Project Istari

Project Istari (working title) is an in-work TTRPG project. This is an attempt to make a very effective, streamlined yet having a ton of options, fun, and versatile TTRPG.

Work-In Progress Mechanics


Certain Items would be called out and have explicit statistics and abilities, both in combat and out. Other, less important Items will either be assumed to be had by everyone, or grouped into Packs, such as a Camping Packs (Undecided on which).


Every creature will have six Stats.

  • Might. Might is a creature's physical strength and endurance. A Hero has HP equal to 4 + its Might. HP is the number of Damage a creature can take before suffering a Wound.
  • Agility. Agility is a creature's ability to finely manipulate objects and accuracy. You gain a number of Initiative Points (IP) equal to your Agility + 1 at the start of each Round in Combat. (There will be better written rules for how Initiative works, but basically you spend your IP, whoever spends the most goes first, and any leftover roll over to the next round.)
  • Speed. Speed is a creature's alacrity, expeditiousness, and ability to move. At the start of your turn, you gain an amount of Movement equal to your Speed.
  • Lore. Lore is a creature's learned knowledge of the world. You have a number of Knowledge Points (KP), equal to your Lore, you can spend these Points to learn tidbits of information, and regain them over the course of a Rest.
  • Wit. Wit is a creature's gained experience of the world and out of the box thinking. You have a number of Reactions every Round equal to 1 + your Wit, with a minimum of 1.
  • Spirit. Spirit is a creature's force of personality and will-power. At the end of a Rest, a creature can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds who's Recovery Conditions it meets.

Each Stat starts at 1, you increase and decrease certain Stats based on your Lineage choice, you might also increase certain Stats from your choice of Past. Finally, at the end of Character creation, you increase a single Stat by 2, and three Stats by 1. You cannot increase a Stat multiple times with the same source, for instance if your Might increases from being a Dwarf, you can't use your Free increase on Might, you have to use it on a different Stat.

Stat Increases

Whenever your Hero Levels up, you increase one of your Stats by 1.
Stats have a maximum of 5 at 1st Level, 6 from 2nd to 6th Level, a maximum of 8 from 7th Level to 12th Level, a maximum of 10 from 13th Level to 18th Level, and a maximum of 12 from 19th Level to 20th Level.


When a creature Attacks, it targets one of the Stats determined by the Weapon its using, it then rolls a die determined by its Weapon and adds a Stat (usually Might or Agility) to the Roll, the target then rolls its Defense Die (determined by its class, armor, etc.) and adds the Stat you targeted. Something happens with the excess the Attacker gets from the target's defense, most likely building up to getting a wound.


Every creature has a pool of 6 Energy, which recharges whenever it finishes a Rest or maybe some other time. A creature's Energy pool gains a maximum increase whenever it reaches Level 5, 10, 15, and 20.


Spells will scale, so that signature spells you get at 1st Level are just about as viable as the new Spells you get at max Level. Spells have 5 Levels, and all spells are raised to the highest Level.
Full-Casters unlock 1st Level Spells at 1st Level, 2nd Level Spells at 5th Level, 3rd Level Spells at 9th Level, 4th Level Spells at 13th Level, and 5th Level Spells at 17th Level.
Half-Casters unlock 1st Level Spells at 2nd Level, 2nd Level Spells at 9th Level, and 3rd Level Spells at 17th Level.


When you make a Check, you roll a d10, add the appropriate Stat and other modifiers, and use the result to determine the outcome. Checks are used for things such as jumping over a chasm, sneaking around, or resisting magical effects.


When you have Resistance, such as Fire Resistance, you gain a bonus equal to the value of that Resistance with Checks made to resist effects with that Trait and to Defense Rolls against that Damage Type.

Die Steps

Certain mechanics increase dice by certain Steps. This uses the following pattern.
If somehow you get above 6d12, then if you're currently on a d12, increase the number of dice by 1 and reduce the size to a d10, and if you're currently on a d10, then you increase the size of the dice to d12s.


Your Lineage is the type of creature you are, such as a Human, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin, etc. [to add list: Centaur, Elf, Human, Goblin, Goliath-esque, Gnoll, Leonin, Lizardfolk, Orc]


Centaurs are creatures made of the lower half of a horse, andthe upper half of a human.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Speed, Free Agility Creole, Evysiun

Equine Build

Centaur Feature
Your lower half can cause you both some difficulty and some help. Your Movement increases by 1, You must spend twice as much Movement when you Climb, and you gain a Hoof Attack, [with features, but I will add it later, because there's not enough weapon diversity yet].

