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=== Unbreakable Stone ===
=== Unbreakable Stone ===
''Dwarf Trait''<br>
''Dwarf Trait''<br>
Your body and mind is unbreakable as the earth itself. When you use your Might or Will to Defend, you reroll your Defense Die if the result is a 1.
Your body and mind is unbreakable as the earth itself. When you use your Might or Spirit to Defend, you reroll your Defense Die if the result is a 1.

Revision as of 22:37, 26 January 2023

Project Istari

Project Istari (working title) is an in-work TTRPG project. This is an attempt to make a very effective, streamlined yet having a ton of options, fun, and versatile TTRPG.

Work-In Progress Mechanics


Certain Items would be called out and have explicit statistics and abilities, both in combat and out. Other, less important Items will either be assumed to be had by everyone, or grouped into Packs, such as a Camping Packs (Undecided on which).


Every creature will have six Stats.

  • Might. Might is a creature's physical strength and endurance. Might is the number of Damage a creature can take before suffering a Wound.
  • Agility. Agility is a creature's ability to finely manipulate objects and accuracy. Agility would effect Initiative in some way.
  • Speed. Speed is a creature's alacrity, expeditiousness, and ability to move. A creature can move a number of Meters equal to 4 + its Speed.
  • Lore. Lore is a creature's learned knowledge of the world.
  • Wisdom. Wisdom is a creature's gained experience of the world.
  • Spirit. Spirit is a creature's force of personality and will-power. The more Spirit you have, the more you can recover during a Rest.

Stat Increases

Whenever your Hero Levels up, you increase one of your Stats by 1.
Stats have a maximum of 5 from 1st Level to 6th Level, a maximum of 7 from 7th Level to 12th Level, a maximum of 9 from 13th Level to 18th Level, and a maximum of 11 from 19th Level to 20th Level.


When a creature Attacks, it targets one of the Stats determined by the Weapon its using, it then rolls a die determined by its Weapon and adds a Stat (usually Might or Agility) to the Roll, the target then rolls its Defense Die (determined by its class, armor, etc.) and adds the Stat you targeted. Something happens with the excess the Attacker gets from the target's defense, most likely building up to getting a wound.


Every creature has a pool of 6 Energy, which recharges whenever it finishes a Rest or maybe some other time. A creature's Energy pool gains a maximum increase whenever it reaches Level 5, 10, 15, and 20.


Spells will scale, so that signature spells you get at 1st Level are just about as viable as the new Spells you get at max Level. Spells have 5 Levels, and all spells are raised to the highest Level.
Full-Casters unlock 1st Level Spells at 1st Level, 2nd Level Spells at 5th Level, 3rd Level Spells at 9th Level, 4th Level Spells at 13th Level, and 5th Level Spells at 17th Level.
Half-Casters unlock 1st Level Spells at 2nd Level, 2nd Level Spells at 9th Level, and 3rd Level Spells at 17th Level.


When you make a Check, you roll a d10, add the appropriate Stat and other modifiers, and use the result to determine the outcome. Checks are used for things such as jumping over a chasm, sneaking around, or resisting magical effects.


When you have Resistance, such as Fire Resistance, you gain a bonus equal to the value of that Resistance with Checks made to resist effects with that Trait and to Defense Rolls against that Damage Type.

Die Steps

Certain mechanics increase dice by certain Steps. This uses the following pattern.
If somehow you get above 6d12, then if you're currently on a d12, increase the number of dice by 1 and reduce the size to a d10, and if you're currently on a d10, then you increase the size of the dice to d12s.

Character Creation

When you're creating a Character for Requiem RPG, you follow a couple steps. Kin, Class, Past, Present, and Future. These steps can be followed in different orders.


Your Kin is the type of creature you are, such as a Human, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin, etc.


Dwarves are a hardy, stout folk, with a strong heart and affinity for the mines.

Ability Boosts Ability Flaw Languages
Might, Spirit, Free Speed Creole, Dwarven

Immovable Rock

Dwarf Trait
As a Dwarf, you are hardier at resisting effects that would harm your body or weaken you. When a creature would attempt to knock you Prone, push you, or otherwise move you against your will, you can use your Reaction to ignore that effect.

