious Hero, Cunning Villain, Wise Master]


After a Hero or Nemesis takes Damage equal to its HP (Might + 4), it will gain a random Wound.

Glancing Wounds

In Combat, a creature is filled with adrenaline and can spend 2 Actions to try to recover from a Wound, using one of its Recovery Stats. When a creature attempts to Recover from a Wound, it makes a Check using the chosen Recovery Stat, and recovers from the Wound if it succeeds the Check, which has a DC listed in the Condition. At the end of Combat, a creature Recovers from all of its Glancing Wounds.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Bleed Might, Lore (DC8)

In response to a burn or other flesh wound, your skin has broken out in blisters. After you make a Check, you take 1 Damage.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound Might, Lore (DC5)

I scream, you scream, we all scream … when we have chills. Whenever you take an Action, you lose all your unspent Movement Points.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Bludgeoning, Mental Might, Resolve (DC5)

Your mind has been muddles, usually either by a concussive blow to your head or a magical muddying. It takes 1 fewer Action to Recover from this Wound. At the start of each of your Turns, you must attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Bludgeoning Agility, Instinct (DC5)

Money may make the world go 'round, but a good knock to the head can do so too. Whenever you move, you must do so in a random direction. You can move at half the normal rate to ignore this effect.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound Might (DC4)

A heavy blow has weakened you, impairing your retaliation. You must spend an additional Action for every Attack you perform.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Positioning Might, Agility (DC4)

Bound and tied in some form of snare, you are restrained. You cannot Dash.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Disease Might (DC4)

[]. At the end of each of your turns, increase the DC for this Wound by 1 (to a maximum of 8). Once the DC reaches 8, convert this to a Lingering Wound with "Recovery Condition. You gain a -1 penalty on Checks made to Recover from this Wound for each other Wound you have."

Flesh Wound

Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound Might, Lore (DC10)

"'Tis but a flesh wound!" — Micah, probably. You cannot have more Hit Points than half your Hit Point maximum.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Disease, Infection Might, Lore (DC5)

The microbial world is chock-full of pioneering, opportunistic germs and fungi, each of which is more than happy to take advantage of an open wound. Your Hit Points are reduced by 2.
If you have one or more Lingering or Grievous Wounds, attach this Wound to one of them and this gains "You only lose this Wound when you lose the attached Wound."


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Bleed Might, Instinct (DC6)

You have been hit in a way that has caused you to lose vital fluids. At the start of your turn, you take 1 Damage.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Positioning Agility, Speed (DC3)

You have been knocked to the ground and are in a vulnerable position. When you make a Defense Roll, you make the Roll twice and use the lower result. Your Movement is reduced by half.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Mental, Fear Resolve (DC5)

You have been struck with great power and shaken to your core. You gain a Passing Fear. At the start of your next Turn, you Recover from this Wound.

Short of Breath

Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Respiratory Might (DC5)

Your breath has been taken away, whether by injury or a beautiful sight. You cannot move more spaces in a round than your Might.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Movement Speed (DC7)

You have been hit in a way that restricts your movement. Your Movement is reduced by half.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Respiratory Might (DC5)

Muscle spasms constrain your movements, hindering your advance and retreat alike. You cannot spend more Initiative Points in a Round than your Might.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Bludgeoning Might, Instinct (DC5)

Fluff. When you would spend an Energy, you must also spend an Action.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Bludgeoning, Breath Might, Resolve (DC3)

You've had the wind knocked out of you, and you need to take a moment to regather yourself. At the start of your next Turn, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound as a Free Action, and you lose 2 Actions for that Turn if you fail the Check. At the end of that Turn, you Recover from this Wound.

Lingering Wounds

At the end of a Rest, you can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds whose Recovery Condition you meet, equal to your Resolve.

Broken Arm

Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound, Fracture Might, Lore (DC8)

One of your arms, or other extremities used for manual manipulation, is broken. Any Check you make which involves the use of the affected limb is halved, and the affected limb cannot be used to hold an object weighing more than half a kilogram.
Recovery Condition. You can attempt to Recover from this Wound if, after injury, the injured limb was not actively used since your last Rest, such as by using a cast, using a brace, or using other protective measures.

Broken Leg

Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound, Fracture Might, Lore (DC8)

One of your legs, or other lower extremities used for movement, is broken. Your Speed is reduced by 2.
Recovery Condition. You can attempt to Recover from this Wound if, after injury, the injured limb was not actively used since your last Rest, such as by being on bed-rest, using crutches, or using other protective measures.

Lingering Blindness

Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound, Sight Might, Lore (DC7)

An injury to one of your eyes has left you temporarily without much usable sight in that eye. Perhaps inflammation or irritation obstructs your vision, or perhaps true blindness has temporarily set in. You cannot roll more than half of the total on a die for any check that is dependent on sight. Furthermore, you lack depth perception as you only have one eye.
Recovery Condition. You gain a +1 bonus on Checks made to Recover from this Wound for each of the following:

  • You apply a proper medicinal salve to the eye.
  • You have worn a patch over the eye.
  • You have used appropriate warm and/or cold compresses.

Lingering Deafness

Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound, Auditory Might, Lore (DC7)

An injury to one your ears has left you temporarily deafened. You cannot hear.
Recovery Condition. You can attempt to Recover from this Wound if, after injury, the injured ears have been protected from the elements (such as through the use of bandages or earmuffs).

Respiratory Injury

Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound Might, Resolve (DC8)

A wheezing injury has weakened your respiratory system, making it difficult and even painful to breathe deeply. Your Might is reduced by 2.
Recovery Condition. You gain a -1 penalty on Checks made to Recover from this Wound for each time, after injury, you have significantly overexerted yourself to the point of running out of breath since your last Rest.


Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound, Auditory, Mental Might, Resolve (DC8)

"You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round, like a record, baby, right 'round, 'round, 'round …" - Dead or Alive. You struggle to maintain your balance. Your Agility is reduced by 2 and your Movement is reduced by 1.
(No Recovery Condition.)


Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound Might, Resolve (DC8)

Your body has been battered and bruised, and the scars and shrapnel wounds ache with every moment. Whenever you take Damage, the amount of Damage you take is increased by 1.
Recovery Condition. You gain a -1 penalty on Checks made to Recover from this Wound for each other Wound you have.

Grievous Wounds

Grievous Wounds have their own unique way of recovery.

At Death's Door

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Might, Resolve (DC10)

You have begun to fully die, and may soon leave this world. You gain the Unconscious Condition. At the start of your Turn, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound as a Free Action, if you fail the Check, you gain an Fate. At the end of your Turn, make a DC4 Flat Check. If you fail the Check, you die.

Breaking Will

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Resolve (DC10)

Your will has begun to falter, and soon you will fall. You can only use a number of features per Round equal to your Resolve. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Resolve Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Wisdom (DC10)

You are disoriented and completely out of the thick of things. When you make an Attack or Defense Roll, you reduce the Die Size by 1 Step. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Wisdom Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Dulling Mind

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Lore (DC10)

Your mind begins to decay and dissolve. You no longer have Reactions and you can only take Free Actions by spending 1 Action. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Lore Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Speed (DC10)

Your entire body begins slowing down, and unless you can fight it off your heart will soon stop. You have a -1 penalty to all Checks, Attacks, and Defense Rolls you make. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Speed Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Lodged Metal

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Agility (DC10)

You have shards of metal or other materials lodged inside of you, and one wrong move could be the end of you. You reduce your Movement by half. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Agility Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Mortal Blow

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Might (DC10)

Those suffering from a Mortal Blow are at risk of death. After you deal Damage with an Attack, you halve that Damage. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Might Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.


