
Boons are ways to award players without giving out XP or Magic Items. These are usually given by NPCs or found in the world. Boons come in a variety of rarities to show their rough power. Common Boons will give a slight edge, and are usually suitable for levels 1-3. Uncommon Boons can alter certain ways characters approach situations, giving decent power in the right situation, and are usually suitable for levels 4-7. Rare Boons are usually a core foundation of a group's fighting style, difficult to master, requiring certain stipulations to use, but quite powerful, and are usually suitable for levels 8-11. Epic Boons are powerful and should not be given out lightly, usually used by one or two masters, and are usually suitable for levels 12-15. Legendary Boons are only heard of in Legend, representing a great adventurer's very fighting style and could be a personal goal to find of a character who wishes to emulate that adventurer, and are usually suitable for levels 16-20. Unique Boons are generally either tied to the story of a campaign, or not known to the general public, these should be given out in a specific place and can vary wildly in power, some scaling with level.

Martial Disciplines

Uncommon Disciplines


When a Ranged or Thrown Weapon Attack against you hits, you can use your Reaction to make an Attack Roll with a Melee or Thrown Weapon that deals Slashing Damage, if your Attack Roll is higher then the attack targeting you, you take half damage from the attack. If your attack roll is higher than the attack targeting you by 5 or more, you instead take no damage from the attack.
You can use this Discipline a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a long rest.

Precise Shot

When you take the Attack action while wielding a Ranged Weapon that deals Piercing Damage, you can replace one of your attacks with this Discipline. Make an attack as normal, if your attack roll is higher than the target's AC by 5 or more, you may apply the attack roll to another creature that you could have performed the attack against that is farther away from you then the target, and in the same direction as the target. If the attack roll would hit the second target, you deal the rolled damage from the first attack. Additionally, any effect targeting one the first target attack's damage or attack roll, such as Hunter's Mark, or the Help Action, affects the second target as well for the purposes of this Discipline.
You can use this Discipline a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a long rest.

Retributive Riposte

When you are hit with an attack while wielding a Melee Finesse or Melee One-handed weapon that deals Piercing Damage, you can use your Reaction to perform an Attack of Opportunity against the creature which just attacked you.
You can use this Discipline a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a long rest.

Severing Slash

When you take the Attack action while wielding a Melee Weapon that deals Slashing Damage, you can replace one of your attacks with this Discipline. Choose three spaces within range, these spaces must be adjacent to at least one of the chosen spaces. Make an attack roll, you deal the damage of the attack roll to any creature in those three spaces that you would hit on a normal attack. Additionally, any effect targeting one of the creatures in the area that would affect your attack's damage or attack roll, such as Hunter's Mark, or the Help Action, affects all three creatures for the purposes of this Discipline.
You can use this Discipline a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a long rest.

Unique Disciplines

Brax's Blades

You can use a Bonus Action to manifest a Psychic Blade in a free hand, and make a Thrown Weapon Attack with it. You are considered Proficient with the Blade, and it deals Psychic Damage equal to 1d8 + your Strength Modifier + your Dexterity Modifier, it has a range of 60ft.
You can use this Discipline a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a long rest.

Torcilyus's Bulwark

Whenever an attack against you is a critical hit, it instead counts as a normal hit, and you gain a point of Inspiration.

Jack's Riposte

When an attack against you hits, you may use a reaction to move a number of feet equal to half your walking speed and perform an attack against the creature which just attacked you, provided you are in range.
You can use this Discipline a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining expended uses at the end of a long rest.