Unbreakable Stone

Dwarf Trait
Your body and mind is unbreakable as the earth itself. When you use your Might or Spirit to Defend, you reroll your Defense Die if the result is a 1.


Your Hero gains a Lineage, which gives them an additional trait they gain based on their ancestry within their Kin. Choose one of the following Lineages for your Hero.


Dwarven Lineage
Your ancestors worked as smiths in powerful volcanoes. You gain Resistance 1 to Fire Damage, and you add a d4 to your Checks against effects with the Fire trait


Dwarven Lineage
Your ancestors have survived a harsh wasteland filled with psionic monsters. When you make a Check against an effect with the Mental trait, you roll the Check twice, and use the higher result for the Check.

Kin Feat

1st, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level Dwarf Trait
Choose one of the Dwarf Kin Feats to gain as long as you meet the prerequisites of that Feat.


Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 1 Dwarf N/A

You have trained to learn information about about the rock around you merely by looking at it and feeling its strength. You can spend 1 Action to learn about the history about a piece of stonework that you would normally need a successful Check (such as a History Check) to learn.

Unburdened Iron

Prerequisites Actions Traits Energy
Dwarf, Level 1 N/A Dwarf N/A

You've learned techniques first devised by your ancestors during their ancient wars, allowing you to comfortably wear massive suits of armor. You ignore the Speed reduction from any Armor you wear, and while your Movement is reduced in any way, your Movement increases by 1.


Your Class is the skills your character has, categorized into groups, such as Fighter, Wizard, or Rogue. Classes are divided into several groups based on both play style and magical potential.

Class Name Core Stat Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Barbarian Might Example Example Path (Level 3)
Cursed Might or Spirit Example Example Curse (Level 1)
Disciple Might or Agility Example Example Journey (Level 3)
Executioner Might Example Example Hood (Level 3)
Fighter Might or Agility Example Example League (Level 3)
Monk Agility or Wisdom Example Example Way (Level 3)
Vanguard Might Example Example Mandate (Level 2)
Class Name Core Stat Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Mentor Lore, Wisdom, or Spirit Example Example Curriculum (Level 3)
Ranger Wisdom Example Example Conclave (Level 3)
Rogue Agility Example Example Gig (Level 3)
Savant Lore Example Example Expert (Level 3)
Swashbuckler Spirit Example Example Flair (Level 3)
Traveler Wisdom Example Example Style (Level 2)
Warlord Lore, Wisdom, or Spirit Example Example Presence (Level 1)
Class Name Core Stat Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Artificer Lore Example Example Mastery (Level 1)
Magus Lore Example Example Technique (Level 3)
Paladin Spirit Example Example Oath (Level 1)
Psion Lore Example Example Order (Level 3)
Shaman Wisdom Example Example Attunement (Level 2)
Summoner Spirit Example Example Bond (Level 1)
Warden Wisdom Example Example Realm (Level 3)
Class Name Core Stat Complexity Level Class Description Subclass Title (Starting Level)
Bard Spirit Example Example College (Level 2)
Cleric Wisdom Example Example Domain (Level 1)
Druid Wisdom Example Example Circle (Level 2)
Seeker Lore Example Example Mavenhood (Level 1)
Sorcerer Spirit Example Example Bloodline (Level 1)
Warlock Spirit Example Example Patron (Level 1)
Wizard Lore Example Example School (Level 2)


Your Past is the history of your character, consisting of a few major events, such as being touched by magic or defending your home from bandits, and a formative, more extended experience, such as working as a blacksmith, soldier, or being imprisoned.


Events are usually short, defining moments of your Hero's past, such as your family being slaughtered, saving someone's life from an incorrect execution, or a defending your home from bandits. Your GM determines how many Events each Hero has at Level 1, but usually each Hero has 3. Some Kin options, such as Ancient Elven Lineage, or certain Experiences might increase the number of Events your character experiences. You and other Heroes might gain more Events as the campaign continues.

Bandit Attack

You, your family, or your village was attacked by bandits, and you helped to defend in some way.

Harsh Summer

You, and potentially your whole home town, fought through and survived an especially harsh summer, which you contributed to in some way.

Harsh Winter

You, and potentially your whole home town, fought through and survived an especially harsh winter, which you contributed to in some way.

Home Scorched

Your home, either the actual house, a large part of, or the entire city, was burned, and you helped in fighting the fire in some way.