At Character creation, you choose a number of Items for your Hero to start with determined by your GM (usually 3), and potentially altered by some Histories.


Name Attack Die Attack Stats Defense Stats Traits Keywords
Atlatl 3d4 Agility, Instinct Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Projectile, Spear, Piercing Bulky, Hands (2), Ranged (12 Meters)
Battleaxe 1d8 Might, Speed Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Axe, Slashing Hands (1), Skilled Intimidation (If you deal Damage equal to or more than the Target's Resolve, they gain a Fear), Two-Handed (You choose the Defense Stat)
Blowgun 1d4 Might, Agility, Instinct Agility Dart, Piercing Concealable, Hands (1), Ranged (6 Meters), Special (While you are Concealed from the Target, the Stat Bonus to the Target's Defense has a maximum equal to their Instinct)
Boomerang 1d6 Might, Agility Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Club, Projectile, Bludgeoning Hands (1), Special (If this Weapon deals no Damage, it returns to you at the start of your next Turn, and you can catch it provided you have a free hand), Thrown (10 Meters)
Brass Knuckles 1d6 Might, Agility, Speed Might, Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Club, Bludgeoning Hands (1), Concealable, Special (While Wielding two Brass Knuckles, your Defense Die increases by 1 Step), Worn
Club 1d6 Agility, Speed Agility, Instinct (Your Choice) Club, Bludgeoning Hands (1), Melee
Dagger 1d4 Agility, Speed, Instinct Agility, Instinct (Your Choice) Knife, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (1), Paired (If there are at least 2 Defense Stat option, remove one option from the Defense Stats), Melee, Special (If the Target's Defense Die is at least a d8 and there are at least 2 Defense Stat Options, remove one option from the Defense Stats), Thrown (4 Meters)
Flail 1d6 Might, Speed Might Club, Bludgeoning Hands (1) Reach (2 Meters), Special (You can spend 1 Action while Wielding this Weapon to increase your Defense Die by 1)
Gauntlet 1d6 Might, Agility Might, Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Club, Bludgeoning Guard 1 (Slashing), Hands (1), Melee, Worn
Glaive 1d8 Might Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Polearm, Spear, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (2), Melee, Reach (2 Meters)
Greataxe 1d10 Might Might, Speed (Target's Choice) Axe, Slashing Hands (2), Melee
Greatclub 1d10 Might, Speed Might, Instinct (Your Choice) Club, Bludgeoning Hands (2), Melee
Greathammer 2d6 Might Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Club, Bludgeoning Hands (2), Melee
Greatsword 1d12 Might Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Sword, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (2), Melee
Halberd (Axe Mode) 1d8 Might, Resolve Might, Insight (Target's Choice) Axe, Slashing Hands (2), Melee, Reach (2 Meters), Special (You can spend 1 Action to swap this Weapon to Halberd (Spear Mode))
Halberd (Spear Mode) 1d8 Might, Resolve Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Spear, Piercing Hands (2), Melee, Reach (2 Meters), Special (You can spend 1 Action to swap this Weapon to Halberd (Axe Mode))
Handaxe 1d6 Might, Speed Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Axe, Slashing Hands (1), Melee, Paired (Can Move 1 Space after Attack), Thrown (3 Meters)
Hand Crossbow 1d6 Speed, Instinct Agility, Speed (Your Choice) Bow, Piercing Hands (1), Paired (Increase your Attack Die by 1 Step), Ranged (6 Meters)
Heavy Crossbow 1d12 Might, Instinct Might, Agility, Speed, Instinct (Target's Choice) Bow, Piercing Hands (2), Ranged (12 Meters)
Hook Sword 1d6 Agility, Instinct Agility, Instinct (Target's Choice) Sword, Slashing Hands (1), Paired (If you deal Damage with this Attack, you can immediately spend 1 Action to make a Contested Acrobatics or Athletics Check against the Target's Acrobatics or Athletics, on a success, the Target drops your choice of one of the Item's held)
Javelin 1d8 Might, Agility Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Piercing, Spear Hands (1), Melee, Thrown (Meters equal to thrice your Instinct)
Katana 1d6 Might, Speed Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Sword, Slashing Hands (1), Melee, Parry, Two-Handed (You choose the Target Stat)
Katar 1d8 Might, Agility, Speed Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Knife, Piercing Hands (1), Melee, Special (Before you make an Attack with this Weapon you can Move 1 Space)
Lance 2d8 Might, Instinct Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Spear, Piercing Bulky, Hands (2), Melee, Reach (3 Meters), Special (While Mounted, this Weapon has the Hands (1) Keyword)
Light Crossbow 1d6 Agility, Instinct Agility, Speed (Your Choice) Bow, Piercing Hands (2), Ranged (12 Meters)
Longbow 1d8 Agility, Instinct Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Bow, Piercing Hands (2), Ranged (10 Meters)
Longsword 1d8 Might, Resolve Might, Agility (Your Choice) Sword, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (1), Melee
Mace 1d6 Might, Instinct, Might, Agility, Resolve (Target's Choice) Club, Bludgeoning Hands (1), Special (This Weapon gains a +1 to its Attack for every 2 Size Steps of the Target's Defense Die)
Net 1d8 Speed, Instinct Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Projectile, Bludgeoning Hands (1), Special (If any Damage is dealt, the target gains the Entangled Glancing Wound and the Damage is halved), Thrown (6 Meters)
Pata 1d6 Might, Agility Might, Agility, Instinct (Target's Choice) Sword, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Guard 2 (Slashing), Hands (1), Melee, Parry
Pike 1d8 Might, Resolve Might, Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Piercing, Spear Hands (2), Melee, Reach (2 Meters), Special (Adjacent Allies increase their Defense Die by 1 Step)
Quarterstaff 1d6 Instinct, Lore Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Staff, Bludgeoning, Concussive Hands (1), Melee, Special (When you make a Check to resist being moved against your will, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to the Check, and while your Movement is reduced in any way, your Movement increases by 1), Two-Handed (This Weapon's Attack Die is increased to a d8)
Rapier 1d8 Agility, Instinct Agility, Speed (Target's Choice) Sword, Piercing Hands (1), Melee, Parry
Saber 1d6 Agility, Resolve Might, Instinct (Your Choice) Sword, Slashing Hands (1), Melee, Parry
Scythe 4d4 Might, Instinct Might, Agility, Resolve (Target's Choice) Polearm, Slashing Bulky, Hands (2), Melee, Reach (2 Meters)
Shortbow 1d6 Agility, Speed, Instinct Agility, Speed (Your Choice) Bow, Piercing Hands (2), Ranged (6 Meters)
Shortsword 1d6 Might, Agility Might, Agility (Target's Choice) Sword, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (1), Melee, Paired (Reduce Target's Defense Die by 1 Step)
Sling Special Might, Speed Agility, Speed, Instinct (Target's Choice) Projectile, Versatile (Bludgeoning or Piercing) Hands (1), Ranged (Special), Special (You can spend 1 or more Actions making an Attack with this Weapon, adding a d4 to the Attack Die and 6 Meters to the Range for each Action Spent. If you spend 2 or more Actions you choose the Target Stat)
Spear 1d6 Might, Resolve Agility, Speed (Your Choice) Piercing, Spear Hands (1), Melee, Two-Handed (This Weapon gains Reach (2 Meters) and its Attack Die becomes a d8)
Unarmed 1d4 Might, Agility, Speed Might, Agility, Speed (Your Choice) Natural, Bludgeoning Hands (1), Melee, Paired (Can Move 1 Space after Attack)
Warhammer 1d8 Might, Resolve Agility, Resolve (Your Choice) Club, Bludgeoning Hands (2), Melee, Follow-Through
Whip 1d6 Might, Resolve Might, Agility, Resolve (Your Choice) Auditory, Club, Slashing Hands (1), Melee, Reach (2 Meters), Skilled Bullying (If you deal Damage to the Target, you can spend 1 Reaction to push them 1 Space away from you), Skilled Thievery (If you would deal Damage to the Target, you can spend 1 Reaction to halve the Damage and make a Contested Thievery Check, pulling your choice of one Item the Target is holding either to your feet or into one of your empty Hands on a success)