Evysiun Build

Centaur Feature
Due to your nature and lineage from the Great Centaur, your stature is heightened. Your Size is Large, meaning you occupy a 2x2 Meter Square in Combat instead of a 1x1. Your HP also increases by 1(2).


Centaur Kins represent the lands in which your ancestors roamed.


Centaur Kin
You come from a tribe that has long roamed grassy planes.


Centaur Kin
You come from a wintery tribe that has galloped through frosty hills.


Centaur Kin
You come from a desert tribe of nomads roaming the sandy dunes.


Centaur Kin
You come from a tribe that has lived in hot and damp jungles and rainforests.


Dwarves are a hardy, stout folk, with a strong heart and affinity for the mines.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Spirit, Free Speed Creole, Dwarven

Immovable Rock

Dwarf Trait
As a Dwarf, you are hardier at resisting effects that would harm your body or weaken you. When you would gain the Prone Glancing Wound, or be moved against your will, you can use your Reaction ignore that effect.

Unbreakable Stone

Dwarf Trait
Your body and will is unbreakable as the earth itself. When you use your Might or Spirit to Defend, you reroll your Defense Die if the result is a 1.


Dwarven Kins represent the long lineages and clans that Dwarves have formed, each one with a very unique culture, and resulting biology from the tasks they often perform for the whole of Dwarven-kind.


Dwarven Kin
Your ancestors worked as smiths in powerful volcanoes and the fires within entangle with your beard. You gain Resistance 2 to Fire Damage.


Dwarven Kin
You come from the longest lineage of Dwarves, thus the determination of your ancestors is woven into your earthen bones. When you Roll a 1 on any Die, you can spend 1 Energy to Reroll the Die.


Dwarven Kin
Your ancestors have survived a harsh wasteland filled with psionic monsters. When you make a Check against an effect with the Mental trait, you roll the Check twice, and use the higher result for the Check.


Dwarven Kin
You are part of a long line of gravekeepers, who keep the ancient Dwarven burial caverns. You gain Death Resistance 1.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Dwarf Trait
Choose one of the Dwarf Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Dwarven Teachings

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf, Lore N/A

You have been educated in the basic teachings of your Dwarven brethren. You gain Dwarven Lore as well as well as two of either Athletics, Intimidation, or Endurance Proficiency.

Dwarven Tune

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Auditory, Dwarf, Musical 1

You have memorized and practiced the ancient songs to sing with your brethren. You can spend 1 Energy for you and all willing Allies can sing a hearty song. After 1 Hour of this singing, all those who participated in this can try to recover from a Creeping Fear who's Recovery Conditions are met. When making this Recovery Check, a Creature can make a Check, adding the number of Creatures that participated in the song instead of using a Recovery Stat.

Skilled Hands

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf N/A

You have studied the great crafts of the Dwarves. You gain three Tool Proficiencies of your choice and add a d4 to any Checks you make to craft.


Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 1 Dwarf N/A

You have trained to learn information about about the rock around you merely by looking at it and feeling its strength. You can spend 1 Action to learn about the history about a piece of stonework that you would normally need a successful Check (such as a Stonework Lore Check) to learn.

Unburdened Iron

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf N/A

You've learned techniques first devised by your ancestors during their ancient wars, allowing you to comfortably wear massive suits of armor. You ignore the Movement reduction from any Armor you wear, and you reduce your Movement by 1 less whenever your Movement is reduced.


Hobbit are naturally lucky... yea yea, we'll add more fluff later, you know what a hobbit is, we've all watched the Lord of the Rings, and if you haven't, go watch the extended editions right now or else, I have magic, I will cast brand-safe fireball on your face

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Wit, Spirit, Free Might Creole, Hobbiten

Hobbit Luck

Hobbit Trait
You have a natural well of luck that makes failure rarely horrible. When you roll a 1 on a Die, you add a d4 to the Roll. This only applies twice per Check, Attack, or Defense.

Unnoticed Stride

Hobbit Trait
Most in the world don't assume much from Hobbit, thinking they are nothing more than peaceful farmers. You gain Stealth Proficiency and you can use your Spirit or Wit instead of your Agility when you make a Stealth Check.


Hobbit Kins very much represent the various large families a Hobbit can come from.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Brightvoice family, who often journey through the world performing songs and poems for the masses. When you make a Check with the Auditory or Sonic Trait, you add a d4 to that Check.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Humblefoot family, well known for their peaceful outlook on life and love of exorbatant amounts of food. Whenever you attempt to Recover from a Lingering Wound after a Rest, if you eat a large amount of food during the Rest, you can spend 1 Energy to add your Spirit to the Check.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Nimbleknee family, one of the more adventurous families, often becoming spies due to their lithe and naturally silent nature. When you roll a 1 on an Agility Check, you reroll the Check.