[Ideas: Stood up to Bully, Fought a Ghost, Chased into the Woods, Found Missing Person, Scale a Mountain, Discover Lost Library, Tragic Loss, Mysterious Murder, Invention, Inspire Crowd]


Experiences are usually more extended activities your Hero's past, such as working as a farmhand, climbing your way up the ranks and becoming a sergeant in the army, or being imprisoned (either correctly or falsely). Your GM determines how many Experiences each Hero has at Level 1, but usually each Hero has 1.



Ability Boosts
Lore/Spirit, Free

You have lived in comfort for most of your life as you and your immediate family is part of the nobility.[smt else]



Ability Boosts
Agility/Spirit, Free

You have worked to entertain people, whether that be reciting tales and playing a lute in a tavern, by acting on the front stage of a theater, by singing in the streets, or some other means.

[Ideas: Hunter, Farmer, Apprentice, Beggar, Outlander, Conscript, Acolyte, Pickpocket, Sailor, Merchant, Settler, Squire, Student, Wrongful Imprisonment, Conscription, Student, Acolyte, Scholar, Enslaved, City Guard]


After a creature takes Damage equal to its health, it will gain a random Wound.

Glancing Wounds

In Combat, a creature is filled with adrenaline and can spend 2 Actions to try to recover from a Wound, using one of its Recovery Stats. Out of Combat, a creature is not filled with adrenaline [and has some other mechanic for recovering from Wounds that uses Spirit in some way]. When a creature attempts to Recover from a Wound, it makes a Check using the chosen Recovery Stat, and recovers from the Wound if it succeeds the Check, which has a DC listed in the Condition.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound, Concussive, Mental Might, Spirit (DC5)

When a creature is Dazed, it's mind is muddled, usually either by a concussive blow to its head or a magical muddying. It takes 1 fewer Action to Recover from this Wound. At the start of each of your Turns, you must attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Glancing Wound Agility, Speed (DC3)

When a creature is Prone, it has been knocked to the ground and is in a more vulnerable position. When you make a Defense Roll, you make the Roll twice and use the lower result. Your Movement is reduced by half.

Lingering Wounds

At the end of a Rest, you can attempt to Recover from a number of Lingering Wounds whose Recovery Condition you meet, equal to your Spirit.

Broken Leg

Traits Recovery Stats
Lingering Wound, Fracture Might, Lore (DC8)

One of your legs, or other lower extremities used for movement is broken. Your Speed is reduced by 2.
Recovery Condition. You can attempt to Recover from this Wound if, after injury, the injured extremity was not actively used since your last Rest, such as by being on bed-rest, using crutches, or using other protective measures.

Grievous Wounds

Grievous Wounds have their own unique way of recovery.

Mortal Blow

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Might (DC10)

Those suffering from a Mortal Blow are at risk of death. After you deal Damage with an Attack, you halve that Damage. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Might Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Lodged Metal

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Agility (DC10)

You have shards of metal or other materials lodged inside of you, and one wrong move could be the end of you. You reduce your Movement by half. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Agility Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Speed (DC10)

Your entire body begins slowing down, and unless you can fight it off your heart will soon stop. You have a -1 penalty to all Checks, Attacks, and Defense Rolls you make. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Speed Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Dulling Mind

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Lore (DC10)

Your mind begins to decay and dissolve. You no longer have Reactions and you can only take Free Actions by spending 1 Action. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Lore Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.


Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Wisdom (DC10)

You are disoriented and completely out of the thick of things. When you make an Attack or Defense Roll, you reduce the Die Size by 1 Step. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Wisdom Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.

Breaking Will

Traits Recovery Stats
Grievous Wound, Death Spirit (DC10)

Your will has begun to falter, and soon you will fall. You can only use a number of features per Round equal to your Spirit. Whenever you suffer a Wound (including this one), make a Spirit Check with a DC equal to the number of Wounds you have. If you fail the Check, you gain the At Death's Door Grievous Wound and Recover from this Wound.
If you spend a full 8 Hours resting and recovering, you can attempt to Recover from this Wound.