Weapon Keywords

  • Bulky. You must spend 2 Actions to make 1 Attack with this Weapon.
  • Concealable. Any Check you make to conceal your possession of this Weapon is made twice, using the higher result.
  • Follow-Through. When making an Attack against a Foe you have already dealt Damage to this Turn, you gain a +1 bonus to the Attack for each time you've hit it with an Attack this Turn.
  • Guard. While wielding a Weapon with Guard, when you take Damage of the listed type, you reduce that Damage by the value accompanying the keyword.
  • Hands. You need to use a number of hands listed with the Keyword to use the Weapon.
  • Melee. You can only Attack a Creature in your Reach with this Weapon.
  • Parry. When you are wielding this Weapon and you are targeted by a Melee Attack, you can spend 1 Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your Defense Roll.
  • Paired. If you make an Attack with a different Weapon while wielding this Weapon, you make the Attack twice, once with the other Weapon, and once using the dice included with the Keyword, and use the higher result for the Attack.
  • Ranged. When you make an Attack using this Weapon while a Foe is adjacent to you, you roll the Attack twice and use the lower result for the Attack. The Weapon also has a Reach equal to the value listed with the Keyword.
  • Reach. When you make an Attack using the Weapon, your Reach is the number of Meters listed with the Keyword. If your Reach is increased by another source as well, you add that to the Reach of the Attack as normal.
  • Skilled. If you have the listed Skill Proficiency, you gain an additional effect if you have Proficiency in the listed Skill)
  • Thrown. Each time you make an Attack with this Weapon, you choose if the Weapon has the Melee or Ranged Keyword. If you choose the Ranged Keyword, you use the value listed with the Keyword for the Reach. If you choose the Ranged Keyword, you throw the Weapon, and must retrieve it in order to use it again.
  • Two-Handed. When you use this Weapon with two hands, you gain an additional effect described in parentheses after the Keyword.
  • Versatile. You choose one of the Traits in the parenthesis after the Versatile to have active, you can swap them as a Free Action, even on a different turn. The ability is considered to have whichever Trait is currently active.


Round Shield

Shield. Hands (1). A standard and rounded shield, most likely made of a piece of wood or thin sheet of metal. You can spend 1 Action to raise the Round Shield, increasing your Defense Die by 1 Step.

Worn Equipment

Every Hero (Provided they have standard two arm, two limb, roughly humanoid body anatomy) can wear 1 Body, 1 Head, 1 Hand, and 1 Foot piece of clothing. Basic clothes and shoes are assumed if nothing else is worn.


Half Helm

3 Gold. Metal.
This helmet provides protection for the top of the head, but leaves the lower two-thirds of the face open for better visibility and breathability. When you would gain a Head Wound, you can spend 1 Reaction to gain a different Wound of the same Severity instead. You can also spend 1 Energy when you do so, to instead discard the Wound without gaining a different one.


1 Gold. Variable (Felt, Leather, or Straw).
Fabulous. Head. Resistant +1 (Environment).
A standard hat that protects from the sun or rain and looks good.

Great Helm

4 Gold. Metal.
Anonymity. Defensive 1. Head. Weakness -2 (Environment). Weakness -1 (Fire).
Provides protection to the brain, eyes, and face, but covers almost the entire head. Whenever you make a Search Check, you make the Check twice and use the lower result.


1 Gold. Variable (Cloth, Metal, Plasticine, Stone, or Wood)
Anonymity. Fabulous. Head.
Provides anonymity, shows allegiance, and protects from certain blows. When you would gain a Head Wound, you can spend 1 Reaction to gain a different Wound of the same Severity instead. You can also cause the Mask to be destroyed when you do so, to instead discard the Wound without gaining a different one.

Body Pieces


4 Gold. Composite. Leather. Metal.
Body. Defensive 1. Resistant +1 (Bludgeoning). Resistant +1 (Slashing).
A shirt made of a leather shirt with studs and plates of metal for added protection.


2 Gold. Fabric.
Body. Accessory. Fabulous.
A glorious fashion statement that might get in the way more than you'd like to admit. You gain 1 less Dash Point at the start of each of your Turns.


3 Gold. Fabric.
Accessory. Body. Hooded. Resistant +1 (Environment).
A practical accessory often worn for its ability to protect from the elements, and sometimes worn for the subdued image it provides the wearer. You gain a +1 bonus to Stealth Checks, and your Movement is reduced by 1. All Items you are carrying on under the Cloak gain the Concealable Keyword.


10 Gold. Metal. Noisy 2. Plate.
Body. Defensive 2.
A shirt made up of a few large and heavy pieces of metal. Your Movement is reduced by 1.


7 Gold. Fabric.
Body. Defensive 1. Resistant +2 (Cold). Resistant +2 (Environment). Vulnerability -1 (Fire). Vulnerability -2 (Piercing).
Layers upon layers of fabric with some wool in between to provide protection from weapons and the elements.


6 Gold. Mail. Metal.
Body. Defensive 1. Noisy 1. Resistant +2 (Slashing)
A shirt of hundreds of interwoven metal loops, providing both great protection, namely against cuts which get caught on the loops, and fairly decent mobility.


6 Gold. Composite. Variable (Leather or Metal).
Body. Defensive 1. Noisy 1. Resistant +2 (Bludgeoning)
A shirt of hundreds of individual plates of metal woven together, able to distribute heavy blows effectively across the armor.


6 Gold. Composite. Metal.
Body. Defensive 1. Noisy 1. Resistant +2 (Piercing)
A shirt of many metal plates layered on each other to allow for protection and resistance against piercing.

Leather Shirt

4 Gold. Leather.
Body. Resistant +2 (Bludgeoning). Resistant +2 (Fire). Resistant +2 (Piercing). Resistant +2 (Slashing).
A shirt of fire-retardant, boiled, and hardened leather.


5 Gold. Variable (Fabric or Hide)
Body. Fabulous. Hooded.
A long draping garment coming fit with a hood. Whenever you spend Energy, you gain that many additional Reactions this Round.


3 Gold. Fabric
Body. Accessory. Fabulous. Resistant +1 (Cold). Vulnerable -1 (Fire). A piece of fabric tied around the neck to look good and protect from the cold.


4 Gold. Fabric
Body. Accessory. Fabulous. Resistant +1 (Cold). Vulnerable -1 (Fire). A priestly garb mainly made up of a ceremonial robe.

Armor Keywords

  • Resistant. You gain a bonus to Checks you make against effects with the Traits listed in with the Keyword, equal to the value listed with the Keyword.
  • Slowing. Your Movement is reduced by an amount equal to the value listed with the Condition
  • Vulnerable. You gain a penalty to Checks you make against effects with the Traits listed in with the Keyword, equal to the value listed with the Keyword.