Hobbit Kin
You come from the Strongstomach family, well known for their iron digestion, often working as food taster or cupbearer. You gain Ingested Resistance 4 and Inhaled Resistance 4.

Lineage Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Hobbit Trait
Choose one of the Hobbit Lineage Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.

Bedtime Story

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Auditory, Hobbit N/A

You have been told numerous bedtime stories throughout your life, which you have internalized and now repeat back to yourself for comfort, or your friends for inspiration. After you Rest, you and all Allies that Rested with you add a d8 to the next Check they make before their next Rest. At GM discretion, this may mnot apply if you don't have an opportunity to share such a story that would give this benefit.

Face Stuffing

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 1-3 Hobbit 1

You have mastered the art of eating as much as possible in as short an amount of time, giving you a burst of energy when you need it. You can spend 1-3 Actions and 1 Energy to eat a large amount of food. If you spend 1 Actions, you regain 1d4 HP, if you spent 2 Actions, you regain 1d6+2, and if you spent 3 Action, you regain 1d8+4.

Hobbit Teachings

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit, Lore N/A

You have been educated in the basic teachings of your Hobbit brethren. You gain Hobbit Lore as well as two of either Stealth, Escape, or Diplomacy.

Natural Sneakery

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit, Lore N/A

You have practiced the techniques of stealth that Hobbit seem to master quickly. You gain Thievery Proficiency. You also add a d4 to any Stealth or Thievery Check you make

Well of Luck

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Hobbit, Level 1 N/A Hobbit N/A

You have learnt how to specifcially harness your luck. Your Hobbit Luck feature can apply two more times per Check, Attack, and Defense Roll. You can take this feat multiple times.


I've told you so many times already, I'll add more fluff text later, there are only like, 3 playable classes right now, do you want me to write nice flowy descriptive fluff text, or work out actal mechanics idiot? anyway, you should know what a HUMAN is, you are one!

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Free, Free, Free Free Creole, Mannish


You are a lizard or dino-like humanoid.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Wit, Free Lore Creole, Saurian

Amphibious Nature

Saurian Trait
Your body is coverd in resistant scales. You Defense Die increases by 1 Step.

Ravenous Jaws

Saurian Trait
You have a large, toothy maw. You gain a Jaws Attack. It uses your Might or Agility, target's Speed, uses a d6, has the Piercing Trait, and the Melee, Natural, and Hands (0) Keywords.


Saurian Kins represent the different physiological forms that Saurians can take.


Saurian Kin
Your toothy maw is larger, and you have a decent level of amphibiousness. Your Jaw now uses a d8 and gains one of the following Keywords: [add list when there are more keywords]. Also, you gain Swimming and can hold your breath for 1 Hour.


Your Class is the skills your character has, categorized into groups, such as Fighter, Wizard, or Rogue. Classes are divided into several groups based on both play style and magical potential.
Class Ideas: Inquisitor, Warlord, Runesmith
Culturally Specific Class Ideas: Samurai, Spartan, Shinobi, Einherjar

Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Berserker Example Example Path (Level 1)
Cursed Example Example Curse (Level 1)
Disciple Example Example Journey (Level 3)
Executioner Example Example Hood (Level 3)
Monk Example Example Way (Level 3)
Vanguard Example Example Mandate (Level 2)
Warrior Example Example League (Level 3) [maybe rename]
Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Artisan Example Example Mastery (Level 1)
Mentor Example Curriculum (Level 3)
Ranger Example Example Conclave (Level 3)
Rogue Example Example Profession (Level 3)
Savant Example Example Expert (Level 3)
Swashbuckler Example Example Flair (Level 3)
Traveler Example Example Style (Level 2)
Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Mageborn Example Example Technique (Level 3)
Magus Example Example Medium (Level 2)
Paladin Example Example Oath (Level 1)
Psion Example Example Order (Level 3)
Shaman Example Example Attunement (Level 2)
Summoner Example Example Bond (Level 1)
Warden Example Example Realm (Level 3)
Class Name Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Bard Example Example College (Level 2)
Cleric Example Example Domain (Level 1)
Druid Example Example Circle (Level 2)
Istari Example Example [Color] (Level [X])
Sorcerer Example Example Bloodline (Level 1)
Warlock Example Example Patron (Level 1)
Wizard Example Example School (Level 2)


Your Past is the history of your character, such as being touched by magic, defending your home from bandits, working as a blacksmith, a soldier, or being imprisoned.
The GM determines how many History Points each Hero in the campaign has at Level 1 (usually 5).
[If a Past costs 1 Point, it generally gives a Lore and a Skill. If a Past costs 2 Points, it generally gives a Lore, Skill, and Stat increase. If a Past costs 3 Points, it generally gives a Lore, Skill, Stat increase, and ability. These can be adjusted to give abilities instead of the numerical increases, though one should never give two stat increases, and the ability should encapsulate all of the stuff it gives, it should not give more. A Skill or Lore can be swapped out with a Language. They might also give a drawback]]

Harsh Summer

1 Point
You, and potentially your whole home town, fought through and survived an especially harsh summer, which you contributed to in some way. You get Endurance Proficiency. You gain Fire Resistance 1.