Caption text
Name Attack Die Stats Used Stats Targeted Group Traits
Short Sword 1d6 Might, Agility Might, Agility Sword Versatile (Piercing or Slashing),

Weapon Traits

Versatile. You choose one of the Traits in the parenthesis after the Versatile to have active, you can swap them as a Free Action, even on a different turn. The ability is considered to have whichever Trait is currently active.










Fighters are well-rounded warriors, who fight with powerful armor and weapons, either in the thick of combat, or from the sidelines with powerful ranged options. [For design: because they get a new Maneuver every even Level, they can get a less powerful feature at these Levels.]

Starting Class Benefits

If this is the first Class you gain a Level in, you gain the following benefits:

  • Ability Boost. Might or Agility
  • Offensive Proficiencies. Basic Weapons, Advanced Weapons
  • Defensive Proficiencies. Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields
  • Skill Proficiencies. 3

Attack of Opportunity

1st Level Fighter Feature
You're reaction times have quickened, allowing you to take advantage on your enemy's weaknesses when they present themselves. When a Foe within your Reach makes a Ranged Attack or willingly leaves their space, you can use a Reaction to Attack that Foe.

Second Wind

1st Level Fighter Feature
You gain the ability to draw on a deep well of fortitude. You can spend 1 Action and spend 1 Energy to attempt to recover from one of your Wounds using Might or Agility instead of the listed Recovery Stat.

Combat Maneuvers

2nd Level Fighter Feature
Not all Fighters use the same skills and tactics in a battle, each one uses their own unique blend of maneuvers, tactics, and flourishes. Choose two Maneuvers detailed at the end of the Fighter Class Description to learn, these represent your various fighting styles. You learn an additional Maneuver at 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th Level in this class. [Maneuvers would use Energy].

Fighter League

3rd, and more, Level Fighter Feature
You choose a Fighter League from the following table which represents the specializations and fighting styles you replicate.

Fighter League Complexity Level League Description
Banneret's League Example Example
Champion's League Example Example
Double Knight's League Example Example
Eldritch Archer's League Example Example
Samurai's League Example Example

Muscle Memory

4th Level Fighter Feature
You have honed your muscle memory and practiced to react in the blink of an eye. Once per turn, you can Swap Items as a Free Action.

Push On

5th Level Fighter Feature
At the start of your Turn, you can spend 1 Energy to gain 1 additional Action on that turn. You can do this only once per Turn.


6th Level Fighter Feature

Sweeping Strikes

7th Level Fighter Feature
After an Attack resolves in which you Wounded a Foe, you can make an Attack targeting a Foe within 1 Meter of the Wounded creature as a Free Action. This Attack uses the information of the Attack you used to Wound the original target, except that it uses 1d4 for its Attack Roll.

Combat Maneuvers


When you make a Defense Roll, you can use a Reaction and spend 1 Energy to increase your Defense Die by 1 Step.


When you Wound a Foe with an Attack, you can spend 1 Energy to force it to drop one of the Items its holding, and you push the Item 3 Meters in a direction of your choice.

Fighter Leagues

Champion's League

Champions have some of the most general combat prowess of any type of Fighter.

Combat Prowess

3rd Level Champion's League Feature
Champion's have honed their strikes to deal bone-cracking blows. When you deal Damage with an Attack, you deal an additional 1d4 Damage. This Die increases by 1 Step when you become 7th (1d6), 11th (1d8), 15th (1d10), and 19th (1d12) Level Fighter. [The die should increase a step every time Fighter's get a subclass feature.]
















Vanguards are bastions of protection on the front-line of combat, acting as a ward between their allies and those who would dare harm them.

Starting Class Benefits

If this is the first Class you gain a Level in, you gain the following benefits:

  • Ability Boost. Might
  • Offensive Proficiencies. Basic Weapons
  • Defensive Proficiencies. Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields
  • Skill Proficiencies. 2 + Lore (if positive)

Wall of Defense

1st Level Vanguard Feature
You are an insurmountable wall in combat that acts as a shield to protect your allies and to resist damage. Your Defense Die increases by one Step. Also, when a Hero adjacent to you is Attacked, you can use your Reaction to become the target of that Attack.

Vanguard Mandate

2nd, and more, Level Vanguard Feature
You choose a Vanguard Mandate from the following table which represents the way your defend your allies and the tactics you employ to do so.

Vanguard Mandates Complexity Level Mandate Description
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example