Adventuring Gear

Battle Standard

6 Gold, One-Handed
You can spend 1 Reaction to allow an Ally to Reroll a Defense Roll.

War Horn

4 Gold, One-Handed, Audible
You can spend 1 Action to blow the horn and make an Intimidation Check. All Foes within a number of Spaces up to your Might make a Contesting Grit Check. If you succeed, that Foe gains the Disoriented Glancing Wound. When you blow the horn, Creatures up to approximately 1 Kilometer away can hear it (depending on terrain, this could be longer or shorter).

Hunting Trap

4 Gold, Consumable, Trap.
Bundled (3). You can spend 1 Action to set up a trap in an adjacent empty Space. When a Creature enters a Space containing the trap, they make a Defense Roll using Might or Speed (Target's Choice) against an Attack Roll of 7.
A Creature can also spend 2 Actions to attempt to hide the set-up trap, making a Dexterity Check. Any Creature whose Search Bonus is less than the Dexterity Check's result can no longer see the trap unless they take specific acts to investigate the area. (If you spend 1 minute attempting to hide the trap, maximize your Dexterity Check.)




Berserkers are powerful hulks that use magic and powerful emotions to fuel a

Powerful Will

1st Level Berserker Feature
Berserkers are naturally strong-willed beings, wrought with intense emotion. Thus, their will is harder to break. When you make a Check to resist an effect with the Emotion or Mental Trait, you make the Check twice, using the higher result.

Berserker Path

1st, and more, Level Berserker Feature
You choose a Berserker Path from the following table which represents the emotions or magical power that fuels your.

Berserker Paths Complexity Level Path Description
Path of Crucibles Example Example
Path of Devotion Example Example
Path of Focus Example Example
Path of Joy Example Example
Path of Wrath Example Example

Berserker Paths

Path of Devotion

You in love boi


1st Level Path of Devotion Feature — Passion. Emotion.
Your devotion, whether it be love, nationalism, or loyalty, allows you to enter a state of heightened protectiveness. You can spend 1 Action to enter a heightened emotional state of protection and devotion, which you remain in until you meet the Ending Conditions.
Devotion Benifits: You can spend 1 Action and take 1d4 Damage to Recover from a Glancing Wound. Also, if an Ally adjacent to you suffers a Glancing Wound, you can use your Reaction to suffer that Wound instead.
Devotion Drawbacks: You cannot take an act that would directly result in an Ally coming in harms-way.
Ending Conditions: Your Devotion ends once none of your Allies are in a danger that you can percieve or if you are Unconscious.

Path of Wrath

You angy boi


1st Level Path of Wrath Feature - Passion. Emotion.
Your wrath, whether at your enemies or the world, allows you to shrug of many mundane injuries. You can spend 1 Action to enter a heightened emotional state of anger and fury, which you remain in until you meet the Ending Conditions.
Rage Benifits: You gain Resistance 1d4 to effects without the Magic Trait.
Rage Drawbacks: At least 1 of your Actions each Turn must be spent to Attack a Creature, if you are not able to do so, you gain Weakness 1d4 to all Rolls you make until the end of your next Turn.
Ending Conditions: Your Rage ends once there are no more Foes within 25 Meters that you are aware of or if you are Unconscious.




Hippity hoppity, you have a cursetopoly

Lost Control

1st Level Cursed Feature
Curses can consume the will of its victims, causing them to go berserk. If certain Insanity Conditions given by your Subclass are met, you lose control of your character, taken over by chaotic fury or a ravenous hunger.
Table-Talk: Complete loss of character control might not be fun for a specific table, and all things considered, just not losing control of your character during certain circumstances won't effect balance too much, and it has been added as a mechanic for flavor. If a player's character is a Cursed, talk at session 0, or when they multi-class into the class, about if this mechanic fits for the tone of the game.

Cursed Origin

1st, 3rd, and more, Level Cursed Feature
You choose a Cursed Curse from the following table which represents your curse, both its dark gifts, and terrible weaknesses.

Cursed Origin Complexity Level Curse Description
Curse of the Fae Example Example
Curse of the Hag Example Example
Curse of the Lycanthrope Example Example
Curse of the Undead Example Example
Curse of the Vampire Example Example

Spread Curse

2nd Level Cursed Feature (rename)
Your own curse manifests in the ability to spread similar curses to others. When you Wound a Foe, you can spend 1 Energy to force it to make a Conteseted Resolve Check against you. If you Win, choose one of your Curse Options to apply to that Foe.

Curse Options

2nd Level Cursed Feature
You gain the following Curse Options for your Spread Curse feature:

  • You Will Fear! The Foe gains the Shaken Glancing Wound.
  • You Are Weak! When the Foe adds its lowest Stat to a Roll, it reduces the Roll by a d4.
  • You Cannot Run! The Foe gains the Slowed Glancing Wound.

Curse of the Lycanthrope

You have been cursed by a werewolf, werebear, weretiger, or some other kind of were-animal.

Lycanthropic Strength

1st Level Curse of the Lycanthrope Feature
Your curse manifests in the ability to shift into a animal-hybrid, as well as some supernatural hardiness. You gain Perception and Tracking Proficiency, Nightvision, and you gain Resistance 2 to effects without the Magic or Silver Trait. You also gain the Lycanthrope, Shapeshifter, and Cursed Traits.
You also gain a Hybrid Form [There will be rules on Forms, but you can swap between your Forms as an Action as a general rule]. While in your Hybrid Form, you take on some of the animalistic traits of the animal you are a lycanthrope of, while still remaining in your rough body-shape of your Standard Form. Your Movement also increases by 2 while in this Form, and you gain a Claws and a Bite Attack. The Claw uses Agility or Resolve, and targets the Foe's choice of Might or Resolve, it uses a d6, has the Slashing Trait, and the Melee, Follow-Through, Natural, and Hands (0) Keywords. The Bite uses Might or Resolve, target's the Foe's choice of Agility or Instinct, it uses a d8, has the Piercing Trait, and the Melee, Natural, and Hands (0) Keywords.

Lycanthropic Weakness

1st Level Curse of the Lycanthrope Feature
Your curse gives you weaknesses to much that would be deemed as impotent to most. You gain Silver Weakness 4, Lunar Weakness 4, Fire Weakness 2, Radiant Weakness 2, and Sonic Weakness 2.
Insanity Conditions. There is a full-moon.



Druids are mages that use the power of nature, often support, but can do some decent elemental damage.

Druidic Arcana

1st Level Druid Feature
Choose 3 of the following Spells:

  • Naturalistic Regeneration. Area. Magic. Primal. Spell. Fluff Mechanics

(Change into an animal)

Druidic Linguistics

1st Level Druid Feature
Druids have many forms of communication taught to them during basic training. You can communicate verbally with Beasts, and you learn Druidic.

Druid Circle

2nd, and more, Level Druid Feature
You choose a Druid Circle that represents the way you

Druid Circles Complexity Level Circle Description
Circle of the Aegis Example Example
Circle of the Form Example Example
Circle of the Rancher Example Example
Circle of the Something Example Example
Circle of the Something Example Example








You Aragorn

Favored Foe

1st Level Ranger Feature
You can research potential enemies you would come across to be more effective against them. At the end of each Rest, choose one Trait, you add a d4 to your Rolls against Creatures with that Trait until your next Rest.

Ranger Disciplines

1st Level Ranger Feature
Rangers have a variety of skills and arts to enhance and alter their combat. Choose one Ranger Discipline to gain.

Ranger Disciplines

Here is the list of Ranger Disciplines.