Harsh Winter

1 Point
You, and potentially your whole home town, fought through and survived an especially harsh winter, which you contributed to in some way. You get Endurance Proficiency. You gain Cold Resistance 1.

Scaled Mountain

1 Point
You have achieved a great feat, climbing either a mountain, cliff, or some other large surface. You gain Athletics and Endurance Proficiency.

Escaped Capture

2 Points
You escaped some form of captivity, whether it be slavery, prison, or something else. You gain Chase and Escape Proficiency. Your Speed increases by 1.

Home Scorched

2 Points
Your home, either the actual house, a large part of, or the entire city, was burned, and you helped in fighting the fire in some way. You gain Athletics and Endurance Proficiency. Your Might increases by 1.

Bandit Attack

2 Points
You, your family, or your village was attacked by bandits, and you helped to defend in some way. You get Athletics, Bullying, or Intimidation Proficiency.
Watch Out! (Reaction) When an Ally adjacent to you makes a Defense Roll, you can use your Reaction to give them a +2 Bonus to the Roll.


2 Points
You have lived in comfort for most of your life as you and your immediate family is part of the nobility. You gain Nobility Lore and Diplomacy Proficiency. Your Lore increases by 1.


2 Points
You have worked to entertain people, whether that be reciting tales and playing a lute in a tavern, by acting on the front stage of a theater, by singing in the streets, or some other means. You gain Performance Lore and Diplomacy Proficiency. Your Spirit increases by 1.

[Ideas: Stood up to Bully, Fought a Ghost, Found Missing Person, Discover Lost Library, Tragic Loss, Mysterious Murder, Invention, Inspire Crowd, Hunter, Farmer, Apprentice, Beggar, Outlander, Conscript, Acolyte, Pickpocket, Sailor, Merchant, Settler, Squire, Student, Wrongful Imprisonment, Conscription, Student, Acolyte, Scholar, Enslaved, City Guard]


After a Hero or Nemesis takes Damage equal to its HP (Might + 4), it will gain a random Wound.

Glancing Wounds

In Combat, a creature is filled with adrenaline and can spend 2 Actions to try to recover from a Wound, using one of its Recovery Stats. When a creature attempts to Recover from a Wound, it makes a Check using the chosen Recovery Stat, and recovers from the Wound if it succeeds the Check, which has a DC listed in the Condition. At the end of Combat, a creature Recovers from all of its Glancing Wounds.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Concussive, Mental Might, Spirit (DC5)

Your mind has been muddles, usually either by a concussive blow to your head or a magical muddying. It takes 1 fewer Action to Recover from this Wound. At the start of each of your Turns, you must attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Bleed Might, Wisdom (DC6)

You have been hit in a way that has caused you to lose vital fluids. At the start of your turn, you take 1 Damage.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Ground Agility, Speed (DC3)

You have been knocked to the ground and are in a vulnerable position. When you make a Defense Roll, you make the Roll twice and use the lower result. Your Movement is reduced by half.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Mental, Fear Spirit (DC5)

You have been struck with great power and shaken to your core. You gain a Passing Fear. At the start of your next Turn, you Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Movement Speed (DC7)

You have been hit in a way that restricts your movement. Your Movement is reduced by half.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Concussive, Breath Might, Spirit (DC3)

You've had the wind knocked out of you, and you need to take a moment to regather yourself. At the start of your next Turn, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound as a Free Action, and you lose 2 Actions for that Turn if you fail the Check. At the end of that Turn, you Recover from this Wound.

Lingering Wounds

At the end of a Rest, you can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds whose Recovery Condition you meet, equal to your Spirit.

Broken Leg

Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound, Fracture Might, Lore (DC8)

One of your legs, or other lower extremities used for movement is broken. Your Speed is reduced by 2.
Recovery Condition. You can attempt to Recover from this Wound if, after injury, the injured extremity was not actively used since your last Rest, such as by being on bed-rest, using crutches, or using other protective measures.

Grievous Wounds

Grievous Wounds have their own unique way of recovery.

