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== Items ==
== Items ==
Certain Items would be called out and have explicit statistics and abilities, both in combat and out. Other, less important Items will either be assumed to be had by everyone, or grouped into Packs, such as a Camping Packs (Undecided on which).
Certain Items would be called out and have explicit statistics and abilities, both in combat and out. Other, less important Items will either be assumed to be had by everyone, or grouped into Packs, such as a Camping Packs (Undecided on which).
== Stats ==
Every creature will have six Stats.
*'''Might.''' Might is a Creature's physical strength and endurance. A Hero has HP equal to 4 + their Might. HP is the number of Damage a creature can take before suffering a Wound.
*'''Agility.''' Agility is a Creature's ability to finely manipulate objects and accuracy. You gain a number of Initiative Points equal to your Agility (minimum 1) at the start of each Round in Combat.
*'''Speed.''' Speed is a Creature's alacrity, expeditiousness, and ability to move. At the start of your Turn, you gain Dash Points equal to your Speed. Dash Points act as Movement Points in most scenarios.
*'''Lore.''' Lore is a Creature's learned knowledge of the world. You have a number of Knowledge Points, equal to your Lore, you can spend these Points to learn tidbits of information, and regain them over the course of a Rest.
*'''Instinct.''' Instinct is a Creature's gained experience of the world. You have a number of Reactions every Round equal to your Instinct (minimum 1).
*'''Resolve.''' Resolve is a Creature's force of personality and will-power. At the end of a Rest, a creature can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds who's Recovery Conditions are met equal to their Resolve.
Each Stat starts at 1, increasing or decreasing based on your Lineage choice. You also increase four different Stats by 1.
Finally, at the end of Character creation, you increase a single Stat by 2, and three Stats by 1. You cannot increase a Stat multiple times with the same source, for instance if your Might increases from being a Dwarf, you can't use your Free increase on Might, you have to use it on a different Stat.
== Stat Increases ==
Whenever your Hero Levels up, you increase one of your Stats by 1.<br>
Stats have a maximum that will be determined at some point in the future.