Growing Skill

Miscellaneous Discipline
You have studied a variety of more niche topics to become more of a generalist. You gain 2 Skill and/or Tool Proficiencies of your choice.

Primal Arcana

Miscellaneous Discipline
You tap into the primal magic of the Wardens to more effectively fight. Choose one of the Spells the Warden gets from their Nature's Magic Feature, you gain that Spell.

Wild Agility

Miscellaneous Disciple
You have practiced many varieties of traversing the area around you. You can Climb and Swim.


Miscellaneous Disciple
You have built up an instinctual movement to bound at quicker speed. Your Movement increases by 2.


Miscellaneous Discipline
You are ever-watchful, for a ranger is rarely caught of guard. You require 2 less Hours to finish a Rest, and you are aware as if you were on watch while Resting.


edgy orpha (assassin's would choose a few speicifc for their woundy boi feature)

Wounding Strikes

1st Level Rogue Feature
You can pinpoint your attacks to cause debilitating harm to your targets. When you deal Damage to a Foe, you can reduce that Damage by 4 to cause that Foe to gain a Glancing Wound.

Sneak Attack

1st Level Rogue Feature
While attacking an enemy in a vulnerable state, you can strike in such a way that you bypass some of their defenses. While Attacking, if one of your Sneak Attack Conditions is met, you reduce the Defense Roll of the target by your Instinct.
You also gain the following Sneak Attack Conditions:

  • An Ally is adjacent to the target.
  • The target cannot sense you.

Rogue Knacks

2nd Level Rogue Feature
Every Rogue uses their own set of tools, making no two Rogues the same. Choose 2 Rogue Knacks to gain.

Rogue Knacks

Fluff [Ideas: Uncanny Dodge, Steady Aim, Thieve's Cant]

Steady Aim

Rogue Knack
You can steady your breath and body to shoot a shot true. You can spend 1 Action to increase the Die Size of all Ranged Attacks you make until the start of your next Turn.


You smart.




Sorcerers have a well of natural magic that they use to cast their spells. This magic comes from their bloodline, whether that bloodline be cursed or blessed, or if they actually have a partial heritage of their source.

What Sorcery is This?

1st Level Sorcerer Feature
You gain two of the following Spells of your choice:

  • Energy Blast. Magic. Spell. Single-target. Energy sits in the palm of your hand, and can be used in anyway you wish. You can treat this feature as a Weapon with an Attack Die of 1d8, a Used Stat of Resolve, Target Stats of Agility or Speed (target's choice), and the Keywords "Hands (1), Ranged (8 Meters)." Whenever you Attack with this feature, add one of the Traits from another Spell you know to the Attack.

  • Cryomancy. Magic. Spell. Frost. Area. Ice and frost heeds your call, freezing what you wish creeping through foes. By spending 2 Actions, you can magically chill a 1-Meter-Radius Sphere within 4 Meters of you, reducing the area's temperature to freezing and dealing 1d6 + Resolve Damage (defended with Might) to anything vulnerable to cold (such as most Creatures) within the area.
You can spend 1-3 Energy to increase the Sphere's Radius by 1 Meter for each Energy spent.

  • Pyromancy. Magic. Spell. Fire. Area. Fire and flame heed your call, striking in a flaming nova and roasting your enemies. By spending 1 Action, you can cause flames to erupt from you or a source of fire within 4 Meters. The flames jump up to 4 Meters to another space of your choice, dealing 1d6 + Resolve Damage (defended with Agility) to anything within that space (possibly lighting them on fire).
You can spend 1-3 Energy to cause an additional burst of flames in this manner for each Energy spent.

  • Telekinesis. Magic. Spell. Mental. Single-target. By spending 1 Action, you can magically lift, move, and manipulate a Creature or Item that weighs 1 kilogram or less as if you had one hand holding it, provided it is within 4 Meters of you. You can spend additional Actions or Energy to increase the weight you can manipulate by 1 kilogram per Action or Energy spent, up to a maximum number of kilograms equal to your Resolve.
You can move the Creature or Item a number of Spaces equal to your Resolve (minimum of 1). If you use the Creature or Item to perform an Attack, it is magically empowered to use an Attack Die of 1d8, a Used Stat of Resolve, and Target Stats of Agility or Speed (target's choice).
The Creature or Item remains in your telekinetic grasp until the end of your next Turn (for example, an Item you lift is suspended in mid-air only until your next Turn ends, at which point it falls unless you continue to spend Actions and/or Energy to renew your control over the Item).

  • Sleight of Hand. Magic. Spell. You can spend 1 Action to magically sequester an Item you are holding that weighs 1 kilogram or less, causing it to disappear until you bring it forth again by spending 1 Action.
You can spend Energy to increase the weight you can manipulate by 1 kilogram per Energy spent, up to a maximum number of kilograms equal to your Resolve.

  • Illusory Duplicate. Magic. Spell. Illusion. By spending 2 Actions, you create an illusory copy of a Creature or Item you can see, or one with which you are intimately familiar. The chosen Creature or Item cannot weigh more than a number of kilograms equal to your Level. The illusion behaves as you expect the original Creature or Item would; a Creature will act as you believe it would, and a flame would be quenched by water. However, the illusion is incapable of directly causing Damage.
When you create the illusion, choose sight, taste and smell, hearing, or touch. The illusion is imperceptible to the chosen sense, but is perceptible and apparently real to all other senses.
Every Action a Creature spends investigating or otherwise inspecting the illusion, it makes a Contested Perception Check against your Resolve Check, determining the illusion as fake and perceiving through it on a succesful Check.

Sorcerer Bloodline

1st, and more, Level Sorcerer Feature
You choose a Sorcerer Bloodline that represents the source of power that either cursed or blessed your family, or who's powers you draw on hereditarily.

Sorcerer Bloodlines Complexity Level Bloodline Description
Divine Bloodline Example Example
Draconic Bloodline Example Example
Order Bloodline Example Example
Storming Bloodline Example Example
Wild Bloodline Example Example

Sorcerer Bloodlines


Divine Bloodline


Holy Nature

1st Level Divine Bloodline Feature
Divine and Holy power flows through you. You gain Negative Resistance 2 and you gain Evil Resistance 2.

Divine Spells

1st Level Divine Bloodline Feature
You gain one of the following Spells.

  • Mend Wounds. Magic. Spell. Single-target. Positive. Healing. You can spend 1 Action and choose an Ally within your Reach, it then regains 1d6 HP. You can also spend 1 Energy to allow that creature to attempt to Recover from one of its Wounds.

Storming Bloodline


Soul of the Winds

1st Level Storming Bloodline Feature
Fluff. You gain Environment Resistance 2, you learn Elemental, and you when you take Lightning Damage, your Defense Die increases by 2 Steps until the end of your next Turn.

Storming Spells

1st Level Storming Bloodline Feature
You gain 1 of the following Spells:

  • Conjure Tempest. Magic. Spell. Single-target. Environment. You can spend 2 Actions to create a raging tempest that surrounds you, emanating out to a Range of 3 Meters and lasts for 1 Hour. This area is Difficult Terrain, and all Creature's in the area have their Defense Die increased by 1 Step. You can also spend 1 Action while the tempest is active to call a lightning bolt, targeting a Space in the tempest, all Creatures within 1 Meter of that Space takes 1 Damage, and a Creature in the Space takes 1d8 Damage (Defended by Might or Instinct, Target's choice). You can also spend Energy up to your Resolve to increase the Range of this tempest by 1 Space for each Energy spent.