At Death's Door

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Might, Spirit (DC10)

You have begun to fully die, and may soon leave this world. You gain the Unconscious Condition. At the start of your Turn, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound as a Free Action, if you fail the Check, you gain an Fate. At the end of your Turn, make a DC4 Flat Check. If you fail the Check, you die.

Breaking Will

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Spirit (DC10)

Your will has begun to falter, and soon you will fall. You can only use a number of features per Round equal to your Spirit. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Spirit Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Wisdom (DC10)

You are disoriented and completely out of the thick of things. When you make an Attack or Defense Roll, you reduce the Die Size by 1 Step. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Wisdom Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Dulling Mind

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Lore (DC10)

Your mind begins to decay and dissolve. You no longer have Reactions and you can only take Free Actions by spending 1 Action. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Lore Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Speed (DC10)

Your entire body begins slowing down, and unless you can fight it off your heart will soon stop. You have a -1 penalty to all Checks, Attacks, and Defense Rolls you make. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Speed Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Lodged Metal

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Agility (DC10)

You have shards of metal or other materials lodged inside of you, and one wrong move could be the end of you. You reduce your Movement by half. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Agility Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Mortal Blow

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Might (DC10)

Those suffering from a Mortal Blow are at risk of death. After you deal Damage with an Attack, you halve that Damage. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Might Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.



Name Attack Die Used Stats Target Stats Traits Keywords
Crossbow 1d6 Agility, Wit Agility, Speed Bow, Piercing Hands (2), Ranged (12 Meters)
Dagger 1d4 Agility, Speed, Wit Agility, Wit Knife, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (1), Paired (d6), Melee, Thrown (4 Meters)
Greataxe 1d10 Might Agility, Speed Axe, Slashing Hands (2), Melee
Longbow 1d8 Agility, Speed Agility, Speed Bow, Piercing Hands (2), Ranged (8 Meters)
Longsword 1d8 Might, Spirit Might, Agility Sword, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (1), Melee
Quarterstaff 1d6 Wit, Lore Might, Agility Staff, Bludgeoning, Concussive Hands (1), Melee, Sturdy
Rapier 1d8 Agility, Wit Agility, Speed Sword, Piercing Hands (1), Melee, Parry
Shortsword 1d6 Might, Agility Might, Agility Sword, Versatile (Piercing or Slashing) Hands (1), Melee, Paired (d4)
Warhammer 1d8 Might, Spirit Agility, Spirit Hammer, Bludgeoning, Concussive Hands (2), Melee, Follow-Through

Weapon Keywords

  • Follow-Through. When make an Attack against a Foe you have already hit this Turn, you gain a +1 bonus to the Attack for each time you've hit it with an Attack this Turn.
  • Hands. You need to use a number of hands listed with the Keyword to use the Weapon. If a "+" is listed after the value, then it requires the number listed to hold, an when Attacking with the Weapon, it requires an additional hand equal to the number of "+"s listed (the vast majority of the time, there is only 1).
  • Melee. You can only Attack a creature in your Reach with this Weapon.
  • Parry. When you are wielding this Weapon and you are targeted by a Melee Attack with the Slashing or Piercing Trait, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your Defense Roll.
  • Paired. If you make an Attack with a different Weapon while wielding this Weapon, you make the Attack twice, once with the other Weapon, and once using the dice included with the Keyword, and use the higher result for the Attack.
  • Ranged. When you make an Attack using this Weapon while a Foe is adjacent to you, you roll the Attack twice and use the higher result for the Attack. The Weapon also has a Reach equal to the value listed with the Keyword.
  • Reach. When you make an Attack using this Weapon is increased by a number of Meters amount equal to the value listed with the Keyword.
  • Sturdy. When you make a Check to resist being moved against your will, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to the Check, and while your Movement is reduced in any way, your Movement increases by 1.
  • Thrown. Each time you make an Attack with this Weapon, you choose if the Weapon has the Melee or Ranged Keyword. If you choose the Ranged Keyword, you use the value listed with the Keyword for the Reach. If you choose the Ranged Keyword, you throw the Weapon, and must retrieve it in order to use it again.
  • Versatile. You choose one of the Traits in the parenthesis after the Versatile to have active, you can swap them as a Free Action, even on a different turn. The ability is considered to have whichever Trait is currently active.


Name Defense Die Increase Traits
Light Armor +1 Armor Resistant +2 (Precise)
Medium Armor +2 Armor -
Heavy Armor +3 Armor Slowing (1), Vulnerable -2 (Concussive)

Armor Keywords

  • Resistant. You gain a bonus to Checks you make against effects with the Traits listed in with the Keyword, equal to the value listed with the Keyword.
  • Slowing. Your Movement is reduced by an amount equal to the value listed with the Condition
  • Vulnerable. You gain a penalty to Checks you make against effects with the Traits listed in with the Keyword, equal to the value listed with the Keyword.