Many different kinds of summoners have many different machines and factories with machines in them so they can make a lot of products real fast.

Summoner Bond

1st, and more, Level Summoner Feature You choose a Summoner Bond from the following table which represents the Creatures or Crerature you summon to aid you in battle and your daily life.

Summoner Bond Complexity Level Bond Description
Bond of Beasts Example Example
Bond of Constructs Example Example
Bond of Dragons Example Example
Bond of Spirits Example Example
Bond of Undeath Example Example

Summoner Bonds


Bond of Undeath

You summon zombies.

Summon Undead

1st Level Bond of Undeath Feature. Death answers your call and you can manipulate it. You can spend 3 Actions while adjacent to a corpse to animate it as either a Zombie or a Skeleton which you command. You can have a number of these under your control at any given time equal to your Resolve. As a Free Action, you can release any Zombie or Skeleton under your control from this feature, causing it to act as a standard zombie or skeleton as appropriate.
You can spend 1 Action to cause all Zombies and Skeletons under your control to either take the Attack or Move Action. All Zombies and Skeletons take the same Action.

Body Block

1st Level Bond of Undeath Feature. You can literally have your zombies body-block for you. When a Creature is targeted by an Attack or Feature, if that Creature is adjacent to one of the Zombies or Skeletons under your control from your Summon Undead feature, you can spend 1 Reaction to cause that Attack or Feature to target that Zombie or Skeleton instead.


Swashbucklers are rambunctious adventurers, doing tricks and feats of both linguistic and physical acrobatics to produce a wonder in both their foes and friends which they channel into their acts, improving them.


1st Level Swashbuckler Feature
You know how to manipulate yourself and your words to get into better positions, both physical and mental, to strike. Whenever you succeed on a Check, you can spend 1 Reaction to gain 1 Panache. Also, choose 3 Swashbuckler Tricks, which are each unique ways of gaining and spending Panache.

Swashbuckler Flourishes

1st Level Swashbuckler Feature
All Swashbucklers have their own bag of tricks and flair to impress their allies and frighten their foes. Gain 3 Swashbuckler Flourishes.

Panache Flourishes

Bladebound Flourish

Swashbuckler Flourish.
Your parries and dodges lead into more advantageous strikes.
Earning Panache: When you take no Damage from an Attack, you gain 2 Panache.
Spending Panache: When you deal Damage with an Attack, you can spend Panache up to your Resolve, dealing additional Damage equal to the Panache spent.

Bounding Flourish

Swashbuckler Flourish.
You know how to manipulate yourself and your words to get into better positions, both physical and mental, to strike.
Earning Panache: You can spend 2 Actions to roll a d10, gaining Movement equal to the result up to your Agility, also you gain Panache equal to the excess. Spending Panache: When a Foe moves adjacent to you, you can spend 1 Reaction and Panache up to your Resolve, moving that many Spaces immediately.

Expediant Flourish

Swashbuckler Flourish.
You learn to use your alacrity and instincts interchangably.
Earning Panache: You can spend a number of Initiative Points up to your Spirit, gaining a number of Panache equal to the number spent.
Spending Panache: You can spend a number of Panache up to your Spirit, gaining a number of Initiative Points equal to the number spent.


walky walky

Jack of All Trades

1st Level Traveler Feature
You have experienced a significant amount, and can pick up on a lot very quickly. You gain a +1 bonus to all Checks you make.

Burst of Stamina

1st Level Traveler Feature
As someone who has done a lot of traveling, you have a high level of stamina that you can pull on from time to time. You can push on when the strength of most would fail. You can spend 1 Energy as a Free Action to perform one of the following:

  • Resilience. You regain all your lost HP.
  • Quick Action. You take the Move, Brace, Grab, Help, Push, or Recover Action.
  • Resolute Will. You reroll a Check.


1st Level Traveler Feature
Not all those who wander are lost. You Dash using your highest Stat, rather than your Speed (i.e., you gain movement points at the start of your Turn equal to your highest Stat). In addition, you can also ignore a number of spaces of Difficult Terrain each Turn up to your Speed.

Ever Aware

2nd Level Traveler Feature
When you make a Perception Check to find potential threats, make the Check twice and use the higher result.

Good Samaritan

2nd Level Traveler Feature
You gain the Good Samaritan Spell. (15ft Range, heals HP and target can try recover from Wound, requires Energy to use maybe, or does energy just enhance it?)

Traveler Style

2nd, and more, Level Traveler Feature
You choose a Traveler Style from the following table which represents the different mannerisms and abilities you developed to best travel in your preffered.

Traveler Style Complexity Level Style Description
Caravaneering Soldier's Style Example Example
Expiditious Explorer's Style Example Example
Itinerant Priest's Style Example Example
Scenic Pioneer's Style Example Example
World Shaper's Style Example Example


Vanguards are bastions of protection on the front-line of combat, acting as a ward between their allies and those who would dare harm them.

Wall of Defense

1st Level Vanguard Feature
You are an insurmountable wall in combat that acts as a shield to protect your allies and to resist damage. Your Defense Die increases by one Step. Also, when a Hero adjacent to you is Attacked, you can use your Reaction to become the target of that Attack.


1st Level Warrior Feature
Your stalward defense can stop enemies in their tracks. You can spend 1 Action and roll a d4 + Resolve. All adjacent enemies lose the first Movement they gain equal to that result.


1st Level Warrior Feature
You refine your abilities to resist and avoid hostile situtations. At the end of a Rest, you can choose 1 Might or Resolve Skill to gain Proficiency in until your next Rest. You can also spend 1 Energy as a Free Action to swap which Skill you chose.

Vanguard Mandate

2nd, and more, Level Vanguard Feature
You choose a Vanguard Mandate from the following table which represents the way your defend your allies and the tactics you employ to do so.

Vanguard Mandates Complexity Level Mandate Description
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example


Wardens are semi-magical warriors who use primal spells and martial skill to protect the wilds.

Attack of Opportunity

1st Level Warden Feature
You're reaction times have quickened, allowing you to take advantage on your enemy's weaknesses when they present themselves. When a Foe within your Reach makes a Ranged Attack or willingly leaves their space, you can use a Reaction to Attack that Foe.

Dampen Magic

1st Level Warden Feature
You can use the primal power of the wilds to partially nullify magic. When you or an Ally takes Nature or Magic Damage, you can spend 1 Reaction to reduce that Damage by your Instinct.

Nature's Magic

1st Level Warden Feature
fluff. Gain 1 of the following Spells.

  • Nature's Armaments. Magic. Primal. Spell. The magic of the wilds never lets you fight empty-handed. You can spend 1 Action to summon a Weapon or Shield of your choice in one or two of your empty Hands. This Weapon also gains the Magic Trait. The Item lasts until you dismiss it by spending 1 Action. You can only have a number of these Weapons at once up to your Instinct.

  • Nature's Mend. Healing. Magic. Primal. Spell. You can use primal magic to assist your allies in their recovery. You can spend 1 Action to imbue primal healing magic into an Ally within your Reach. They Heal 1d6 HP.
You can also spend 1 Energy to allow them to attempt to Recover from one of their Wounds.

  • Nature's Shield. Magic. Primal. Spell. The power of the wilds will protect you from harm. When you make a Defense Roll, you can spend 1 Reaction to increase your Defense Die by 1 Step for that Roll.

  • Nature's Shield. Magic. Primal. Spell. You can use the wrath of the wilds to harm those who harm you. When you suffer a Wound, you can spend 1 Reaction to lash out with nature's magic against the Creature that dealt the Wound to you, dealing 1d4 + Instinct Damage to them.

Refined Through Steel

2nd Level Warden Feature
Your primal arcana has been refined through your weaponry. After every Rest, choose 2 of the following Spells to gain until the end of your next Rest.

  • Primal Arrows. When wielding an Item with the Bow Trait, you can spend 2 Actions to fire a primal arrow in a straight 5 Meter Line. All Creatures in this Line take 2d6+Instinct Damage (Defended with Agility, Instinct, or Lore, target's choice). You can spend Energy up to your Instinct to extend the Range of this Line by 5 Meters for each Energy spent.
  • Primal Precision. When wielding an Item with the Knife Trait, you can spend 2 Actions to stab a Creature in your Reach with exact precision, enhanced by primal magic. Make an Attack with the Item as normal, adding the Magic Trait. If the target takes any Damage from this Attack, it gains 2 Glancing Wounds. You can spend 1 Energy to cause the target to gain 1 Passing Fear.
  • Primal Cleave. When wielding an Item with the Axe Trait, you can spend 2 Actions to cause primal magic to heighten your centrifugal force. Make an Attack with the item as normal, adding the Magic Trait, against all Creatures within the Weapon's Reach. You can spend 1-3 Energy to increase your Defence Die by 1 Step for each Energy spent until the start of your next Turn.
  • Primal Crush. When wielding an Item with the Hammer Trait, you can spend 2 Actions to invest primal magic into a heightened swing. Make an Attack as normal with normal, adding the Magic Trait. Reduce the Target's Defense Die to 1 for this Attack. You can spend Energy up to your Instinct, adding 1d4 to your Attack for each Energy spent.
  • Primal Thrust. The sword one
  • Primal Spin. When wielding an Item with the Club Trait, you can spend 2 Actions to begin twirling it in a defensive rhythm, increasing your Defense Die by 2 Steps. Next Attack you make with that Weapon before the end of your next Turn gains the Magic Trait and you add a d4 to the Attack. You can spend Energy up to your Instinct, increasing either your Defense Die or adding an additional d4 for each Energy Spent.
  • Primal Block. The Shield one
  • Primal Savagery. You can spend 2 Actions to make an Attack with a Weapon you have with the Natural Trait. Increase the Attack Die by 2 Steps. You can also spend 1-3 Energy, adding a Keyword of your choice to the Attack for each Energy Spent.



Warriors are well-rounded combatants, who fight with powerful armor and weapons, either in the thick of combat, or from the sidelines with powerful ranged options. [For design: because they get a new Maneuver every even Level, they can get a less powerful feature at these Levels.]

Attack of Opportunity

1st Level Warrior Feature
You're reaction times have quickened, allowing you to take advantage on your enemy's weaknesses when they present themselves. When a Foe within your Reach makes a Ranged Attack or willingly leaves their space, you can use a Reaction to Attack that Foe.

Second Wind

1st Level Warrior Feature
You gain the ability to draw on a deep well of fortitude. You can spend 1 Action and spend 1 Energy to attempt to recover from one of your Wounds using Might or Agility instead of the listed Recovery Stat.

Combat Maneuvers

2nd Level Warrior Feature
Not all Warriors use the same skills and tactics in a battle, each one uses their own unique blend of maneuvers, tactics, and flourishes. Choose two Maneuvers detailed at the end of the Warrior Class Description to learn, these represent your various fighting styles. You learn an additional Maneuver at 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th Level in this Class.

Warrior League

3rd, and more, Level Warrior Feature
You choose a Warrior League from the following table which represents the specializations and fighting styles you replicate.

Warrior League Complexity Level League Description
Banneret's League Example Example
Champion's League Example Example
Eldritch Archer's League Example Example
Samurai's League Example Example
Mirror Blade's League Example Example

Muscle Memory

4th Level Warrior Feature
You have honed your muscle memory and practiced to react in the blink of an eye. Once per turn, you can Swap Items as a Free Action.

Push On

5th Level Warrior Feature
At the start of your Turn, you can spend 1 Energy to gain 1 additional Action on that turn. You can do this only once per Turn.


6th Level Warrior Feature

Sweeping Strikes

7th Level Warrior Feature
After an Attack resolves in which you Wounded a Foe, you can make an Attack targeting a Foe within 1 Meter of the Wounded creature as a Free Action. This Attack uses the information of the Attack you used to Wound the original target, except that it uses 1d4 for its Attack Roll.

Combat Maneuvers


When you make a Defense Roll, you can use a Reaction and spend 1 Energy to increase your Defense Die by 1 Step.


When you Wound a Foe with an Attack, you can spend 1 Energy to force it to drop one of the Items its holding, and you push the Item 3 Meters in a direction of your choice.

Warrior Leagues

Champion's League

Champions have some of the most general combat prowess of any type of Fighter.

Combat Prowess

3rd Level Champion's League Feature
Champion's have honed their strikes to deal bone-cracking blows. When you deal Damage with an Attack, you deal an additional 1d4 Damage. This Die increases by 1 Step when you become a 7th (1d6), 11th (1d8), 15th (1d10), and 19th (1d12) Level Fighter. [The die should increase a step every time Fighter's get a subclass feature.]

Mirror Blade's League

Mirror Blades can produce copies of themselves to better fight on the battlefield.

Create Mirror Image

3rd Level Mirror Blade's League Feature Mirror Blades are denoted in combat by their namesake, they create duplicates of themselves to overwhelm their foes. By spending 1 Action, you can create a Mirror Image of yourself in a Space adjacent to you. This Mirror Image is an obvious facsimile, taking on an obvious quality of being false, such as being blue and translucent, or phasing in and out of existance. When take the Attack Action, you can instead Attack from your Mirror Image's Space, and you can use your Attack of Opportunity Feature as if you were in it's Space as well.
Whenever you gain Movement Points, it gains the same amount of Movement Points as well. It lasts until it takes Damage, it uses your Stats and Defense Die for any Checks or Defense, or you Dismiss it by spending 1 Action. You can only have a single Mirror Image active at once, unless you spend 1 Energy to create an additional one.


Study Study

The Wonders of Wizardry

1st Level Wizard Feature
Through incredible study you have learnt a variety of ways to manipulate the latent magical essense in the world around you. Choose 4 of the following Spells. (add defendy spell later)

  • Arcane Blast. Arcane. Magic. Spell. You gather the latent arcane power around you into a single beam of destructive force. You can spend 1 Action to shoot a blast of arcane energy at a Foe within 8 Meters, which deals 1+Lore+Lore Damage, defended by Might, Instinct, or Spirit (Target's Choice). You can spend 1-3 Energy to increase the Range of this Spell by 4 Meters per Energy spent.

  • Arcane Wave. Arcane. Magic. Spell. You expel the latent arcane power around you with great force, injuring those around you. You can spend 1 Action to cause a wave of arcane energy to eminate out from you, dealing 1d4 + Lore Damage to all Creatures adjacent to you, defended by Might or Spirit (Target's Choice). You can spend 1-3 Energy to increase the Attack Die by 1 Step per Energy spent.

  • Arcane Missiles. Arcane. Magic. Spell. You conjure a few darts of arcane force and fling them at your foes. You can spend any number of Actions to conjure that many darts of magical energy. Roll a d4 and add your Lore, each dart deals that much Damage and is defended by Might, but the Target does not use a Defense Die for this. You can direct a dart at a Foe within 6 Meters. You can spend 1-3 Energy to increase the Range of the darts by 4 Meters per Energy Spent.