Berserkers are powerful hulks that use magic and powerful emotions to fuel a

Powerful Will

1st Level Berserker Feature
Berserkers are naturally strong-willed beings, wrought with intense emotion. Thus, their will is harder to break. When you make a Check to resist an Emotional or Mental effect, you make the Check twice, using the higher result.

Berserker Path

1st, and more, Level Berserker Feature
You choose a Berserker Path from the following table which represents the emotions or magical power that fuels your.

Berserker Paths Complexity Level Path Description
Path of Crucibles Example Example
Path of Devotion Example Example
Path of Focus Example Example
Path of Joy Example Example
Path of Wrath Example Example

Berserker Paths

Path of Devotion

You in love boi


1st Level Path of Devotion Feature — Passion. Emotion.
You emotion go big love. You can spend 1 Action to enter a heightened emotional state of protection and devotion, which you remain in until you meet the Ending Conditions.
Devotion Benifits: You can spend 1 Action and take 1d4 Damage to Recover from a Glancing Wound. Also, if an Ally adjacent to you takes a Glancing Wound, you can use your Reaction to take that wound instead.
Devotion Drawbacks: You cannot take an act that would directly result in an Ally coming in harms-way.
Ending Conditions: Your Devotion ends once none of your Allies are in a danger that you can percieve or if you are Unconscious.

Path of Wrath

You angy boi


1st Level Path of Wrath Feature - Passion. Emotion.
You emotion go big angy. You can spend 1 Action to enter a heightened emotional state of anger and fury, which you remain in until you meet the Ending Conditions.
Rage Benifits: You gain Resistance 1d4 to effects without the Magic Trait.
Rage Drawbacks: At least 1 of your Actions each Turn must be spent to take the Attack Action, targeting a Creature, if you are not able to perform this Action, you gain Weakness 1d4 to all Rolls you make until the end of your next Turn.
Ending Conditions: Your Rage ends once there are no more Foes within 25 Meters that you are aware of or if you are Unconscious.




Hippity hoppity, you have a cursetopoly

Lost Control

1st Level Cursed Feature
Curses can consume the will of its victims, causing them to go berserk. If certain Insanity Conditions given by your Subclass are met, you lose control of your character, taken over by chaotic fury or a ravenous hunger.
Table-Talk: Complete loss of character control might not be fun for a specific table, and all things considered, just not losing control of your character during certain circumstances won't effect balance too much, and it has been added as a mechanic for flavor. If a player's character is a Cursed, talk at session 0, or when they multi-class into the class, about if this mechanic fits for the tone of the game.

Cursed Curse

1st, 3rd, and more, Level Cursed Feature
You choose a Cursed Curse from the following table which represents your curse, both its dark gifts, and terrible weaknesses.

Cursed Curse Complexity Level Curse Description
Curse of the Beheld Example Example
Curse of the Hag Example Example
Curse of the Lycanthrope Example Example
Curse of the Undead Example Example
Curse of the Vampire Example Example

Spread Curse

2nd Level Cursed Feature
Your own curse manifests in the ability to spread similar curses to others. When you Wound a Foe, you can spend 1 Energy to force it to make a Conteseted Spirit Check against you. If you Win, choose one of your Curse Options to apply to that Foe.

Curse Options

2nd Level Cursed Feature
You gain the following Curse Options for your Spread Curse feature:

  • You Will Fear! The Foe gains the Shaken Glancing Wound.
  • You Are Weak! When the Foe adds its lowest Stat to a Roll, it reduces the Roll by a d4.
  • You Cannot Run! The Foe gains the Slowed Glancing Wound.

Curse of the Lycanthrope

You have been cursed by a werewolf, werebear, weretiger, or some other kind of were-animal.

Lycanthropic Strength

1st Level Curse of the Lycanthrope Feature
Your curse manifests in the ability to shift into a animal-hybrid, as well as some supernatural hardiness. You gain Perception and Tracking Proficiency, Nightvision, and you gain Resistance 2 to effects without the Magic or Silver Trait. You also gain the Lycanthrope, Shapeshifter, and Cursed Traits.
You also gain a Hybrid Form [There will be rules on Forms, but you can swap between your Forms as an Action as a general rule]. While in your Hybrid Form, you take on some of the animalistic traits of the animal you are a lycanthrope of, while still remaining in your rough body-shape of your Standard Form. Your Movement also increases by 2 while in this Form, and you gain a Claws and a Bite Attack. The Claw uses Agility or Spirit, and targets the Foe's choice of Might or Spirit, it uses a d6, has the Slashing Trait, and the Melee, Follow-Through, Natural, and Hands (0) Keywords. The Bite uses Might or Spirit, target's the Foe's choice of Agility or Wit, it uses a d8, has the Piercing Trait, and the Melee, Natural, and Hands (0) Keywords.

Lycanthropic Weakness

1st Level Curse of the Lycanthrope Feature
Your curse gives you weaknesses to much that would be deemed as impotent to most. You gain Silver Weakness 4, Lunar Weakness 4, Fire Weakness 2, Radiant Weakness 2, and Sonic Weakness 2.
Insanity Conditions. There is a full-moon.

Lycanthropic Spell

3rd Level Curse of the Lycanthrope Feature
Your cursed nature gives you a form of natural magic.















Sorcerers have a well of natural magic that they use to cast their spells. This magic comes from their bloodline, whether that bloodline be cursed or blessed, or if they actually have a partial heritage of their source.

What Sorcery is This?

1st Level Sorcerer Feature
You gain two of the following Spells of your choice:

  • Energy Blast. Magic. Spell. Single-target. You can treat this feature as a Weapon with an Attack Die of 1d8, a Used Stat of Spirit, Target Stats of Agility or Speed (target's choice), and the Keywords "Hands (1), Ranged (8 meters)." Whenever you attack with this feature, add one of the Traits from another Spell you know to the attack.

  • Cryomancy. Magic. Spell. Frost. Area. By spending 2 Actions, you can magically chill a 1-meter-radius sphere within 4 meters of you, reducing the area's temperature to freezing and dealing 1d6 + Spirit damage to anything vulnerable to cold (such as most creatures) within the area.
You can spend 1–3 Energy to increase the sphere's radius by 1 meter for each Energy spent.

  • Pyromancy. Magic. Spell. Fire. Area. As an Action, you can cause flames to erupt from you or a source of fire within 4 meters. The flames jump up to 4 meters to another space of your choice, dealing 1d6 + Spirit damage to anything within that space (possibly lighting them on fire).
You can spend 1–3 Energy to cause an additional burst of flames in this manner for each Energy spent.

  • Telekinesis. Magic. Spell. Mental. Single-target. As an Action, you can magically lift, move, and manipulate a creature or item that weighs 1 kilogram or less as if you had one hand holding it, provided it is within 4 meters of you. You can spend additional Actions or Energy to increase the weight you can manipulate by 1 kilogram per Action or Energy spent, up to a maximum number of kilograms equal to your Spirit.
You can move the object a number of spaces equal to your Spirit (minimum of 1). If you use the creature or item to perform an Attack, it is magically empowered to use an Attack Die of 1d8, a Used Stat of Spirit, and Target Stats of Agility or Speed (target's choice).
The creature or item remains in your telekinetic grasp until the end of your next turn (for example, an object you lift is suspended in mid-air only until your next turn ends, at which point it falls unless you continue to spend Actions and/or energy to renew your control over the object).

  • [Sleight of Hand]. Magic. Spell. Fire. Area. [As an Action, you can cause flames to erupt from you or a source of fire within 4 meters. The flames jump up to 4 meters to another space of your choice, dealing 1d6 + Spirit damage to anything within that space (possibly lighting them on fire).
You can spend 1–3 Energy to cause an additional burst of flames in this manner for each Energy spent.]

  • Illusory Duplicate. Magic. Spell. Illusion. By spending 2 Actions, you create an illusory copy of a creature or item you can see, or one with which you are intimately familiar. [The chosen creature or item cannot weigh more than a number of kilograms equal to your level] The illusion behaves as you expect the original creature or item would; a creature will act as you believe it would, and a flame would be quenched by water. However, the illusion is incapable of directly causing damage.
When you create the illusion, choose sight, taste and smell, hearing, or touch. The illusion is imperceptible to the chosen sense, but is perceptible and apparently real to all other senses. [How does a creature see through the illusion?]

Sorcerer Bloodline

1st, and more, Level Sorcerer Feature
You choose a Sorcerer Bloodline that represents the source of power that either cursed or blessed your family, or who's powers you draw on hereditarily.

Sorcerer Bloodlines Complexity Level Bloodline Description
Divine Bloodline Example Example
Draconic Bloodline Example Example
Order Bloodline Example Example
Storming Bloodline Example Example
Wild Bloodline Example Example



Swashbucklers are rambunctious adventurers, doing tricks and feats of both linguistic and physical acrobatics to produce a wonder in both their foes and friends which they channel into their acts, improving them.