  • Detonating Orb. Arcane. Burst. Magic. Spell. You conjure an unstable orb of elemental energy which bursts on impact. Every time you cast this Spell, it gains one of the following Traits for that casting: Acid, Air, Cold, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Poison, Sonic, Water. You can spend 2 Actions to throw an orb of destructive and elemental force at a Space within 6 Meters. All Creatures within 1 Meter of that Space take 1d4+Lore Damage, defended by Might or Agility (Target's Choice). You can spend any amount of Energy, adding a Trait from the prior list to the Spell or increasing the area of the Spell by 1 Meter per Energy spent.

Wizard School

2nd, and more, Level Wizard Feature
You choose a Wizard School from the following table which represents the emotions or magical power that fuels your.

Berserker Paths Complexity Level Path Description
School of Circlets Example Example
School of Orbs Example Example
School of Staves Example Example
School of Tomes Example Example
School of Wands Example Example


The way Monsters would work, is that they have a certain amount of HP, but unless they are a specail Nemesis Monster or a Boss Monster, they do not gain a Wound, but rather die. Some Monsters have certain HP thresholds where they gain a Wound however. Most Monsters have 3 Actions unless stated otherwise. Very few of a Monsters abilities or properties correspond directly to its Stats, for example, most Monsters don't gain free movement at the start of their turn, and if they do, its described in a Feature that Monster has instead of being equal to its Speed.

Micah Bear

Traits. -Beast. -Large. -Carnivore.

  • HP: 13
  • DD: d8
  • Might: 3
  • Agility: 2
  • Speed: 4
  • Lore: 1
  • Instinct: 4
  • Resolve: 0


Claws. -Slashing. Melee. 1d6, Uses Might. Targets Instinct or Might (target's choice).

Bite. -Piercing. Melee. 1d8, Uses Agility. Targets Agility or Speed (target's choice).

Black Bear

Traits. -Beast. -Large. -Carnivore.

  • HP: 13
  • DD: d6
  • Might: 3
  • Agility: 2
  • Speed: 1
  • Lore: -2
  • Instinct: 1
  • Resolve: -1


Claws. -Slashing. Melee. 1d6, Uses Might. Targets Instinct or Might (target's choice).

Bite. -Piercing. Melee. 1d8, Uses Agility. Targets Agility or Speed (target's choice).

Tactics The Bear will charge at the weakest looking or loneliest Foe, rushes at them, and then goes all out on Attacks.



1 Might 3 Agility 0 Speed
0 Lore 1 Instinct 0 Resolve
  • 12 HP
  • Defense Die: d6

  • 3 Movement
  • 0 Reactions


Equipment. Skeletons usually carry around bows in the wild, though they can be seen using almost any variety of Item.

Weaknesses. Bludgeoning/Concussive 3

Resistances. Slashing 2, Poison 2

Immunities. Inhaled, Ingested



4 Might 0 Agility 0 Speed
0 Lore 1 Instinct 0 Resolve
  • 13 HP
  • Defense Die: d8

  • 2 Movement
  • 0 Reactions


Equipment. Zombies usually carry around nothing, or some swords and shields, but they can be seen using any Weapon.

Resistances. Poison 2

Immunities. Inhaled, Ingested



Acid. Zerg.

0 Might 1 Agility 4 Speed
0 Lore 2 Instinct 1 Resolve
  • 2 HP
  • Defense Die: d6

  • 6 Movement
  • 0 Reactions


Explosive. When the Baneling dies, it explodes, dealing 2d4+2 Acid Burst Damage (defended with Might to all adjacent Creatures.

Reactive. When the Baneling in the area of Burst effect, it dies.

Burrow. The Baneling can burrow and unborrow by spending 1 Action each, while burrowed, the Baneling is Invisible. hile Burrowed, the Baneling cannot Move or Attack.


1 Action: Explode. The Baneling dies.

Creep Tumor

Creep. Zerg.

2 Might 0 Agility 0 Speed
0 Lore 0 Instinct 0 Resolve
  • 2 HP
  • Defense Die: d6

  • 6 Movement
  • 0 Reactions


Imperceptible. The Creep Tumor is Invisible.

Creep Production. At the start of every Round, Creep spreads 1 Space further.

Creep. Zerg on Creep increase their Movement and Dash by 2.


3 Action: Spread Creep. The Creep Tumor creates an additional Creep Tumor in a Space within 15 Meters.



1 Might 4 Agility 1 Speed
1 Lore 3 Instinct 2 Resolve
  • 8 HP
  • Defense Die: d6

  • 4 Movement
  • 1 Reactions


Burrow. The Hydralisk can burrow and unborrow by spending 1 Action each, while burrowed, the Hydralisk is Invisible. While Burrowed, the Hydralisk cannot Move or Attack.


1 Action: Frenzy. Until the end of the Hydralisk's next Turn, it can spend 2 Actions to make 3 Attakcs with its Spine.

1 Action: Hydriolic Bile. 1d8 + 4 (Agility) Range Attack (6 Meters), targeting Agility, or Instinct (Target's Choice)


Large. Zerg.

3 Might 2 Agility 2 Speed
2 Lore 3 Instinct 2 Resolve
  • 8 HP
  • Defense Die: d6

  • 4 Movement
  • 3 Reactions


Burrow. The Queen can burrow and unborrow by spending 1 Action each, while burrowed, the Queen is Invisible. While Burrowed, the Queen cannot Move or Attack.


2 Actions: Spawn Creep Tumor. The Queen lays a Creep Tumor on the ground in an adjacent Space.

1 Action: Rapid Transfusion. The Queen restores 2d4+2 HP to an Ally within 6 Meters.

1 Action: Claws. 1d8 + 3 (Might) Melee Attack, Reach, targeting Agility, Speed, or Resolve (Target's Choice)
- Slashing.

1 Action: Spine. 1d8 + 3 (Instinct) Ranged Attack (6 Meters), targeting Might, Lore, or Instinct (Target's Choice)
- Piercing.



3 Might 1 Agility 2 Speed
0 Lore 2 Instinct 1 Resolve
  • 7 HP
  • Defense Die: d10

  • 3 Movement
  • 1 Reactions


Burrow. The Roach can burrow and unborrow by spending 1 Action each, while burrowed, the Roach is Invisible. While Burrowed, the Roach cannot Attack.


1 Action: Hydriolic Bile. 1d6 + 2 (Instinct) Range Attack (4 Meters), targeting Speed, or Lore (Target's Choice)



1 Might 2 Agility 4 Speed
0 Lore 3 Instinct 1 Resolve
  • 4 HP
  • Defense Die: d6

  • 5 Movement
  • 0 Reactions


Burrow. The Zergling can burrow and unborrow by spending 1 Action each, while burrowed, the Zergling is Invisible. While Burrowed, the Zergling cannot Move or Attack.

Tiny. Zerglings only have 1 Actions per Turn, but get 4 Dash Points at the start of each of their Turns.

Swarming. While Attacking a Foe, for every 3 Zerg adjacent to the Target, the Zergling adds a d4 to its Attack.

Vulnerability. Lemon 1,000


1 Action: Morph. The Zergling curls up into a an egg with 4 Might, 0 in all other Stats, 20 HP, and a 2d6 Defense Die. After 2 Turns, the egg hatches, turning into a Baneling.

1 Action: Claw. 1d4 + 4 (Speed) Melee Attack, targeting Might, Agility, or Resolve (Target's Choice)
- Slashing.