1st Level Swashbuckler Feature
You know how to manipulate yourself and your words to get into better positions, both physical and mental, to strike. You can spend 1 Action to make a Check to atttempt to gain Panache, a resource used by many of your Swashbuckler Features. When you make this Check, you either choose a Skill or Stat, you then make a Check against [DC]. On a succesful Check, you gain Panache. [I don't know how much the DC would be or how much Panache you'd get, my thought would be to have it be you get 1 Panache for every 5 on your result, but that's just an idea.]
Table Talk: This feature is a great way to add a ton of flavor to your character, and it could be super fun to describe your character bounding off of tables or insulting the hostile dragon.

Panache Maneuvers

1st Level Swashbuckler Feature
Swashbucklers act with fliair, and the wonder they instill in others only helps to facilitate that. You gain the following ways to spend Panache. [some more ideas are necessary]

  • Striking Flair. You can spend 1 Action and 1 Panache to Attack and add a d4 to your Attack Roll.
  • Clever Insult. You can spend 1 Action and 2 Panache to Demorilize, subtracting a d4 from your target's Check.

Table Talk: Talk about whether or not there could be some additional ways to spend Panache, or if there might be opportunities in specific scenarios to spend Panache, not listed here.



Vanguards are bastions of protection on the front-line of combat, acting as a ward between their allies and those who would dare harm them.

Wall of Defense

1st Level Vanguard Feature
You are an insurmountable wall in combat that acts as a shield to protect your allies and to resist damage. Your Defense Die increases by one Step. Also, when a Hero adjacent to you is Attacked, you can use your Reaction to become the target of that Attack.

Vanguard Mandate

2nd, and more, Level Vanguard Feature
You choose a Vanguard Mandate from the following table which represents the way your defend your allies and the tactics you employ to do so.

Vanguard Mandates Complexity Level Mandate Description
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example




Warriors are well-rounded combatants, who fight with powerful armor and weapons, either in the thick of combat, or from the sidelines with powerful ranged options. [For design: because they get a new Maneuver every even Level, they can get a less powerful feature at these Levels.]

Attack of Opportunity

1st Level Warrior Feature
You're reaction times have quickened, allowing you to take advantage on your enemy's weaknesses when they present themselves. When a Foe within your Reach makes a Ranged Attack or willingly leaves their space, you can use a Reaction to Attack that Foe.

Second Wind

1st Level Warrior Feature
You gain the ability to draw on a deep well of fortitude. You can spend 1 Action and spend 1 Energy to attempt to recover from one of your Wounds using Might or Agility instead of the listed Recovery Stat.

Combat Maneuvers

2nd Level Warrior Feature
Not all Warriors use the same skills and tactics in a battle, each one uses their own unique blend of maneuvers, tactics, and flourishes. Choose two Maneuvers detailed at the end of the Warrior Class Description to learn, these represent your various fighting styles. You learn an additional Maneuver at 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th Level in this Class.

Warrior League

3rd, and more, Level Warrior Feature
You choose a Warrior League from the following table which represents the specializations and fighting styles you replicate.

Warrior League Complexity Level League Description
Banneret's League Example Example
Champion's League Example Example
Double Knight's League Example Example
Eldritch Archer's League Example Example
Samurai's League Example Example

Muscle Memory

4th Level Warrior Feature
You have honed your muscle memory and practiced to react in the blink of an eye. Once per turn, you can Swap Items as a Free Action.

Push On

5th Level Warrior Feature
At the start of your Turn, you can spend 1 Energy to gain 1 additional Action on that turn. You can do this only once per Turn.


6th Level Warrior Feature

Sweeping Strikes

7th Level Warrior Feature
After an Attack resolves in which you Wounded a Foe, you can make an Attack targeting a Foe within 1 Meter of the Wounded creature as a Free Action. This Attack uses the information of the Attack you used to Wound the original target, except that it uses 1d4 for its Attack Roll.

Combat Maneuvers


When you make a Defense Roll, you can use a Reaction and spend 1 Energy to increase your Defense Die by 1 Step.


When you Wound a Foe with an Attack, you can spend 1 Energy to force it to drop one of the Items its holding, and you push the Item 3 Meters in a direction of your choice.

Warrior Leagues

Champion's League

Champions have some of the most general combat prowess of any type of Fighter.

Combat Prowess

3rd Level Champion's League Feature
Champion's have honed their strikes to deal bone-cracking blows. When you deal Damage with an Attack, you deal an additional 1d4 Damage. This Die increases by 1 Step when you become a 7th (1d6), 11th (1d8), 15th (1d10), and 19th (1d12) Level Fighter. [The die should increase a step every time Fighter's get a subclass feature.]
